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In memory of Prof. Michel Millodot

Date: 02 Nov 2021

In memory of Prof. Michel Millodot, Emeritus Professor of Optometry, former Dean of FHSS and Head of School

Prof. Michel Millodot It is with great sadness that the School notes the passing of Prof. Michel Millodot, Emeritus Professor of Optometry, former Dean of FHSS, former Head of the predecessor of SO and an inspirational mentor to a generation of optometry academics in Hong Kong, Israel and the UK.

Prof. Millodot joined the then Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1990 as Head of the then Department of Diagnostic Sciences and later as Dean of FHSS. Ever conscious of the professional nature of the disciplines hosted by the department, he championed the re-titling of the department to the Department of Optometry and Radiography. His tenure marked the beginning of fundamental research underpinning professional disciplines in the department, a vision which has propelled PolyU-Optometry research to world-class standing today.

Prof. Millodot oversaw the faculty’s transition as the then polytechnic became a university in 1994. His considerable experience in established western universities contributed to a rapid and smooth transition of the faculty’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to university-level standing. Throughout, his heart was never too far from optometry as he continued to mentor and collaborate with young optometry scholars. His mild manner, readiness to listen and coach, and infinite kindness made him the “favourite uncle”of optometry academics and students.

When Prof. Millodot retired from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1996, he was appointed Professor Emeritus of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He kept in touch with many of us in the School, always happy to hear when we do well. He continued his interest in research, publishing as recent as 2020.

Prof. Millodot, our beloved favourite uncle, has left an indelible legacy on PolyU-Optometry which can be seen in the enthusiasm of the young scientists in the cutting edge basic science laboratories of the School and Faculty. His vision, health disciplines underpinned by strong fundamental scientific research, continues to shine brightly in the PolyU.