The Optometry Alumni Association of PolyU

In order to strengthen the links between the graduates and the School as well as PolyU, The Optometry Alumni Association (OAA) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has been established. We aim at:

  • Encouraging co-operation and promoting friendship among members;
  • Serving as a communication channel among the members, PolyU and other organizations;
  • Promoting and maintaining the status of members;
  • Providing professional development information to its members;
  • Organizing recreational, social and cultural activities for the benefit of members;
  • Promoting welfare to its members.

You are eligible to apply for admission as Ordinary Members or Life Members of OAA if you are a graduate from either of the following full-time or part-time courses:

  • BSc (Hons) in Optometry
  • MSc in Optometry
  • MPhil in Optometry
  • PhD in Optometry
  • Professional Diploma in Optometry
  • Higher Certificate in Optometry
  • Certificate in Optometry

Membership Categories

Ordinary Members
Graduates who completed an optometry course in the Department of Optometry and Radiography or School of Optometry of the Hong Kong Polytechnic and/ or The Hong Kong Polytechnic University can be admitted to Ordinary Membership upon payment of HK$50 membership fee annually.

Life Members
Graduates who completed an optometry course in the Department of Optometry and Radiography or School of Optometry of the Hong Kong Polytechnic and/ or The Hong Kong Polytechnic University can be admitted to Life Membership upon payment of HK$500 membership fee.

Honorary Members
Any person whom OAA wishes to honour for services to the Association or to the community will, upon the approval of the OAA Committee, become an Honorary Member. The subscription is HK$1,000.

Benefits Offered to OAA Members

All OAA members can enjoy 20% discount on the Continuous Professional Development Programmes (CPD) organized by our School.

If you have joined the membership of The Federation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Associations (FHKPUAA), you can also enjoy the benefits offered by the FHKPUAA. For further information, please visit the website of FHKPUAA:

How to join us?

Your participation is important. Please fill in the Membership Registration Form and send it back to us by post, email or fax.

Address: The Optometry Alumni Association,
School of Optometry,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hunghom, Kowloon.
Fax: (852) 2764 6051