Other Eye Care Centres

The Integrative Community Health Centre at Lai King

The Integrative Community Health Centre (ICHC) is the first off-campus health centre of PolyU in Lai King. The ICHC is built on the concept of integrative holistic health care, and aims at providing health protection to the community. It strives to promote the well-being of the public through application-oriented and theory-informed practice. The ultimate goal of ICHC is community empowerment for positive health management.

Besides delivering primary eye care consultations and vision rehabilitation service to the community, we are also keen on providing community services such as the Vision Hong Kong project and the diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening service. 

Primary Eye Care Consultation

Primary eye care is a consultation held by registered optometrists or student optometrists under the supervision of our staff to carry out a comprehensive array of investigations aiming at determining the status of your vision and eye health.

A typical consultation includes the following assessments:

• Case history
• Assessment of vision
• Measurement of refractive error
• Assessment of the coordination between the two eyes
• Evaluation of ocular health
• Diagnosis and management of visual conditions

At the end of the consultation, our optometrist will discuss the clinical findings with you and make recommendations.

Optical Dispensing Service

We provide optical dispensing service; you can choose suitable frames and lenses after the consultation.

Vision Rehabilitation Service

Low vision refers to a condition of diminished visual performance which cannot be rectified by surgical or medical means or by conventional optical correction. It may be caused by various conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, optic atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa or other visual disorders.

We offer comprehensive vision rehabilitation assessments and prescribe vision rehabilitation devices which range from simple magnifiers and telescopes to complex computer adaptive technology such as closed circuit television (CCTVs). With the help of vision rehabilitation devices, the remaining vision of people with vision rehabilitation can be enhanced to cope with their daily tasks such as reading, writing and studying in order to improve their quality of life.
Often two to three visits may be necessary to complete the assessment, with each visit lasting for about 1 to 2 hours.

Kwai Tsing Signature Project Scheme –Optometric /Ocular examination

The Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administration Region announced in his 2013 Policy Address that HK$100 million would be earmarked for each district to initiate projects under the Signature Project Scheme, with the project to address local needs, or highlight the characteristics of the district and to have a visible and lasting impact on the community.

The School of Optometry collaborated with Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association to provide over 10,000 subsidized comprehensive eye examinations to Kwai Tsing district’s elderly residents during 2015 to 2020. Under the Scheme, all eligible Kwai Tsing residents aged 50 years or above applied for an eye examination through the Kwai Tsing District Office which drew lots for the applications. Over the 5 years of the eye care project, our School provided the eye examinations at our student clinic in the Integrative Community Health Centre and prescribed spectacles for eligible patients, with the eye examinations and spectacles service subsidized through the Signature Project Scheme in the Kwai Tsing district (project website: http://www.kwaitsingsps.org.hk).


For booking and enquiries, please contact ICHC:  

Tel: (852) 2370 1799

Ground Floor, No. 7-10, Yeung King House, Lai King Estate, Kwai Chung, N.T. 
(Lai King MTR station A3 exit; approximately 5 minutes from MTR station to the centre)

Email: ichc.clinic@polyu.edu.hk



Download The Integrative Community Health Centre (ICHC) Leaflet