Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU School of Optometry

Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU School of Optometry 2022

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The School of Optometry of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, formerly known as the Department of Diagnostic Sciences and Department of Radiography and Optometry, was established in 1978. The School of Optometry has been committed to pursuing quality teaching and undertaking impactful research with the dedicated efforts of competent faculty members, clinical staff, and researchers. Our Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Optometry and Doctor of Health Science (Optometry) programmes as well as on-campus teaching clinic are recognized as among the best in Asia. Over the past four decades, the School has nurtured over 1,400 graduates to promote and deliver high-quality vision care to the community.

The Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU School of Optometry aims to give public recognition to the outstanding graduates for their professional achievements and significant contributions to the community and their alma mater.

(I) Eligibility

The nominee must be a bona fide graduate who has successfully completed full-time or part-time programme offered by the School of Optometry/Department of Diagnostic Sciences/Department of Radiography and Optometry, PolyU (or its forerunner: Hong Kong Polytechnic), which led to an academic award.


(II) Nomination

(a) Nomination can be made by:

  • graduates of the School of Optometry/Department of Diagnostic Sciences/Department of Radiography and Optometry, PolyU (or its forerunner: Hong Kong Polytechnic)
  • current and former staff members of the School of Optometry/Department of Diagnostic Sciences/Department of Radiography and Optometry, PolyU (or its forerunner: Hong Kong Polytechnic)
  • current and former members of Advisory Committee of the School of Optometry/Department of Diagnostic Sciences/Department of Radiography and Optometry, PolyU (or its forerunner: Hong Kong Polytechnic)

(b) Proposers should have obtained nominees’ consent before submitting the nominations. There is no limit to the number of nominations to be submitted by each proposer. However, the proposer cannot be the candidate himself/herself or a direct relative of the candidate.

(c) The proposer can submit his/her nomination(s) to the School of Optometry via email at so.oaa@polyu.edu.hk with his/her written recommendations and the curriculum vitae of the nominee by 31 October 2021.

(d) Download Nomination Form HERE.


(III) Schedule

Schedule Activity Concerned Party

By September 2021

Call for nominations

School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

By 31 October 2021

Submission of nomination(s)


By mid-December 2021

Selection of awardees

Panel of Judges,School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

By late December 2021

Result announcement

School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


(IV) Award Categories and Selection Criteria

There are four award categories, namely “Professional Achievement”, “Entrepreneurial Achievement”, “Scholarly Achievement” and “Community Service Achievement”. Selection criteria for each category are listed below.

Selection is based on the nominee’s accomplishments in his/her personal achievements in the field, contributions to the community, and support and contributions to the School of Optometry/Department of Diagnostic Sciences/Department of Radiography and Optometry and PolyU.

Award Category Description

Professional Achievement

This category recognises alumni who have attained distinguished achievements, demonstrated exemplary leadership and made a strong impact on their profession/ industry.

Entrepreneurial Achievement

This category recognises alumni who have demonstrated outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship, founded and advanced business or technology ventures with social impact.

Scholarly Achievement

This category recognises alumni scholars who have made notable scholarly or research contributions in their disciplines, with proven track record and excellent reputation in the field.

Community Service Achievement

This category recognises alumni who have made impactful contributions to the communities, or demonstrated an extraordinary level of commitment, volunteerism and/or philanthropy for promoting the wellbeing of the communities.


  1. Outstanding alumni aged under 40 by the end of the award year can be honoured with the Outstanding Young Alumni Award in the respective category.
  2. In addition to the above criteria for the respective award categories which will account for 80% of the scores, a common criterion, “Support and Contribution to PolyU”, will account for 20% of the scores. Regarding “Support and Contribution to PolyU”, it can be in the form of advisory roles in the University/Faculty/Department, support rendered to PolyU’s initiatives including financial/in-kind donation and sponsorship, or leadership and contribution to alumni events and activities.
  3. One senior awardee (aged 40 or above by the end of the award year) and one young awardee (aged under 40 by the end of the award year) should normally be identified each year. However, the bestowal of the award shall subject to individual merits of the candidates. No award shall be given in a certain category if no suitable candidate is identified.


(V) Award Title

The awardees will be honoured with:

Award Title Awardees

Outstanding Alumni Award in Professional Achievement/ Entrepreneurial Achievement/Scholarly Achievement/ Community Service Achievement of PolyU School of Optometry
理大眼科視光學院傑出校友專業成就/創業成就/學術成就/ 社會服務成就獎

For awardees aged 40 or above by the end of the award year.

Outstanding Young Alumni Award in Professional Achievement/ Entrepreneurial Achievement/Scholarly Achievement/ Community Service Achievement of PolyU School of Optometry

For awardees aged under 40 by the end of the award year.

The awardees of the current year will be nominated to the Faculty Award.


(VI) Enquiry

For enquiries, please contact the School of Optometry of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University at so.oaa@polyu.edu.hk .