Aerodynamics Laboratory

The Aerodynamics Laboratory supports teaching and research for Aerodynamics and fluid mechanics. The laboratory is equipped with (1) a supersonic Ludwieg tube (supersonic wind tunnel) with 4 nozzles of Mach 0.8, 1.5, 2.5 and 4.0 and (2) a shock tube for teaching and research of supersonic aerodynamics. A supersonic flow visualization system, composed of two Schlieren tubes and one high speed camera, is available. An infrared camera is also equipped for the heat transfer measurement together with a high-speed data acquisition system, which composes of a NI data acquisition card, PCB pressure transducers and thermocouples.
Room GH034, G/F
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Principal Investigator
Prof. Chih-yung WEN
TEL: 3400-2522
Request for Access or Use of Facilities
Please contact Laboratory PI, Prof. WEN Chih-yung, for approval.
Key Facilities
Ludweig Tube

Ludwieg Tube

Shock Tube

Ludwieg Tube

Shock Tube

Ludweig Tube