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Constitution of OAA


Members of the Executive Committee will be elected in the annual general meeting (AGM) when there is a vacancy  or a new post is created. Notice to members will be given at least 14 days prior to the election.

A candidate for election should have been a member of OAA for no less than two years and nominated by one and seconded by another member. Any member who nominates a candidate must have the written consent of the candidate to serve in that capacity.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will include the following members, for a term of office of two years:

Authority is delegated to the Executive Committee to establish sub-committees to oversee various activities.

Chairman Miss Yung Ka Sin Anita, BSc. Optom (Hons)
Treasurer Miss Ip Hoi Shan Sophia, BSc. Optom (Hons)
Secretary Mr Leung Man Kei, BSc. Optom (Hons)
Committee Member Mr. Chiu Sin Fai, HC. Optom
Committee Member, Departmental Alumni Liaison Officer Dr. Chan Ho Lung Henry, PD. Optom, PhD

Use of Funds

Only the President, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer are authorised to sign cheques and use the funds of OAA. However, all expenditure and expenses must be deemed necessary in connection with the management and activities of OAA. The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible to produce the annual financial statements.

Dissolution of the Committee

The Committee can be dissolved in one of the following procedures:

The extra-ordinary general meeting can be called upon by:

  1. the Executive Committee, or
  2. the signature of 40 members.

Amendment of Constitution

Any amendment to the Constitution can be made in similar procedures as above.


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