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Our Research

Highlights of RGC-Funded Projects

Principal Investigator
Project Title
Dr Thomas LAM A Comprehensive Retinal Proteome and Phosphoproteome Analysis in Lens-Induces Myopia in Mammalian Guinea Pig (Cavia Porcellus) Using a Next Generation Hybrid TripleTOF Mass Spectrometer with SWATH Acquisition
Dr Chi-wai DO Baicalein – A Novel Pharmacological Agent for the Treatment of Glaucoma
Dr Andrew LAM 
Corneal Stiffness and Tangent Modulus to Predict the Rate of Corneal Curvature Change in Corneal Reshaping Therapy
Dr Chea-su KEE
Experimentally Induced Astigmatism: Its Effect on Myopia Development, and Its Neurobiological Basis
Dr Henry CHAN Foveal Function and Peripheral Refractive Errors in Emmetropization
Dr Bin LIN Inhibition of Colony-Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor (CSFIR) Signaling in Microglia Delays the Progression of the Chronic Neurodegeneration in Retinitis Pigmentosa and
Ectopic Expression of the Light-Sensitive Protein Melanopsin in Rod Photoreceptors Prevents Retinal Degeneration
Prof. Chi-ho TO
The Effects of Myopia on Outflow Facility of Guinea Pig Eyes