
The overall objective is to increase the proportion of online teaching in each of 75-100 DSR undergraduate subjects to 40 – 60% by the end of this CoP period

PolyU has almost completed two rounds (each of a 3 years duration) of successful CoPs and as a result the general awareness of the areas covered by the themes of the CoPs as well as groups of core/active members have now been harnessed. Often, these members are passionate and generous in sharing their knowledge with colleagues who seek to know more, typically via many of the activities (including seminars, workshops, mini-conferences, or online) hosted by the CoPs. However, while the general awareness of specific themes has been raised, an array of important questions still remains. In our opinion, it is of upmost importance and value to the university, how to operationalize the respective pedagogies, their tools and their underlying systems in PolyU day to day teaching activities so as to enhance students’ learning outcomes as well as deliver a superior learning experience remain as challenges.

Based on that, we hereby propose to start a new CoP on Online Learning and Teaching which not only enables the CoP to function as a knowledge center for raising awareness and dissemination of information but also serves to nurture, groom and support an expanded group of teachers who will become exemplars leading the way how teaching and learning activities can be carried out online in professional, intuitive and innovative ways. Especially in the light of the recent developments, where many colleagues had to jump-start their online teaching experience, we see potential to keep the movement and the momentum alive through a CoP on Online Learning and Teaching.