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PolyU Optometry to Launch Eye and Vision Research Centre under InnoHK Cluster

Date: 11 Oct 2021

In support of the Hong Kong government’s new initiative, InnoHK Clusters, which aims to develop Hong Kong as a hub for global research collaboration, PolyU School of Optometry has joined forces with the University of Waterloo in Canada to develop research centre under the newly established research cluster – Health@InnoHK (focusing on healthcare related technologies), in a bid to bring together leading researchers from around the world to conduct impactful collaborative research in Hong Kong.

The School is pleased to establish the world-class Centre for Eye and Vision Research (CEVR) at the Hong Kong Science Park under the government-funded InnoHK initiative. The CEVR aims at facilitating global interdisciplinary collaborations in research and commercialisation of resultant new technologies to prevent vision loss or restore healthy vision.

Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, Professor Wing-tak Wong, is pleased with the University’s contribution to the InnoHK initiative, stating that, “Innovation and technology (I&T) has always been one of the key drivers of economic development. With the rapid development of the Nation and the Greater Bay Area bringing unprecedented opportunities for I&T, Hong Kong will play an even more important role in the ongoing process of innovation.” He added, “By partnering with world-acclaimed institutions to establish research centres in InnoHK’s two research clusters, PolyU hopes to fully leverage each institution’s academic strengths to bring about significant research breakthroughs, and thereby create impactful technology that boosts the economy and brings benefits to society.”

Bob Lemieux, Dean of Science at the University of Waterloo said, “We are proud to be partnering with an exceptional institution like PolyU on this critical initiative. CEVR is already bringing the University of Waterloo’s entrepreneurial culture to Hong Kong as the research team tackles the world’s biggest questions in the field of vision science – from discovery and clinical application to commercialisation.”

Centre for Eye and Vision Research (CEVR)
Under the Health@InnoHK cluster, CEVR has been set up as a joint partnership between PolyU and the University of Waterloo, Canada. CEVR promotes eye health with clinical, basic and applied research, and develops ground-breaking technologies to prevent vision loss and preserve sight among the ageing population. CEVR runs five research programmes, namely Myopia and Eye Growth, Ocular Drug Discovery and Delivery, Vision Enhancement, Tear Film and Ocular Surface, and Advanced Optometric Technology.

For more details about the CEVR, please visit

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