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Prof. George Wong
PolyU Scholars Hub

Prof. George WONG

Associate Professor and Associate Head (Public Relation and Student Service)



Prof. Wong received his Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science with first-class honours and PhD in Finance from the University of Melbourne. Since joining the School of Accounting and Finance in 2008, he has dedicated himself to fostering the academic and professional growth of students. Currently, he serves as an Associate Head overseeing alumni relations and student development. His goal is to ensure that graduates maintain strong connections and stay up-to-date in their respective fields. He has taught a variety finance courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His research interests primarily focus on corporate finance, cost accounting, and the field of environmental and green corporate finance.

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne

Research Interests

  • Corporate Decisions
  • Behavioral Corporate Finance
  • Environmental Finance

Research Output

Do Corporate Policies Follow a Life-Cycle? with Robert Faff, Wing Chun Kwok, and Edward Podolski, Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming.

Cash Flow Sensitivities and the Allocation of Internal Cash Flow with Xin Chang, Sudipto Dasgupta, and Jiaquan Yao, Review of Financial Studies, 2014, 27 (12), 3628-3657.

Financial Constraints and Stock Returns - Evidence from Australia with Howard Chan, Xin Chang, and Robert Faff, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2010, 18 (3), 306-318.

Does the More Risk-averse Investor hold a Less Risky Portfolio? International Review of Finance, 2009, 9 (3), 319-333.

The Cross-Sectional Determinants of Post-IPO Stock Performance: Evidence from China with Xin Chang, Shi Hua Lin, and Lewis Tam, Accounting and Finance, 2009, 50 (3), 581-603.

The Real Impact of Stock Market Mispricing - Evidence from Australia with Xin Chang, Lewis Tam, and Tek Jun Tan, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2007, 15 (4), 388-408.

Effects of Financial Constraints on Corporate Policies in Australia with Xin Chang, Tek Jun Tan, and Hongfeng Zhang, Accounting and Finance, 2007, 47 (1), 85-108.

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