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Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 2D Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph


Ultima 3000

The Thermo Scientific 2D Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph UltiMate 3000 DGLC with DGP-3600RS pump connected with our existing Thermofisher Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Mass Spectrometer with new nanoLC and nanoESI ion source provided allows the identification and quantification of thousands of proteins in one sample injection. The new 2D UPLC improve the analytical capabilities in proteomics. For example, varieties of proteomics analysis such as protein/peptide identification, posttranslational modification analysis, isobaric mass tagging quantitation and label-free quantitation, which are common approaches in drug research, protein-protein interaction study, protein-drug interaction study and biomarker discovery applications, can be performed in PolyU.


Notes to users:

First-time users must be trained by equipment-in-charge before they can use the instrument independently.


Contact information:

Location: W711, 7/F, Block W, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Equipment-in-change: Dr. Sirius TSE (Office: TU503)
Telephone: 3400 8878

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