Our Community > Planned Activities

A series of activities are proposed and listed in the following table. The goals of these activities are to help members to apply learning analytics in their context and to conduct learning analytics independently. Depending on the competence and experience of members, different sets of activities will be organized to meet the needs of CoP members at different stages.

Apart from the activities listed below, the CoP facilitators will adopt a bottom-up approach and organize activities based on the needs/expectations of CoP members.



Arousing interest /

Seminars –

  • Current development in learning analytics

Sharing Sessions –

  • Exploring possibilities of learning analytics

Regular meetings –

  • Sharing of good practices / Exploring possibilities

Department-based Meetings / Showcase

  • Exploring possibilities for specific courses in a department

Building skills

Hands-on Workshops –

  • A series of skills development workshops in order to help colleagues in preparing learning analytics work.

Exploring possibilities

One-to-one Consultation –

  • Assisting CoP members in developing their projects
  • Developing proposals for funded projects

Disseminating information

Publicity –

  • Development of simple how-to videos for PolyU staff
  • Development of video clips to promote successful stories

Scholarly work –

  • Conference Presentations
  • Journal Articles / Book Chapters