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New Warden of Xuemin Hall

Reported by Shera Iu, Xuemin Hal

  Miss Jenny Chung is the new warden of Xuemin Hall who started her work at hall in late August this year. She applied for the post of warden because she missed the chance of residing at hall during her university days and would like to take this opportunity to make up for the “loss”.

Having been a hall warden for nearly three months, she believes that hall life has endowed her with a feeling of freshness and she really has learned a lot of things from it. For instance, she can understand students better as she has more interaction with them. Apart from that, she has learned that team work is the essential element of hall life as excellence can only be achieved under a collaborative environment.

Through a short period, Jenny has gained some impressive and interesting experiences. For example, she finds that life at hall is really busy and she has to adapt herself to work at night as most of the meetings are held at night. She also got an unforgettable experience of being woken up by a midnight phone call because a student was not feeling well. On the other hand, through cooperating with the Hall Association members in organising functions like Orientation Day, Info Day and High Table Dinner, she has been deeply impressed by their unity and effort for perfection. Therefore, she believes that the hall is serving as a place where students can explore and develop their potentials and interests.

On the whole, she is very fond of being a hall warden and she is especially pleased when the number of Xuemin Hall residents is soaring. She hopes to see students growing and cultivating a sense of belonging in this small community which is filled with love and care.