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Research Subject Recruitment


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Recruitment Status  

Short-term effect of Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) lens on choroidal thickness of schoolchildren

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Ka-man Chun


  • Children aged between 6-13 years
  • Myopia: at least -1.00D in both eyes
  • Astigmatism: -4.00D or less
  • Anisometropia: 1.50D or less
  • No history on myopia control such as myopic control contact lenses and spectacle lenses, orthokeratology or atropine
  • No squint (crossed eye), amblyopia (lazy eye) or colour vision deficiencies   

Recruitment in progress.

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Effectiveness of bright light therapy, myopic defocus and the combinations for controlling myopic eye growth in schoolchildren: A randomized control trial

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Chi-ho To



  • Children aged between 7 -12 years
  • Myopia between -0.75D to -5.00 D
  • Astigmatism: less than ≤ -1.50 D
  • No history on myopia control such as atropine, orthokeratology, or myopic control contact lenses and spectacle lenses
  • No squint (crossed eye) or amblyopia (lazy eye)

Recruitment in progress.

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Anterior eye assessment Subject recruitment

Principal Investigator:
Dr Thomas Lam

WhatsApp: 5725 7392


  • Age 13 years old or above (parental consent is required for participants aged under 18 years old)
  • Lived in Hong Kong for at least 3 years

Recruitment in progress.

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis

The process of adjusting intraocular pressure in people with non-high and high myopia

Principal Investigator:
Dr Andrew Lam

Ms Xu
Tel.: 6314 3025



  • Aged 20-30
  • Myopia ≥ -12.00D
  • Good general health and no ocular diseases
  • No history of ocular surgery

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis

Monthly disposable orthokeratology lenses  (OK lenses) for new wearers

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Pauline Cho

Dr Peggy Cheung
Tel.: 9250 7717



  • Chinese children aged between 6 and 10

  • Both eyes with refractive sphere -0.75 to -4.00 DS; refractive cylinder ≤ -1.50 DC and anisometropia ≤ -1.00 D

  • Normal vision, binocular function and accommodative status

  • Normal health with no contra-indication for OK lens wear

  • No prior experience in contact lens wear and myopia control treatment

Subject recruitment completed

Children Myopia Control Research Study

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Henry Chan

Ms. Wong
Tel.: 5395 4702/ 6570 6030



  • Aged 8-12
  • Myopia between -1.00 to -4.00 D
  • Astigmatism: less than half of spherical error
  • No systemic diseases or ocular abnormalities
  • Suitable candidate for orthokeratology
  • No history of ocular surgery
  • No history on myopia control such as orthokeratology lenses, atropine treatment or any myopia control lenses

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis

Effect of Caffeine on Ocular Circulation in High Myopes

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Andrew Lam

Ms. Law

  • Aged 20-29 or 40-49
  • Myopia of at least -6D and astigmatism less than -2D
  • Free of ocular and systemic diseases
  • Non-smoker  

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis

Ocular aberrations in emmetropic schoolchildren

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Rachel Chun and Dr. Jeffrey Leung 

Ms. Yvonne Li
Tel.: 2766 4148



  • Aged 8-13
  • Hyperopia ≤ +1.50D or Myopia ≤ -0.50D
  • Astigmatism ≤ -1.50D
  • Good general health and no ocular diseases
  • No strabismus and amblyopia

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis

Orthokeratology for High Myopia (OHM)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Pauline Cho

Ms. Yang
Tel.: 6486 2435

  • Aged 7-13
  • Good general health without any chronic diseases
  • Myopia: at least -5.00D in both eyes
  • Astigmatism: ≤ 1.50D
  • Difference between eyes: ≤ 2.00D
  • No strabismus, amblyopia or other ocular diseases
  • No previous history of myopia control

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis

Oculomotor deficits in Parkinson’s Disease

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Allen Cheong

Ms. Tsang
Tel.: 3400 2913/ 6103 5944



People with or without Parkinson’s disease are all welcome:

  • Aged 40-70
  • Good vision
  • Able to speak and comprehend Chinese (Cantonese)
  • No squint or lazy eye
  • No known eye diseases
  • No medical problems, e.g. stoke, etc.
  • No medical surgery: e.g. heart surgery, brain surgery, etc.
  • No cognitive impairments, e.g. dementia, etc.

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis

Impact of excessively illuminated and glare environment on visual and balance performance during navigation of the visually impaired

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Allen Cheong

Ms. Suen
WhatsApp/ Tel.: 9734 2120

  • Aged 50-65
  • Able to walk independently without aids
  • No fall history in recent three months
  • Good vision, no known eye disease or eye surgery history
  • No hearing problem or significant medical history e.g. stoke, cancer, heart disease or cognitive impairment etc
  • Able to speak Cantonese and read Traditional Chinese

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis

Myopia control using optimized optical defocus in schoolchildren – a 12 months randomized double masked control trial

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Carly Lam 

Ms. Zhang
Tel.: 3400 3389

  • Aged 8-13
  • Myopia between -1.00 to -5.00 D
  • Astigmatism ≤ -1.00 D
  • No ocular diseases
  • No prior use of any drugs or optical devices of myopia control

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis