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Prof. Lei Yang
PolyU Scholars Hub

Prof. Lei YANG

Associate Professor



Prof. Yang obtained her PhD in University of Colorado at Boulder and Master in Renmin University of China. Her current research interests focus on International Trade, Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development. She has published papers in international refereed journals such as Journal of Development Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Inquiry, The World Economy, Review of International Economics and Review of Development Economics. Her research has been supported by Hong Kong Government General Research Funding (GRF), and university and departmental research funding.

I am currently recruiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Economics and Computer Science background are welcome). Please send your email to me if you are interested.

Research Interests

  • International Economics And Development Economics

Research Output

9. "Domestic patent rights, access to technologies, and the structure of exports", Maskus, K. E. and Lei Yang, Canadian Journal of Economics, Forthcoming.

8. “Trademark Protection, Quality Improvement and Exports in Developing Countries”, Lei Yang, X. Yin and He, Y. The World Economy, Forthcoming.

7. “Strategic Enforcement, Intellectual Property Rights, And Contractual R&D”, H. Beladi, S. Marjit, X. Xu and Lei Yang, Economic Inquiry 54 (4), 1904-1917, 2016.

6. “Intellectual Property Rights and the Quality of Technology Transfer in Developing Countries”, Lei Yang, Y. Tsai and Mukherjee, A. Review of Development Economics 20(1), 239-249, 2016.

5. “Intellectual Property Right and R&D when Pirates are Innovators”, Sugata Marjit and Lei Yang, International Review of Economics and Finance 37, 203-207, 2015.

4. “International Oligopoly, Barriers to Outsourcing, and Domestic Employment”, S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Marjit, and Lei Yang, Canadian Journal of Economics 47(4), 1372–1386, 2014.

3. “Credit Constraints, Fragmentation and Inter-Firm Transactions”, S. Marjit, Lei Yang and Ray, M. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 21 (1), 94-103, 2014.

2.Outsourcing: Volume and Composition of R&D, H. Beladi, S. Marjit, and Lei Yang, Review of International Economics 20(4), 828–840, 2012.

1. “Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer and Exports in Developing Countries”, Lei Yang and Maskus, K. E. Journal of Development Economics 90(2), 231–236, 2009.

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