Academic Staff

Prof. Simon YU
- QR822
- 3400 8067
Ir Professor Yu Ching Man
CEng(Sing.) FIES
Professor Yu is a Professor in the Department of Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was formerly the Head of the Department from Aug 2018 to Nov 2019, and the Head of Training for FTO@PolyU and the Training Manager for HKAR-147@PolyU from 2019 to January 2024.
Prior to joining HKPolyU, he was with the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) and Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). He held various positions including (1) Head, Division of Aerospace Engineering in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, (2) Director, Master of Science Programme in Aerospace Engineering with the Technical University of Munich, Germany, (3) Vice-Dean, Office of Admissions, (4) Member of the University Council (now Board of Trustee), (5) Principal Staff Officer, President’s Office, (6) Director, Part-time Master of Science Programme in Biomedical Engineering with the Singapore General Hospital and (7) Programme Director, Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land & Building Services). During his tenure as Head of Aerospace Engineering at NTU in particular, he had successfully obtained a SGD 50 million grant from CAAS to establish the Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI). He also helped to establish the LTA Research Centre for Railway Engineering at SIT.
Professor Yu was also an Adjunct Professor to the Department of Architecture and Building Sciences at the Xi’an JiaoTong University, China (2015-2018), a Visiting Scientist to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tokyo, Japan (2007) and the Institute of Fluid Mechanics at the University of Erlangen, Germany (1999). He is currently trainer for holistic gas turbine in Rolls Royce Singapore (since 2009).
Professor Yu is an Independent Non-Executive Director of SBS Transit Ltd (since 2018). He is also the Chairman of the Service Quality Committee. (
Professor Yu is one of the co-founders of the university start-up company: E-mobility Technology Company Ltd (since May 2022)
E-Mobility Research Team:
Professor Yu’s research interest is on non-intrusive measurement techniques for fluid flow such as, Laser-Doppler Anemometry, Phase-Doppler Anemometry, Particle Image Velocimetry and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence, and their applications to aerodynamics, propulsion, turbulent mixing flows, biofluid mechanics, environmental fluid mechanics and fundamental plume and jet studies. He has published more than 200 papers in archive journals and conferences. 20 PhD students and 12 MEng students have been graduated from his sole and joint supervision. He is currently working on research projects in fundamental fluid mechanics with his colleagues at Sichuan University, PRC (Prof. Gao Lei) and Beijing Institute of Technology, PRC (Prof. Zheng Guoqing). Google scholar (
He is ranked among the top 1.59% of the researchers in the category of mechanical engineering and transportation in 2021.(
Professor Yu holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), Associateship of the City and Guilds of London Institute (1987), Doctor of Philosophy and Diploma of Imperial College (1991) from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine UK. His PhD studies were under the supervision of the late Professor J.H. Whitelaw FRS and were sponsored by the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Pyestock (UK).
He is a Chartered Engineer (UK), Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK), Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (UK), Fellow of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Chartered Engineer in Transportation and Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore. He is a member of the HKIE Aircraft Division. He was a member of the IES Council (2018-2020) and is an independent assessor for Chartered Engineer in various organizations.
余澄文教授現於香港理工大學航空及民航工程學系擔任教授,曾於 2018 年 8 月至 2019 年 11 月擔任航空及民航工程學系系主任。
在加入理大之前,他曾於新加坡南洋理工大學(NTU)(1991-2013)擔任多個行政職務,包括 (1) 機械與宇航工程學院宇航工程學部系主任(2008-2013),(2) 德國慕尼黑工業大學聯辦宇航工程理學碩士課程課程主任(2011-2013),(3)招生辦公室副主任/副院長(2003-2006),(4)大學理事會(現為董事會)成員(2001-2003),(5)校長辦公室首席參謀 (2000-2003) 和 (6) 新加坡中央醫院聯辦兼讀制生物醫學工程理學碩士課程課程主任 (1999)。他亦曾於新加坡理工大學(SIT)(2013-2018)任職 (7)可持續基礎設施工程(土地和建築裝備)的創始課程主任(2013-2018 年)。於出任新加坡南洋理工大學機械與宇航工程學院宇航工程學部系主任期間,余教授成功獲得 CAAS 價值5000 萬新元的撥款,用於建立新加坡空中交通管理研究所(ATMRI)。他亦曾協助SIT 建立LTA 鐵路工程研究中心。
余教授也曾擔任中國西安交通大學建築學系的客座教授(2015-2018),及日本東京大學機械工程系(2007)和德國埃爾蘭根大學流體力學研究所(1999 年)的訪問科學家。他自 2009至今擔任新加坡勞斯萊斯航空引擎公司的整體燃氣渦輪引擎培訓員。
余教授是新捷運有限公司的獨立非執行董事,自 2018 年起兼任服務質素委員會主席。余教授也是理大初創公司E-mobility Technology的聯合創始人之一(自 2022 年 5 月起)。
余教授的研究興趣/領域是流體流動的非侵入式測量技術,如激光多普勒技術、相位多普勒風速測定法、粒子圖像測速法和平面激光誘導熒光法,以及它們在空氣動力學、推進力學、混合紊流、環境流體力學和基本羽流及噴射研究中的應用。他在各期刊和會議上發表了 200 多篇論文。 20名博士生和12名工程學碩士生在他的單獨和聯合指導下畢業。 他也是2021年排名首1.59%的機械工程與交通類研究人員。(。
余教授是英國帝國理工醫學院(倫敦帝國學院)的工程學士(榮譽)、英國倫敦城市行業協會準會員(1987年)、哲學博士,持有帝國理工醫學院文憑(1991年)。他的博士研究是在已故J.H. Whitelaw FRS教授的指導及皇家航空研究院的贊助下完成的。
余教授也是英國特許工程師、英國機械工程師協學會會員、英國皇家航空學會會員、香港工程師學會會員、運輸業特許工程師及新加坡工程師學會會員。他亦曾任新加坡工程師學會委員會成員(2018-2020 年),並且是多個組織的特許工程師獨立評估員。
Selected Publication since 2010
- Schilder, B., Yu, S. C. M., Kasagi, N., Hardt, H. and Stephan, H. (2010), Local Heat Transfer Measurement in a Micro Glass Tube, ASME J. Heat Transfer, Vol.132, Issue 3, No. 031702.
- L. Gao and S. C. M. Yu (2010) A modified slug model for vortex ring formation process, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Vol. 656, pp. 205-222.
- C. Wan and S. C. M. Yu (2011) Investigation of air tab’s effect in supersonic jets, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 1157-1160.
- Z. Gan, S. C. M. Yu and A. W. K. Law (2011) Hydrodynamic stability of a bubble column with a bottom-mounted point air source, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 66, Issue 21, pp. 5338-5356.
- L. Gao and S.C.M. Yu (2012) Development of Shear Layer behind the Leading Vortex Ring in a Staring Jet, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 700, pp.382-405.
- G. Zhang and S. C. M. Yu (2012) Unsteady Aerodynamics of tandem wing UAV, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 1315-1323.
- C. Wan and S. C. M. Yu (2013) Numerical Investigation of the air tabs technique in jet flow, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 42-49
- Zhang, G., Yu, S. C. M. and Yang, S. X. (2013) Aerodynamic Characteristics of Canard-Forward Swept Wing (FSW) Aircraft Configurations, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 378-387.
- Lim Y.S., Yu, S. C. M. and Nguyen N.T. (2012) Flow visualization and heat transfer characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow in micro-tube under constant heat flux at wall, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 56, pp. 350-359.
- Gan, Z., Yu, S. C. M. and Law, A. W. K.(2013) Phase Doppler Anemometry measurements in a three-phase bubble column, AIChemE Journal, Vol. 59 issue 7 July 2013. p. 2286-2307.
- Xie, J.L., Gan, Z.W., Duan, F., Wong, T.N., Yu, S. C. M. and Zhao, R. Characterization of spray atomization and heat transfer of pressure swirl nozzles (2013), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 68, pp94-102.
- Wanchai, J., Chue, R., Nguyen, T., Yu, S.C.M. (2013) Optimization of Round Bodies for Aerodynamic Performance and Stability at Supersonic Speeds, The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 117, 1193.
- Lim Y. S. and Yu, S. C. M. (2014) Numerical simulations ofheat transfer characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow in microtubes. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol 8, 115-124.
- Lim Y.S. Yu, S. C. M. and Schulter, J. (2014) “Heat transfer characteristialternatingdiscrete flow in micro-tubes” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 74, 333–341.
- Xie, J. L., Gan, Z. W., Wong, T. N., Duan, F., Yu, S. C. M. and Wu, Y.H. (2014) Thermal effects on a pressure swirl nozzle in spray cooling,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 73, pp. 130-140
- Chen, S.; Chue, R.; Schluter, J.; Nguyen, T.; Yu, S. C. M. (2014) Numerical Investigation of a Trapped Vortex Miniature Ramjet Combustor, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 31, no. 3, pp 872- 882.
- Jiajan, W., Chue, R. S. M., Nguyen, T. and Yu, S.C.M. (2015) Boat-tail juncture shaping for spin-stabilized rounds in supersonic flight, Shock Waves, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp.189-204.
- Wang, C., Tang, H., Yu, S. C. M. and Duan, F. (2015) Control of Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Single Circular Cylinder Using Synthetic Jets, Journal of Fluids and Structure, Vol. 60, pp. 160-179.
- Gao, L. and Yu, S. C. M. (2016) The formation of leading vortex pair in two dimensional starting jets, AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 4 (2016), pp. 1364-1369.
- Chen, S., Chue, R., Yu, S. C. M. and Schluter, J. (2016) Spinning effects on a trapped vortex combustor, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power (
- Wang. C., Tang. H., Yu, S. C. M., and Duan, F., (2016) Active control of vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder using windward-suction-leeward-blowing actuation, Physics of Fluids 28, 053601.
- Gao, L. and Yu, S. C. M. (2016) Vortex ring formation in starting forced plumes with negative and positive buoyancy Physics of Fluids 28, 113601-1.
- Wang. C., Tang. H., Yu, S. C. M., and Duan, F., (2017) Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 2, 104701, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.104701
- Lim, K. B., Wang, P. C., An, H., and Yu, S. C. M. (2017) Computational Studies for the Design Parameters of Hollow Fibre Membrane Modules. Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 529, 263-273.
- Wang, C., Tang, H., Yu, S.C.M., and Duan, F., (2016), Active control of vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder using windward-suction-leeward-blowing Actuation, Physics of Fluids, 28: 053601, DOI: 10.1063/1.4947246.
- Wang. C., Tang. H., Yu, S. C. M., and Duan, F., (2017) Control of vortex-induced vibration using a pair of synthetic jets: Influence of active lock-on, Physics of Fluids 29: 083602 (also featured on
- Cheong, K.H., Tang, K.J.W., Koh, J. M., Yu, S.C. M., Acharya, U., and Xie, N.G., (2019) An efficient approach to improve cooling efficiency at data centers, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, issue 1, 153799-153809.
- Cheong, K.H., Teo, Y., Koh, J. M., Yu, S.C. M. and Acharya, U., (2019) A Simulation-Aided Approach in Improving Thermal-Visual Comfort and Power Efficiency in Buildings, Journal of Building Engineering, 27:100936, August.
- Gao, L., Guo, H.F. and Yu, S. C. M. (2020) A general definition of formation time for starting jet sand forced plumes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 886, 10 March 2020, A6.
- Gao, L., Wang, X., Yu, S. C. M. Chyu, M.K. (2020) Near field development of the impulse and thrust for starting jets with finite discharged volume at low Reynolds numbers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 902, A27.
- Kang Hao Cheong, Sandra Poeschmann, Joel Weijia Lai, Jin Ming Koh, U. Rajendra Acharya, Simon Ching Man Yu and Kenneth Jian Wei Tang (2020) Practical Automated Video Analytics for Crowd Monitoring and Counting IEEE Access, Vol. 7, Issue:1, 183252-18326
- Joy, J., Wang, P.C., Panisilvan, J., Yu, S. C. M. (2020) Numerical Investigation of NOx Emission Reduction in Non-Premixed Lean Reverseflow Combustor in a Micro Gas Turbine, Emission Control ScienceTechnology, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 285-300.
- Guo, H., Gao, L., and Yu, S.C.M. (2020) Vortex formation in starting buoyant jets at moderate Richardson numbers, Physics of Fluids (accepted for publication on 29 October 2020)
Lim. Y.S., Wang, P. C.. and Yu, S. C. M. (2020), Flow Characteristics behind the Siepienski Tetrahedron, Journal of Industrial Aerodynamics and Wind Engineering, Vol. 216, 104712.
Lee, S.J.Y., An, H., Wang, P.C., Hang, J.K., and Yu, S.C.M. (2021) Effects of liquid viscosity on bubble formation characteristics in a typical membrane bioreactor, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 120, 105000.
Hang, J.G., An, H., Wang, P.C., and Yu, S.C.M. (2021) Design Optimization of Saccardo Nozzle for Tunnel Ventilation using CFD Simulation, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Vol. 118, [104185]. (