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Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Philosophy

Apply Now Programme Booklet

Entrance Year September 2024

Programme Code 48601

Local Application Deadline 01 Dec 2023, HKT 12:00 noon (HKPFS)

Non-Local Application Deadline 01 Dec 2023, HKT 12:00 noon (HKPFS)


For full-time PhD admission, preference will be given to applicants who apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (details), for which the application period starts in early September each year. All research postgraduate applicants are recommended to approach potential supervisors and, put their names on the applications.


Application Period for all Year Round Admissions: please visit

Aims and Characteristics

The Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering (AAE), formerly the Interdisciplinary Division of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, was established under the Faculty of Engineering in 2016 to lead the development of the field of aeronautical and aviation engineering by amalgamating the experts in the Faculty and the industry.


AAE strives to play a leading role in bridging innovative research and development in the field of aeronautical and aviation engineering that accommodates the needs and demands of the aeronautical and aviation industry. AAE currently leads/hosts three research centres/consortiums: the Aviation Research Consortium, the Joint Research Centre of Advanced Aerospace Propulsion Technology, and the Research Centre for Unmanned Autonomous Systems. The close collaboration with the industry, dedicated research centres, excellent facilities and staff expertise enable our various stakeholders' sustainable growth and competitiveness, including students, staff and industrial partners.


Link for “Apply Now”:


Research Areas



Prof. C.Y. Wen

Aerothermodynamics and boundary layer transition of hypersonic/supersonic vehicles; Shock/droplet and shock/bubble interactions; Applications of DBD actuators on flow control; Experimental fluid mechanics and CFD; Numerical simulations and assessment of urban wind field and air pollution


Prof. Jiaao Hao

High-Speed Aerodynamics; Hypersonic Nonequilibrium Flows; Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interactions; Computational Fluid Dynamics


Prof. Siyang Zhong

Acoustics & Aeroacoustics (aircraft noise); Urban air mobility aerodynamics & noise; Rotor noise prediction andlow-noise design; Environment noise assessment and low-noise path planning; Performance sports aerodynamics


Dr Peixu Guo


Transition reversal on blunt bodies; Direct numerical simulation on breakdown of hypersonic boundary layer; Stability of shock wave/boundary layer interaction; Unified theory of instability mechanisms for boundary layer; Control of boundary layer instability by porous coatings; Sensitivity and modeling of boundary layer stability and transition


Dr Zhengtong Li

Email :

Numerical simulations and assessment of urban wind field and air pollution; Sports Aerodynamics; Smart Cities and Urban sustainability; Real-time Computational Fluid Dynamics; AI-accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics; AI-based aerodynamic shape optimization

Aerospace Propulsion and Combustion


Prof. C.Y. Wen


Scramjet and Oblique Detonation Engines; Detonation


Prof. Yu Guan

Combustion dynamics in gas turbines and rockets; Combustion instability; Nonlinear dynamics; Data-driven methods


Dr Sangdi Gu


Thermochemical nonequilibrium; Hypersonic impulse facilities; Optical diagnostics; Experimental hypersonics


Dr Zijian Zhang


Hypersonic air-breathing propulsion; Detonation phenomenon and Detonation-based engine; Supersonic combustion; Shock dynamics; Supersonic/hypersonic wind tunnel experiment; Computational fluid dynamics

Aerospace Structures and Materials


Prof. Xi Shen


Polymer nanocomposites containing graphene and other low-dimensional nanofillers, Rational design and synthesis of nanocomposites in the form of 1D fibers, 2D films, 3D aerogels, Thermal management composites with anisotropic thermal conductivities, Functional composites for solar-thermal heating and cooling applications, Composite sensors for multidirectional and multimodal sensing



Prof. Fangxin (Frank) Zou


Non-destructive evaluation; Structural health monitoring; Ultrasonic testing; Ultrasonic corrosion monitoring; Nanocomposite strain sensor.


Dr Kit Ying Chan

Boron nitride nanosheets reinforced nanocomposites for thermal-optical management, Carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites and polymer nanocomposites for energy storage, Carbon-based nanocomposites for solar-thermal conversion


Aviation Engineering


Prof. Wei Liu

Multimodal Transport Network Modeling and Analytics, Transport and Aviation Economics, Low-altitude Air Mobility and Logistics, Electrified, Automated, and Shared Mobility

Prof. Ang Li

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM), Regional Air Traffic Management (ATM), UAV Path Planning, Conflict Detection and Resolution (CD&R), Multi-modal Transportation Systems, Last-mile Urban Parcel Delivery, Mechanism Design and Resource Allocation, Congestion Management, Transportation Economics, Large-scale Optimization, Stochastic Optimization, Machine Learning, Network Science, Data Analytic


Prof. Fan Li

Human factors and ergonomics: Human fatigue management; Safety management systems; Human-centred design; Risk model; Non-technical skills assessment; System evaluation; Advanced technology acceptance analysis; Accident analysis.
Cognitive modelling: Eye-tracking data analytics; Eye-tracking algorithm; Bio signal data-driven systems; Artificial intelligence; Multi-source data analytics; Electroencephalography data analytics.


Prof. Kam Hung Ng

Air transportation engineering, air traffic and aviation management: Operations research; uncertainty modelling; data-driven optimisation; deep learning
Human factors and ergonomics in air traffic control and flight operations: Situational awareness; Neuroergonomics; Vigilance and resilience modelling; Intelligent automation of aviation system


Prof. Lingxiao Wu


Data-driven Optimization, Aviation Operations Modelling and Optimization, UAV Service Network Design, Shipping and Port Operations Modelling and Optimization


Prof. Gangyan Xu


Data-Driven Optimization and Control, Complex Networked Systems, UAV Applications in Emergency Management, Aviation Safety and Reliability, Internet of Things (IoT) Systems and Applications.

Flight Mechanics and Control


Prof. C.Y. Wen


UAV/MAV technology research and development


Prof. Wen-Hua Chen


Unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous vehicles,  sensor fusion, navigation, computer vision, dynamics, advanced control, autopilot, situational awareness, decision making, path planning, mission planning, fault detection and condition monitoring, safety, Bayesian inference, dual control, active learning, collision avoidance, system integration, verification and validation, uncertainty, autonomous systems, safety, flight tests, agriculture, precision farming, environment monitoring, remote sensing, intelligent manufacturing, wave energy. 


Prof. Hailong Huang           


Navigation and control of UAVs; Autonomous systems; Multi-agent systems; Control applications


Prof. Bing Wang


3D Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Intelligent Spatial Perception, Visual and LiDAR SLAM, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, Metaverse


Prof. Weisong Wen


Multi-sensory integrated positioning, GNSS, LiDAR-aided GNSS positioning, LiDAR/Visual SLAM, safety-assured control and path planning, reinforcement learning, safety-assured autonomous systems, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), connected autonomous driving vehicles


Dr Tianqi Wang


Multi-agent systems; Rigid body control; Nonlinear control theory and applications; Event-triggered control


Dr Jingjie Xie


Intelligent control, model predictive control, wind energy, spacecraft control, trajectory planning


Satellite Communication and Navigation


Prof. Wen-Hua Chen


Unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous vehicles,  sensor fusion, navigation, computer vision, dynamics, advanced control, autopilot, situational awareness, decision making, path planning, mission planning, fault detection and condition monitoring, safety, Bayesian inference, dual control, active learning, collision avoidance, system integration, verification and validation, uncertainty, autonomous systems, safety, flight tests, agriculture, precision farming, environment monitoring, remote sensing, intelligent manufacturing, wave energy. 


Prof. Li-Ta Hsu


Global navigation satellite system; Beidou; Integrated navigation system; Autonomous driving; Simultaneous localisation and mapping


Prof. Yiping Jiang


Satellite navigation; Integrity monitoring; Augmentation systems; Sensor fusion


Prof. Weisong Wen


LiDAR SLAM; Visual SLAM; GNSS; GNSS-RTK; Sensor Fusion; Cooperative Positioning; Cloud Positioning; Autonomous Driving; UAV; Robotics; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Smart Cities


Prof. Bing Xu


Signal processing; Satellite positioning and navigation; GNSS receiver design; GNSS radio frequency interference detection and localization; Parameter estimation; Wireless communications


Dr Guohao Zhang

GNSS positioning in challenging environments; 3D mapping aided GNSS; Collaborative positioning; Signal propagation modelling; Multipath and NLOS reception mitigation; Multi-sensor Integration; Machine learning; and Indoor positioning

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