Location & Map

A) Location

= PolyU Student Halls, 1 Hung Lai Road, Hung Hom, Hong Kong 香港 紅磡 紅荔道一號 香港理工大學學生宿舍

B) How to get to Hung Hom

  • At Hong Kong airport, take Airbus A21 to reach Hung Hom Station.
  • At Lo Wu, take MTR to Hung Hom Station

C) From Hung Hom Station to Student Halls

  • Take a taxi at Hung Hom Station (address of the Student Halls is 1 Hung Lai Road, Hung Hom); or
  • Walk to Student Halls in 10 minutes: Find Exit B in MTR Hung Hom Station, then follow Exit B1 to a footbridge via Royal Peninsula to Student Halls (video)

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D) Student Halls & Hung Hom

E) Taste of Hometown in Hung Hom (information kindly collected by School of Design students: Carol Yeung Nga Lun and Eli Lo Wah Kei. Last updated: Dec. 2010)