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Bracing for a long battle against COVID-19: General Use Face Shields designed by PolyU ready for mass production

The situation in Hong Kong has become more critical amid the rise of confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections. Experts have warned that members of the public should prepare for a long fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past few months, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has been closely monitoring the situation and has devised plans to help contain the spread of the coronavirus. In February 2020, PolyU designed and started producing disposable face shields for the Hospital Authority in order to alleviate the immediate need for protective gear amongst frontline medical professionals. PolyU today announced the launch of two new reusable face shields, namely “General Use Face Shield” and “Extra Protection Face Shield”, both of which will soon be available at affordable prices. It is hoped that the face shields could provide enhanced protection for the public in their daily lives and working environment thus minimising the risks of virus transmission in the community.   Together with his team, Professor HC MAN, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Director of the University Research Facility in 3D Printing, PolyU, has designed the “General Use Face Shield” for the public. The specially designed face shield, which provides full-face coverage, will help to protect from the spread of droplet-transmitted diseases. Currently, the government urges the public to practise social distancing, but for those who need to go to work or attend an essential event, wearing a face shield would definitely help to reduce the risk of infection. Also, it is important for frontline staff of those service industries which serve their customers in close proximity, and care-givers who take care of elderly people living alone, to wear a face shield in addition to a regular face mask for maximum protection. While for schoolchildren who tend to rub their eyes unintentionally, wearing a face shield would help prevent them from touching their face with their hands and subsequently reduce the risk of them getting infected.   Professor Man pointed out that his team has taken into account not only the functionality but also the cost-effectiveness of the material used when designing a face shield for general use. He explained, “Both types of face shield are reusable after cleaning as they are made of lightweight and environmentally-friendly PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) plastic material using the vacuum forming technique, which helps to lower production costs. Our research team used 3D printing technology to develop a prototype and has conducted multiple rounds of tests and modifications. We then invited frontline staff from the social welfare sector to try out the new face shields. We are delighted that our team has received positive feedback from users. In the fight against this months-long pandemic, we hope that these face shields designed will benefit more people in need”. Professor Man expressed gratitude to the social welfare organisations involved for providing valuable feedback, which helped in modifying the designs. He said the design of “General Use Face Shield” and “Extra Protection Face Shield” would not fog up easily, thanks to their unique designs that help to maintain visual clarity, while also providing a comfortable wearing experience for users. The “General Use Face Shield” is suitable for everyone; while the “Extra Protection Face Shield” offers broader protection by covering the forehead and hair. PolyU has handed over the designs to a manufacturer for mass production and is expecting the first delivery in late April 2020. The first batch of face shields will be dispatched to the PolyU community, including staff, students and frontline workers on campus. Donations to various social welfare partners will also be made in due course.   Professor Alexander WAI Ping-kong, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, said, “As the second wave of COVID-19 has swept the globe, it is unlikely that the epidemic will subside in a short time. While we are seeking sustainable measures to cope with the situation, we also have to learn to live with the virus until we have an effective antiviral drug available in the market. We are particularly concerned about the needs of medical professionals with regard to protective gear, and we understand the challenges encountered by the frontline workers in the social welfare sector and service industries. Designing face shields is not rocket science, but PolyU will strive to do whatever we can to contribute to the community and work hand in hand with Hong Kong people to fight against the outbreak with our innovative minds and pragmatic solutions.” Earlier, care-givers and frontline staff of the Christian Family Service Centre and the Hong Kong Christian Service were invited to try out the new face shields. All users expressed appreciation with regard to the comfortable wearing experience, saying that the face shields are especially suitable for staff working long hours. When providing care for their patients, the provision of a face shield would also help set at ease the minds of frontline staff. They hoped that the face shields would be made widely used in the community soon, so that more frontline staff would enjoy a better protection during the epidemic.

2 Apr, 2020


PolyU designs a new 3D-printed face shield for HA • Mass production in local factories will help fulfil the imminent needs of medical personnel

In the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face shields and disposable gowns are badly needed in hospitals. With a view to alleviating the imminent need for protective gear amongst frontline medical professionals, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has been collaborating with Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QE) and the Hospital Authority (HA) respectively to design and produce 3D-printed eye shields and face shields. PolyU has mobilised all its 3D printers in its University Research Facility in 3D Printing (U3DP) and in other departments to operate 24 hours a day to produce 700 eye shields and over 800 face shields over the last 10 days.  With support from the local manufacturing industry with which PolyU has strong connections, the production of face shields has been increased to 10,000 pieces per day starting from today, and will reach 30,000 pieces per day by late March. It is hoped that this steady supply of face shields will help meet the imminent needs of Hong Kong's frontline medical personnel. "During the coronavirus outbreak, solidarity is one of the essential elements to battle the disease. The partnership between PolyU, HA/QE and the industry is a good example that embodies the spirit of 'when one place suffers, aid come from all sides'. We join hands to overcome these difficult times together," said Professor Alexander WAI Ping-kong, Vice President (Research Development), Deputy President and Provost designate, PolyU. Dr Vivien CHUANG, HA Chief Manager (Infection, Emergency and Contingency) said, PolyU has made every effort to develop a swift solution for rapidly producing face shields and to help us line up domestic production, thus we can fill up the stockpile of face shields to meet our need during the epidemic.  "I would like to express our deep gratitude to PolyU and all local manufacturers for their full support and active participation to make this meaningful collaboration a successful one." Dr Chuang added. From design, to mould-making, and finally to production took just a fortnight. This is very exceptional in terms of the short time taken in manufacturing a product, and thanks are due to the dedication and seamless support from the industry. "Since the face shield is a one-off disposable item, we chose a less expensive PLA filament material to develop the 3D printed frame and attached it with a plastic clear film. We also leveraged the studies of our School of Design in the comparison of head size between Asians and Westerners in order to design a face shield that better fits Chinese wearers. Designed by PolyU and made in Hong Kong, this is a testament to the competence and capability of the Hong Kong manufacturing industry. We can do it and we must do it. I am especially heartened by our friends in industry who have pledged their support without a second thought," said Professor HC MAN, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Director of University Research Facility in 3D Printing, PolyU. [From PolyU Media Release] Related News Articles: 3D printing at cutting edge of virus protection [中國日報 (China Daily)] 香港理工大學研製本地制防護面罩 日供萬個 [鳳凰網 (] The Polytechnic University lab 3D printing face shields for coronavirus-battling Hong Kong hospital workers [南華早報 (South China Morning Post)] 理大研發「香港製造」防護面罩 日產萬件供醫管局 [香港01 (HK01)] 理大3D打印技術 研發新型防護面罩 [東方日報 (Oriental Daily News) / 星島日報 (Sing Tao Daily) / 明報 (Ming Pao Daily News) / 經濟日報 (Hong Kong Economic Times) / 大公報 (Ta Kung Pao) / 文匯報 (Wen Wei Po) / 成報 (Sing Pao) / 晴報 (Sky Post) / 香港仔 (Lion Rock Daily)]

25 Feb, 2020


User Group Meeting

The first U3DP user group meeting was successfully held on 22 January 2020. During the meeting, operational report was presented. Prof. H.C. Man, director of U3DP, has discussed the future plan of U3DP with the user group members.  

22 Jan, 2020


Award-winning Student Project

Students used 3D Printing to realize the "Snaker Spoon" - a product designed for both children and adults with special needs, in particular those with upper limb disabilities. The product received a gold award in an international rehabilitation innovation challenge! Congratulations!   [From PolyU Media Release]   Related news from Stratasys: PolyU wins the Gold Award with “Snaker Spoon" invention Stratasys助力香港理工大学制作“蛇勺”勇夺发明金奖

2 Sep, 2019

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