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BSc (Honours) Scheme in Optometry
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Classes of 1994-99

Jenny Kho
BSc (Hons) in Optometry (1999)

"I am an optometrist running my own optometric centre, where I practise comprehensive Optometry.

A few years ago, I was working for an optical chain store, and one day, a middle aged lady came for consultation due to blurred vision. She continued to complain of lack of clarity of the letters on the charts. I picked up my ophthalmoscope and examined her fundus. To my horror, leaking blood vessels were found, and the optic nerve heads were blurred. From what I have learnt, these signs and symptoms pointed to possible serious problems inside the brain. She was advised to get treatment for this condition as soon as possible.

Two weeks later, the lady told me that she had taken my warning and sought medical advice. It turned out that she had a brain tumour. An operation was immediately scheduled, and the surgery was successful.

She expressed her deep appreciation for my advice. She had not expected that a visit to the optometrist would save her life.

She left with a smile, and her smile became the motivation for me to practise comprehensive Optometry. It provided the reason for me to start my own practice, and in the process, not only provide vision care, but perhaps, to save lives too."


Allen Cheong
BSc (Hons) in Optometry (1999) 

"Upon completing my undergraduate degree, I pursued my PhD study in the area of low vision at the School of Optometry in Queensland University of Technology under the advisement of Prof Jan Lovie-Kitchin. My graduate study enriched my experience of vision rehabilitation and optometric care for low vision patients.

To broaden my research background in this curriculum, I continued my postdoctoral training with Dr Duane Geruschat at the Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University and Prof Gordon Legge at the Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota. These overseas training and working experiences strengthened my research foundation.

In September 2008, I returned to the School as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015 to continue my teaching and research interests in psychophysical, behavioral, and clinical aspects of ageing and low vision research."


Eric Fong
BSc (Hons) in Optometry (1997)

"In the twinkling of an eye, I have graduated from PolyU for over 10 years. After graduation, I worked at a private practice where I gained experience in managing an optometric business.  

In 2005, I joined a medical group as a business partner and started to run my own Optometry clinic. I have been providing full scope of Optometry services, especially services of children eye care and vision therapy, with well equipped state-of-the-art instruments. With the support from the group, the message of the importance of "Primary Eye Care" is promoted to different corporations and insurers. Now I own two practices in Hong Kong. Currently I am a Visiting Clinical Associate of the School of Optometry, taking the opportunity of sharing my experience with the next generation of Optometry Students."


Do Chi-wai
BSc (Hons) in Optometry (1995)

"I graduated with First Class Honours in Optometry in 1995, and worked as a Research Assistant for one year before embarking on a PhD programme.

My PhD programme focused on the basic transport machineries in ciliary epithelium, which is a necessary step to the understanding of the mechanism of aqueous humour formation.

After gaining my Doctorate, I went to the University of Pennsylvania in the USA for my post doctoral training under Professor Mortimer Civan in 2002.

In 2004, I was the recipient of the Young Investigator Travel Fellowship for the International Congress of Eye Research in Australia.

I returned to the School of Optometry in the capacity of Assistant Professor in 2006 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2013. It felt like coming home.

My current research interests are the pathophysiology of glaucoma and myopia."


Ben Wong
BSc (Hons) in Optometry (1994)

"I was in the first batch of graduates of the 4-year BSc (Hons) in Optometry at PolyU. I have been in practice for over 15 years now. I have worked in a private upstairs optometry centre, an optical chain store and managed an optometry centre located at the University of Hong Kong for over 8 years.

Currently, I manage my own optometry centre. This is very challenging but fulfilling.

In 1999, I completed all the requirements for the Fellowship of American Academy of Optometry. This encouraged me to promote and practice optometry to a high standard. I decided to share my experience with a new generation of optometrists so I am now teaching part-time at the PolyU Optometry Clinic."