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Ir Professor T.C. Edwin CHENG
PolyU Scholars Hub

Ir Professor T.C. Edwin CHENG

Dean, Faculty of Business
Fung Yiu King – Wing Hang Bank Professor in Business Administration
Chair Professor of Management

  • Academician of The International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences
  • Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences
  • Croucher Senior Research Fellow
  • Chartered Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
  • Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
  • President of The International Institute of Management


Ir Professor Edwin CHENG is Dean of Faculty of Business, Chair Professor of Management, and Fung Yiu King – Wing Hang Bank Professor in Business Administration at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. A distinguished scholar in the fields of Operations and Supply Chain Management, he has been named the “Most Cited Scientist” in All Fields, Computer Science, and Engineering over various ten-year periods (in the top 1% in terms of citation counts over a ten-year period) by the ISI Web of Knowledge.

My research in operations and supply chain management has the potential to make a significant impact in these fields, as well as related areas such as logistics and manufacturing. By developing new models and methodologies, I aim to improve efficiency and effectiveness in businesses and supply chains.

Ir Professor T.C. Edwin CHENG

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Professor Cheng has earned numerous accolades for his outstanding academic achievements. Among them are the Rh Award for outstanding contributions to scholarship and research from the University of Manitoba, Canada (1989); the Outstanding Young Engineer of the Year Award from the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, USA (1992); a Chang Jiang Scholars Chair Professor position at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China (2009-12); and the Education Leadership Award from the World Education Congress of CMO Asia (2014). He has an impressive portfolio of over 1,000 research papers in SCI/SSCI journals and 17 co-authored books.

CHENG Edwin_text_picProfessor Cheng is also a leading authority in Operations Research. He was awarded the Doctor of Science (ScD) degree by the University of Cambridge, UK, for his distinguished research attainments in Scheduling Science. He was the first in PolyU to receive the Croucher Award (the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship) from The Croucher Foundation, Hong Kong, in 2001. Professor Cheng is ranked as the 6th among the world’s top 2% of scientists in Operations Research for career-long citation impact in 2022 according to an index compiled by Stanford University. According to Google Scholar, he has received over 58,000 citations with an h-index of 109.

A registered professional engineer and a seasoned management consultant, Professor Cheng plays an active role in advising business and industry on management issues and provides management and executive development training to organisations. He has over the years secured more than US$5 million in research funding from both public and private sectors to support his diverse research programmes.

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