Academic Staff

Dr. Zhengtong LI
Research Assistant Professor
- X241f
- 3400 8479
BEng (HUST); MEng (HUST); PhD (PolyU)
Area of Specialization
AI-accelerated real-time CFD; AI-based aerodynamic shape optimization; Sports Aerodynamics; Numerical simulations and assessment of urban environment; Smart cities and urban sustainability.
Short Description
Dr Zhengtong Li received his BEng degree in Energy and Power Engineering in 2015 and his MEng degree in Engineering Thermophysics in 2018 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He was awarded a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2021. Before his current position as a Research Assistant Professor with the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the same institution from 2021 to 2023. His current research interests include 1) AI4CFD and its application to practical engineering problems, 2) Thermal management based on Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Real-time CFD, 3) sports aerodynamics and advanced sports product design, and 4) future smart cities and urban sustainability.
Selected Publications
- Li, Z., Ming, T., Shi, T., Zhang, H., Wu, Y., Wen, C. Y., Juan, Y. H., & Zhou, N. CFD modeling of traffic tidal flow: assessment of pollutant dispersion. Urban Climate (2023), 47, 101380.
- Juan, Y. H., Li, Z., Lee, Y. T., Wen, C. Y., & Yang, A. S. (2023). Effect of wind-based climate-responsive design on city breathability of a compact high-rise city. Journal of Building Engineering, 78, 107773.
- Li, Z., Zhang, H., Juan, Y. H, Wen, C. Y., & Yang, A. S. Effects of urban tree planting on thermal comfort and air quality in the street canyon in a subtropical climate. Sustainable Cities and Society (2022), 104334.
- Li, Z., Zhang, H., Juan, Y. H., Wen, C. Y., & Yang, A. S.. Effects of building setback on thermal comfort and air quality in the street canyon. Building and Environment (2022), 208, 108627.
- Li, Z., Ming, T., Shi, T., Zhang, H., Wen, C. Y., ... & Peng, C. Review on the dispersion of traffic-related air pollutants in urban areas-part B: Local mitigation strategies, optimization framework, and evaluation theory. Building and Environment (2021), 107890.
- Li, Z., Zhang, H., Wen, C. Y., & Juan, Y. H. The effects of lateral entrainment on pollutant dispersion inside a street canyon and the corresponding optimal urban design strategies. Building and Environment (2021): 107740.
- Li, Z., Ming, T., Liu, S., Peng, C., ... & Wen, C. Y. Review on pollutant dispersion in urban areas-part A: Effects of mechanical factors and urban morphology. Building and Environment (2020): 107534.
- Li, Z., Zhang, H., Wen, C. Y., Yang, A. S., & Juan, Y. H. Effects of height-asymmetric street canyon configurations on outdoor air temperature and air quality. Building and Environment 183 (2020): 107195.
- Li, Z., Zhang, H., Wen, C. Y., Yang, A. S., & Juan, Y. H. Effects of frontal area density on outdoor thermal comfort and air quality. Building and Environment 180 (2020): 107028