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25/4/2016 |
Service-Learning Scholarship Salon |
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The purpose of this Salon is to promote and support research in and a scholarly approach to service-learning. Subject teachers who have completed or have on-going research/scholarly work relating to SL in PolyU will share and discuss their good work by giving short presentations and displaying posters at the Interactive Poster Session. Posters will also be on display between 25 April to 6 May on the FJ podium.
We are honoured to have the Deputy President and Provost, Prof. Philip Chan, to kick off the Salon.
Light refreshment will be provided.
This event is jointly organised by the CoP-SL, OSL and EDC. |
TU411 |
15/4/2016 |
From a Vision Hong Kong Concept to a Service-learning Impact

Henry Chan (SO), Chi-wai Do (SO), Lily Chan (SO) |
Facilitators will share about teaching a discipline-specific vision screening service for a general undergraduate university audience. Topics on subject initiation, design, and teaching outcomes will be discussed. An informal Q & A session with the teaching team will follow. |
TU411 |
8/4/2016 |
Assessing Students’ Reflection in Service-Learning Subjects
Kevin Chan (APSS), Eddie Ng (APSS), Helena Au (VPSGA-GYLI) |
Reflective practice is a core component of students’ participating in service learning, but existing knowledge and understanding regarding this topic is still limited. This seminar aims to provide an overview of this critical topic, and explore the ways to facilitate and assess students’ reflection in service-learning subjects at PolyU. |
TU411 |
19/1/2016 |
Briefing Session on Guidelines for Assessing Credit-bearing Service-Learning Subjects

Stephen Chan (OSL), Grace Ngai (COMP) |
The aim of this briefing session is to ensure a shared understanding of and a consistent practice in the assessment of service-learning subjects. This session will share recently-drawn-up guidelines on assessing service-learning subjects and sample assessment components and rubrics. |
TU411 |
26/11/2015 |
Mandatory Service-Learning: Do Students Learn from It?
Stephen Chan (OSL), Grace Ngai (COMP); Kam Por Kwan (OSL) |
This seminar will present the major findings from an evaluation of the impact of PolyU’s mandatory service-learning requirement on students’ learning and development, particularly for those who were initially less inclined and felt “compelled” to engage in it.
This session is jointly organized by OSL, CoP-SL and EDC. |
TU411 |
11/11/2015 |
How do Students Learn while Serving the Community through Engineering Projects?
Prof. Kam-Tim Woo, the recipient of the 2015 UGC Teaching Award and the Associate Professor of Engineering Education of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST |
You are invited to a sharing session by Prof Kam-Tim Woo, a recipient of the 2015 University Grants Committee (UGC) Teaching Award. Prof Woo is the associate professor of Engineering Education of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and is the founding Director of the Centre for Global & Community Engagement. He established a major programme for experiential learning through robotics team competitions.
Since 2007, students have gained 131 prizes and awards for their work under his supervision. He also leads students and colleagues developing advanced applications to the needy in the community which equipped the students with a wide range of critical and career-relevant skills.
Please register in advance as seating is limited.
(light lunch will be ready at 12:15pm outside the Senate Room)
Abstract of the seminar:
Challenging engineering projects such as underwater robotics and mobile apps can be a great way to learn. It can also be a great way to serve the community with real impact. But when one objective is focused on learning and another objective is focused on serving, can the two objectives truly be integrated into the same project? How do you design such a project? How do you teach the students to do it? How do you know it is making an impact? Dr. Tim Woo, UGC Teaching Award recipient in 2015, will be sharing with us his experience in making it happen.
*This talk is organized by Office of Service Learning, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; co-organized by Faculty of Engineering and Educational Development Centre; sponsored by IEEE-HK SIGHT and Community of Practice on Service-Learning |
M1603 |
4/5/2015 |
Developing Proposals for Service-Learning Subjects

Grace Ngai (COMP), Josie Csete (EDC) |
The University has announced another call for proposals for credit-bearing service-learning subjects for the 4-year curriculum. This seminar will explain:
‧ what service-learning means at PolyU,
‧ what qualifies as a service-learning subject,
‧ how you can develop a good service-learning proposal that benefits your students and the community,
‧ an alternative model for developing and delivering service-learning subjects in collaboration with the Office of Service Learning, and
‧ the support available in developing service learning.
Post-seminar consultation sessions will be offered to interested colleagues on request.
This workshop is Jointly organized by the Office of SL and EDC. |
TU411 |
28/4/2015 |
Impact of Service-Learning on Students: Ecotourism in Rural Regions

Chloe Lau (SHTM) and Alan Wong (SHTM) |
Please join us for this informal lunch session with a team of award-winning teachers experienced in conducting a service-learning subject with very positive results. In addition to welcoming any issues you are interested in discussing they will share their insights on:
- Designing a subject to help students achieve the intended learning outcomes;
- Building positive relationships with community stakeholders;
- Seeing the subject through the eyes of the student; and
- Sharing success factors
Everyone is welcome.
This session is jointly organized by the CoP on Service-Learning, OSL & EDC.
A UGC-Funded Collaborative Forum on Service-Learning

Prof Andrew Furco (Associate Vice President for Public Engagement and Associate Professor of Higher Education, University of Minnesota, U.S.A.)
You are invited to a lecture and workshop series by Dr. Andrew Furco, distinguished scholar on Service-Learning, at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This series is funded by the UGC as part of the Collaborative Forum on Service-Learning and is co-organised by the Office of Service Learning (OSL), the Educational Development Center (EDC), and the Community of Practice (CoP) on Service-Learning.
Andrew Furco is Associate Vice President for Public Engagement at the University of Minnesota, where is also serves as an Associate Professor of Higher Education. As Associate Vice President, he oversees the advancement of community-engaged research, teaching, and outreach initiatives across the University. He has led more than 30 research studies on service-learning and has produced over 70 publications on the subject.?Prior to arriving in Minnesota, he served as a faculty member in the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley and as the founding Director of Berkeley’s Service-Learning Research and Development Center.?He currently serves on the board of directors for the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE).
Please register in advance as seating is limited.
Speaker/Facilitator: Prof Andrew Furco (Associate Vice President for Public Engagement and Associate Professor of Higher Education, University of Minnesota, U.S.A.)
Open Lecture: Research in Service-Learning: Past, Present & Future?
Date: 23 March 2015 (Mon)
Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Venue: Y306
Service-Learning is now recognized as a highly effective pedagogical tool. The integration of community service into the academic curriculum in higher education is embraced wholeheartedly in many countries, and is gathering momentum in many other places all over the world. However, Service-Learning is relatively new to PolyU and Hong Kong. Participants of this lecture will have the chance to learn more about the research in Service-Learning.
Workshop 1: Assessing Students in Service-Learning
Date: 24 March 2015 (Tue)
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: TU411
Objectively and accurately assessing students’ performance in service-learning subjects and projects is different from traditionally taught classroom-based subjects. Participants of this workshop will have the opportunity to discuss and explore principles and practices for assessing students in service-learning subjects and projects.
Workshop 2: How to Write a Service-Learning paper for publication
Date: 25 March 2015 (Wed)
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: TU411
Service-learning is an evolving research area in its own right. Join this workshop to learn about how to most effectively contribute to this growing field.
What We Have Learned from Teaching a Service-Learning Subject in China and Hong Kong

Dr. Gilbert Chan (ABCT), Dr. Alex Chan (ABCT)
In this informal session the facilitators will share what they have learned from teaching a Service-Learning subject. We hope everyone interested in Service-Learning will join us for a tea gathering, a chance to view a short video about the subject and to participate in an open discussion that will include:
· the challenges in (i) farming communities in China and (ii) groups with intellectual disabilities in Hong Kong that this subject was developed to address
· what students experienced in the subject and what they learnt and achieved
· lessons the teachers have learned from teaching the subject
This session is jointly organized by the CoP on Service-Learning, OSL and EDC.
The New eLearning Module for Students on Service-Learning

Dr. Stephen Chan and Dr. K. P. Kwan
Dr. Stephen Chan and Dr. K. P. Kwan, the facilitator and core member of the CoP on Service Learning, shared the new eLearning Module for Students in Service-Learning (SL) for students in a sharing session on 15 December 2014. They explained the content, and structure of the module, and the requirements for students to complete the module. The newly developed instruments for evaluating the impact of SL on students' learning and the community were also introduced in the session.
The Second Summit on University Social Responsibility cum Inaugural International Conference on Service-Learning 2014
The Inaugural International Conference on Service-Learning was successfully held on 20-21 November, which provided a platform for over 200 international and local researchers, practitioners, faculty members, administrators and students to gather together to share and learn effective practices, discover opportunities and resources, build up networks, foster partnerships, and be inspired and challenged.
Two keynote speakers, Prof. Andrew Furco, Associate Vice President of the University of Minnesota, and Ms. Barbara Caynes, Executive Director of Massachusetts Campus Compact were invited to talk about the challenges in academic research and development in service-learning and the opportunities in collaboration and partnership.
For further information please visit the conference's website at
Silverbox Ballroom, Hotel ICON; and Chiang Chen Studio Theatre
Get-together for CoP-SL members  |
Dr. Stephen Chan |
At the tea gathering on 11 November, Dr. Stephen Chan, the Service Learning CoP facilitator, shared the latest updates on Service-Learning subjects. He also gave a briefing on the “The Second University Social Responsibility Summit cum Inaugural International Service-Learning Conference” on 19-21 November and shared how to make the most out of the Conference experience.
6/11/2014 |
Assessing Students' Reflection in Service-Learning Subjects

Dr. Kevin Chan (APSS), Dr. Eddie Ng (APSS) and Ms. Helena Au (CMAO)
Consultations on Developing Proposals for Service-Learning Subjects (Re-run)

Dr Grace Ngai, Chair Sub-committee on Service-Learning Subjects, COMP
Dr Josie Csete, EDC
The University has announced another call for proposals for credit-bearing service-learning subjects for the 4-year curriculum. Proposals are due Monday the 11th of August. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, feel free to stop by to discuss your ideas and/or receive feedback on your proposal. This is not a formal session with a presentation. Instead, people who are involved with Service-Learning will be available to answer the questions you have to help you develop a good service-learning proposal that benefits your students and the community.
Registration is not required, but helps us better prepare the session. Feel free to pass this notice on to interested colleagues. Go to the EDC Website at and click on the events calendar to register for the session titled “Consultations on Developing Proposals for Service-Learning Subjects”. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
This session is co-organized by OSL, EDC and CoP-SL.
Consultation Sessions for the Scholarship of Service-Learning

Dr Josephine M. Csete,
Senior Educational Development Office, EDC
Did you know that PolyU is hosting an International Conference on Service-Learning?
This conference is to be held in November of 2014 and is focused on the research and practice of service-learning.
Conference details are available at?
If you are interested in submitting a paper, feel free to stop by to discuss your ideas and/or receive feedback on your paper. This is not a formal session with a presentation. Instead, people who are involved with Service-Learning will be available to answer the questions you have to help you develop a good service-learning paper.
Registration is not required, but helps us better prepare for the sessions. Feel free to pass this notice on to interested colleagues. Go to the EDC Website at and click on the events calendar to register for the session titled “Consultations Sessions for the Scholarship of Service-Learning”.
We look forward to seeing you!
TU617 |
Experience Service-Learning This Summer in Cambodia
Dr Josephine M. Csete,
Senior Educational Development Office, EDC;
Dr Stephen Chan,
Head, OSL;
Dr Grace Ngai,
Associate Professor, COMP;
Ms. Renee Leung,
Service Learning Officer, OSL
A Unique Summer Course
Spend an intensive and deeply rewarding 11 days with educators immersed in creating curriculum and projects focused on service-learning. Learn while involved in projects being carried out by University students under the supervision of teachers experienced in service learning.
12-22 June 2014 [with 2 workshop sessions (can be attended in person or online) in late May/early June]
This unique summer course takes place at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Attendees are advised to meet and travel from Hong Kong to Cambodia together (group tickets can be arranged)
An Excellent Opportunity
The course enriches and deepens service-learning practice through ongoing opportunities for dialogue with experienced service-learning practitioners and peers. As a participant you will develop a deepened practical approach to service-learning, while creating an integrated service-learning plan that meets your own unique curriculum or programme needs. Small study groups will provide participants with an important opportunity to share their key challenges and receive feedback, suggestions and support from fellow participants. Participants also have opportunities to observe and contribute to projects in action.
Application deadline
14 March 2014 (Friday)
TU432 |
The Scholarship of Service-Learning: Researching & Publishing

Prof. Daniel Shek, OGUR
Dr Stephen Chan, OSL
Dr Josie Csete
Did you know that PolyU is hosting an International Conference on Service-Learning? This conference is to be held in November of 2014 and focuses on the research and practice of service-learning. Conference details are available at Come to this session to:
- Hear about the types of research that are conducted in Service-Learning
- Examine sample papers in Service-Learning
- Find out more information on the Call for Papers (as well as begin thinking about the kind of paper you might want to write)
No prior experience in Service-Learning is required – all are welcome. |
TU616 |
Risk Management in Service-Learning
Mrs. Winnie Lee,
Associate Head, OSL;
Mr. Chris Leung,
Health, Safety and Environment Manager;
Ms. Vivien So,
Assistant Finance Manager, FO (Insurance)
Service-Learning (SL) subjects/projects involve out-of-classroom activities in different settings and places. PolyU staff, students and the related parties such as the service recipients may be exposed to risky situations that warrant special attention. OSL takes the responsibility to develop policies and guidelines on risk management for SL subjects/ projects at PolyU. This workshop aims to provide an overview of the policies and guidelines and introduce the Risk Management Handbook for Service-Learning at PolyU, which provides useful resources for risk management of SL activities.
TU432 |
3-4:30pm |
Happy Lunar New Year Tea Gathering  |
Dr Stephen Chan,
Head, OSL;
Dr Josephine M. Csete,
Senior Educational Development Office, EDC;
Happy Year of Horse! May the joy and happiness around you throughout the year.At the beginning of the year, we are happy to invite you to join us for our Lunar New Year Gathering. It is a good opportunity for us to chat and update the new develoment and planning regarding to Service-Learning.
PQ703 |
12:30-2pm |
Consultations on Developing Proposals for Service-Learning Subjects |
Dr Stephen Chan,
Head, OSL;
Dr Josie Csete,
Senior Educational Development Office, EDC;
The University has announced another call for proposals for credit-bearing service-learning subjects for the 4-year curriculum. Proposals are due Friday the 14th of February. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, feel free to stop by to discuss your ideas and/or receive feedback on your proposal.
This is not a formal session with a presentation. Instead, people who are involved with Service-Learning will be available to answer the questions you have to help you develop a good service-learning proposal that benefits your students and the community. Registration is not required, but helps us better prepare the session. Feel free to pass this notice on to interested colleagues. Go to the EDC Website at and click on the events calendar to register for the session titled “Consultations on Developing Proposals for Service-Learning Subjects”.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
(This session is co-organized by OSL/EDC/CoP-SL)
TU616 |
12:30-2pm |
Developing students' passion and attitudes to serve and learn: Insights from the services delivered to migrant children in Shanghai
Dr Janet Leung
Research Assistant Professors, APSS
Dr Florence Wu,
Research Assistant Professors, APSS |
To LEARN and SERVE is an important motive for university students to be involved in the service learning subject. Based on the service delivered to the migrant children in Shanghai in Summer, this seminar will highlight some fruitful experiences in developing the passion and attitudes of the students to serve the underprivileged communities, and at the same time learn to contribute for the benefits of the society. |
TU616 |
Get-together for CoP-SL members
Dr Stephen Chan,
Head, OSL
Service Learning CoP facilitator;
Dr K. P. Kwan,
Senior Educational Development Office, EDC,
Service Learning CoP co-facilitator
Tea and light refreshments
Networking with other colleagues interested in SL
Briefing on staff development fund for CoP-SL members
Informal chat and sharing on:
Target and implementation plan for SL subjects for 2013/14 and 2014/15
Funding model for SL subjects, and support from OSL
Possible sources of funding support? for overseas SL projects
Ongoing TDG projects/proposals on SL
Work plan for subsequent semesters