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Due to the health concerns of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to move the conference online. Thank you for your understanding.



The School of Accounting and Finance is the longest established accounting school in Hong Kong with over 80 full-time academic and teaching staff in the areas of accounting, finance, economics, and law. During the past few years, faculty members were successful in publishing their research papers in top-tier refereed journals, including Journal of FinanceJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial StudiesThe Accounting ReviewJournal of Accounting and EconomicsJournal of Accounting ResearchReview of Accounting Studies, and Contemporary Accounting Research. The School has maintained an excellent network with overseas and Chinese Mainland institutions for collaborative work. More information about the School is available at


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is one of the world’s leading universities. It has been ranked 66th in the QS World University Rankings 2022. According to the UTD Top 100 Worldwide Business School Rankings based on research contributions for the period 2016–2020, the Faculty of Business has been ranked 59th in the world. PolyU will celebrate its 85th Anniversary in 2022:


The HKSAR is an international city located strategically at the heart of Asia and is the gateway to Chinese Mainland, with excellent transport links to major international cities. PolyU campus is located near the harbour connecting Kowloon and the Hong Kong Island, and in the vicinity of Tsim Sha Tsui, which is one of the most popular areas for visitors in Hong Kong.

2022 Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) Annual Conference

June 27 - 29, 2022 (Mon-Wed) Hong Kong SAR, China


The Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) invites submission of research papers on finance to the Association's 2022 Annual Conference. The conference will be hosted by the School of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in Hong Kong during June 27 - 29, 2022. The conference provides an open platform for finance scholars worldwide to present their recent research and exchange ideas and information on new developments in finance research. The majority of the sessions will include papers selected through open competition. In addition, there will be several invited sessions where leading researchers in different areas will be invited to present their latest work. A doctoral consortium will be held as part of the 2022 AsianFA Annual Conference.



Professor Wei Xiong, Trumbull-Adams Professor of Finance, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University;
Academic Dean, School of Management and Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen



The theme of the conference is on frontiers of finance research in the post-pandemic world. Papers in all areas of finance are welcome, including corporate finance, asset pricing, market microstructure, behavioral finance, financial institutions, financial crisis, international finance, and emerging capital markets. Accepted papers are eligible for several categories of best paper awards.



Doctoral students are welcome to present their dissertations at the consortium which will be led by leading scholars. A travel grant of USD1000 will be awarded to selected doctoral presenters at the consortium.



Pacific Basin Finance Journal (PBFJ) Special Issue, edited by Steven Wang, Robin Chou, Walid Saffar, and Shaojun Zhang

International Review of Finance (IRF) Special Issue on the theme "ESG, Carbon Finance, and Sustainable Investing", edited by Dragon Tang

Authors will be given the details on how to submit their 2022 AsianFA Conference papers, including the doctoral consortium, for potential publication in the special issue when they receive the AsianFA conference paper acceptance decisions. The submission deadline to both PBFJ/ IRF Special Issue is August 31, 2022. All submitted papers will go through the normal review process for the PBFJ/ IRF. For enquiries, please send email to James Chia ( for PBFJ or Dragon Tang ( for IRF.



The conference will offer multiple categories of best paper awards. The awards in each category will be decided on by an Award Committee. These awards include:

  • Three best paper awards sponsored by the Asian Finance Association (USD1000 each).
  • Four best paper awards sponsored by the Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (USD1000 each).
  • Two best doctoral paper awards for the doctoral consortium sponsored by the School of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (USD1000 each).
  • More awards to be announced.



  • Paper status: only completed papers (both conference and doctoral consortium) will be considered.
  • Submission format: a blind copy of the manuscript and a separate file for the cover page containing the paper title, the abstract and author information. Only PDF or MS-Word versions are accepted.
  • Submission for Conference:
  • Submission for Doctoral Consortium: email to
  • Submission deadline: February 20, 2022
  • Decision communication: April 15, 2022



Please send email to (AsianFA Annual Conference) (AsianFA Doctoral Consortium)


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Professor Wei Xiong is Trumbull-Adams Professor of Finance and Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics and Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University. His research interests center on capital market imperfections, behavioral finance, digital economy, and China’s financial system. He has received various awards, including 2018 China Economics Prize, 2014 Inaugural Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award, 2013 NASDAQ OMX Award by Western Finance Association, and 2012 Smith Breeden Award (first prize) by American Finance Association. He received his Ph.D. in finance from Duke University in 2001, M.A. in physics from Columbia University in 1995, and B.S. in physics from University of Science and Technology of China in 1993. He is Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and Co-Editor of Journal of Finance (the flagship journal of American Finance Association), as well as Academic Dean of School of Management and Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.


  • Nancy Su, Professor and Head, School of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (
  • Shaojun Zhang, Associate Professor of Finance, School of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (



  • Robin Chou, Professor and Associate Dean, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University (
  • Bohui Zhang, Presidential Chair Professor and Executive Associate Dean, School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (
Paper ID Paper Title Author(s)
1 Natural disasters and firm leasing Jiawei Wang, University of Iowa
3 Families in corporate venture capital Mario Daniele Amore, Bocconi University
11 Tobin Tax Policy, Housing Speculation, and Property Market Dynamics Sumit Agarwal, National University of Singapore
Kwong Wing Chau, University of Hong Kong
Maggie Hu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wayne Wan, University of Cambridge
12 Evading Capital Controls via Cryptocurrencies: Evidence from the Blockchain Maggie Hu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Adrian Lee, Deakin University
Talis Putnins, University of Technology Sydney
13 CEO Overconfidence and the COVID-19 Pandemic Maggie Hu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Desmond Tsang, McGill University
Wayne Wan, University of Cambridge
15 Something in the Air: Does Air Pollution Affect Fund Managers’ Carbon Divestment? Thanh Huynh, Monash University
Frank Weikai Li, Singapore Management University
Ying Xia, Monash University
20 CEO Hometown Favoritism in Corporate Environmental Policies Wei Li, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Qiping Xu, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Qifei Zhu, Nanyang Technological University
25 Capital structure as an investment decision Liuren Wu, Baruch College, The City University of New York
Yang Xu, Baruch College, The City University of New York
27 Testing for Jumps in a Discretely Observed Price Process with Endogenous Sampling Times Yifan Li, University of Manchester
Ingmar Nolte, Lancaster University
Sandra Nolte, Lancaster University Management School
Shifan Yu, Lancaster University
31 Insider Stock Pledging and Stock Price Informativeness: Evidence from India Amanjot Singh, King's University College at the University of Western Ontario
32 Volatility Information Transfer along the Supply Chain Wenli Huang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Gang Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Shaojun Zhang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
33 Asset Pricing with Panel Trees under Global Split Criteria Xin He, City University of Hong Kong
Will Cong, Cornell University
Guanhao Feng, City University of Hong Kong
Jingyu He, City University of Hong Kong
43 Factorization Asset Pricing Qian Qi, Peking University
48 Extrapolation in China’s Stock Market: Returns, Price Crash Risk and Price Informativeness Li Siyang, PBC School of Finance
Yang Siyuang, PBC School of Finance
49 “Buy the Rumor, Sell the News”: Liquidity Provision by Bond Funds Following Corporate News Events Alan Huang, University of Waterloo
Russell Wermers, University of Maryland
jinming xue, Southern Methodist University
54 Climate Risk and Corporate Payout Policies around the World Lin Mi, University of Queensland
57 Informational Role of Analyst and Investor Days Kotaro Miwa, Kyushu University
58 Self-Policing, Indeterminacy, and Minimum Salary Kentaro Asai, Australian National University
59 Trade Secrets Laws and Technology Spillovers Yanzhi Wang, National Taiwan University
60 Identifying S-Shaped Consumption Utility and Solving the Equity Premium Puzzle Gaosheng Ju, Fudan University
Qi Li, Texas A&M University
62 How Does the Equity Market Stabilize the Economy via Bank Lending? Yunqi Zhang, Nankai University
63 Mutual Fund Flows and Capital Supply in Municipal Financing Manuel Adelino, Duke University
Sophia Chiyoung Cheong, City University of Hong Kong
Jaewon Choi, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh, Hanyang University
69 Do Short Sellers Use Textual Information? Evidence from Annual Reports Hung Wan Kot, University of Macau
Frank Weikai Li, Singapore Management University
Morris Liu, University of Macau
K. C. John Wei, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
72 The Real Impact of FinTech: Evidence from Mobile Payment Technology Sumit Agarwal, National University of Singapore
Wenlan Qian, National University of Singapore
Yuan Ren, Zhejiang University
Hsin-Tien Tsai, National University of Singapore
Bernard Yeung, National University of Singapore
73 The Effect of Wealth Shocks on Shirking: Evidence from the Housing Market Quanlin Gu, Central University of Finance and Economics
Jia He, Nankai University
Wenlan Qian, National University of Singapore
Yuan Ren, Zhejiang University
79 Nonlinear Incentives in the Consumer Credit Market: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment Chen Chen, Monash University
Difang Huang, Monash University
80 Birth order and fund manager’s trading behavior: Role of sibling rivalry Vikas Agarwal, Georgia State University
Alexander Cochardt, University of St. Gallen
Stephan Heller, University of St. Gallen
Vitaly Orlov, University of St. Gallen
86 Financial Development, Firm Growth, and Aggregate Productivity Divergence in Europe Xiaomei Sui, University of Rochester
88 Ultimate government control and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China Lingxia Sun, Sun Yat-sen University
89 Incentivizing Investors for a Greener Economy Nam Nguyen, University of Texas at Dallas
92 The Impact of the Deposit Channel on the International Transmission of Monetary Shocks Sergey Sarkisyan, University of Pennsylvania
Tasaneeya Viratyosin, University of Pennsylvania
93 Comparing Search and Intermediation Frictions Across Markets Gabor Pinter, Bank of England
Semih Üslü, Johns Hopkins University
95 Do Mutual Funds Walk the Talk? A Textual Analysis of Risk Disclosure by Mutual Funds Nan Xu, Nankai University
97 Investor-firm Interactions and Corporate Securities Fraud Lawrence Kryzanowski, Concordia University
Mingyang Li, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Sheng Xu, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Jie Zhang, Trent University
98 Does Social Media Analyst Coverage Affect IPO Underpricing? Yuqi Han, Temple University
Chi Zhang, University of Massachusetts Lowell
101 The Externalities of Political Connections in the Product Market Shu LIU, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Rui Zhu, Singapore Management University
103 Competitive Corporate Social Responsibility Neal Stoughton, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Keith K.P. Wong, The University of Hong Kong
Long Yi, Hong Kong Baptist University
105 The Mitigation of Reputational Risk via Responsive CSR: Evidence from Securities Class Action Lawsuits Daewoung Choi, Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Douglas Cook, University of Alabama
M. Tony Via, Kent State University
Weiwei Zhang, James Madison University
106 Individualistic CEO and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Frontier Culture Lei Gao, George Mason University
Jianlei Han, Macquarie University
Zheyao Pan, Macquarie University
Huixuan Zhang, Macquarie University
110 Is firm-level political risk priced in the equity option market? Thang Ho, Lancaster University
Anastasios Kagkadis, Lancaster University Management School
George Wang, Lancaster University Management School
111 Dual Trading and Price Discovery at Market Close: Theory and Evidence Jiaheng Yu, MIT
113 Why does option open interest predict stock returns? YI ZHOU, San Francisco State University
114 Mandatory Retirement of Subnational Leaders as a Corporate Governance Mechanism Hua Cheng, Nankai University
Yongjin Wang, Nankai University
115 Nowcasting firms’ fundamentals: Evidence from the cloud Ran Chang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Zhi Da, University of Notre Dame
116 Machine Forecast Disagreement and Equity Returns Ran Chang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
117 The Effect of Intellectual Property Rights Protection on Stock Price Synchronicity: Evidence from the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Fangfang Hou, Xiamen University
Jeffrey Ng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tharindra Ranasinghe, American University
118 ESG and the Market Return Ran Chang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Liya Chu, East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST)
Jun Tu, Singapore Management University
Bohui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Guofu Zhou, Washington University in St. Louis
121 Joint News, Attention Spillover, and Market Returns Li Guo, Fudan University
Lin Peng, Baruch College, Baruch College, The City University of New York
Yubo Tao, University of Macau
Jun Tu, Singapore Management University
122 Feedback, Flow-induced Fire Sales, and Option Returns Han Xiao, Pennsylvania State University
124 Organizational Capital, Tobin’s Q, and the Cross Section of Stock Returns Kai Wang, Stevens Institute of Technology
125 Liquidity Shocks and the Negative Premium of Liquidity Volatility Around the World Frank Feng, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Wenjin Kang, Shanghai University of Finance and Econo
Huiping Zhang
127 Organized Labor and Capital Markets: Evidence from the U.S. Municipal Bond Market Yunhui Han, University of Utah
128 Does Death Teach Us Wisdom? Evidence from Trading during the COVID-19 Pandemic in India Pulak Ghosh, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Jayanta Kumar Seal, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
Hong Zhang, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
jian zhang, Hong Kong University
129 Information Specialization, Strategic Complementarity, and Market Efficiency: Evidence from Institutional Investors Massimo Massa, INSEAD
Hong Zhang, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
Yijun Zhou, Baruch College, The City University of New York
130 Policy Uncertainty Discourages Green Investment: Evidence from China Mengyu Wang, Pbcsf, Tsinghua University
Jeffrey Wurgler, New York University
Hong Zhang, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
131 Rank-and-File Employee Stock Options and Workplace Safety Yangyang Chen, City University of Hong Kong
Emmanuel Ofosu, City University of Hong Kong
Madhu Veeraraghavan, TA PAI Management Institute
Leon Zolotoy, University of Melbourne
136 Why is there so much side-by-side management in the ETF industry? Mancy Luo, Erasmus University
David Schumacher, McGill University
140 Volatility Uncertainty, Disasters, and the Puzzle of VIX Futures Contango Gurdip Bakshi, Temple University
John Crosby, University of Maryland
Xiaohui Gao, Temple University
jinming xue, Southern Methodist University
143 Who Listens to Corporate Conference Calls? The Effect of “Soft Information” on Institutional Trading Alan Huang, University of Waterloo
Russell Wermers, University of Maryland
146 Outsourcing Climate Change Rui Dai, WRDS, The Wharton School
Rui Duan, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Hao Liang, Singapore Management University
Lilian Ng, York University
147 These Stocks are on Fire: The Impact of Social Media on Mutual Funds’ Performance, Flows, and Trading Sha Liu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economimcs
151 Individual Investors’ Trading Behavior and Gender Difference in Tolerance of Sex Crimes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Huasheng Gao, Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University
Zhengkai Liu, Fudan University
Chloe (Chunliu) Yang, Fudan University
153 Aggregating diverse information from institutions and individuals Li Guo, Fudan University
Bo SANG, Singapore Management University
154 Can Retail Investors Learn from Insiders? Ekkehart Boehmer, Singapore Management University
Bo SANG, Singapore Management University
Zhe Zhang, Singapore Management University
155 The Voice of Retail Investors and Corporate Earnings Quality Guilong Cai, Sun Yat-sen University
Bingxuan Lin, University of Rhode Island
Rui Lu, Sun Yat-sen University
Yanan Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University
157 International Pecking Order Egemen Eren, Bank for International Settlements
Semyon Malamud, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Haonan Zhou, Princeton University
162 A Psychological Perspective on Household Financial Distress: The Role of Emotional Support Da Ke, University of South Carolina
163 Intrahousehold Disagreement about Macroeconomic Expectations Da Ke, University of South Carolina
164 Corporate investment, financing, and exit model with an earnings-based borrowing constraint Michi Nishihara, Osaka University
Takashi Shibata, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Chuanqian Zhang, Cotsakos College of Business, William Paterson University
165 Corporate Tax Cuts for Small firms: What Do Firms Do? Wei Cui, University of British Columbia
Mengying Wei, University of International Business and Economics
Weisi Xie, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jing Xing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
172 Technology and Cryptocurrency Valuation Jinfei Sheng, University of California, Irvine
Yukun Liu, University of Rochester
Wanyi Wang, University of California, Irvine
173 Partisan Return Gap: The Polarized Stock Market in the Time of a Pandemic Jinfei Sheng, University of California, Irvine
Zheng Sun, University of California, Irvine
Wanyi Wang, University of California, Irvine
174 Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Culture Cheng Jiang, Temple University
175 An Unintended Consequence of Holding Dollar Assets Robert Czech, Bank of England
Shiyang Huang, The University of Hong Kong
Dong Lou, London School of Economics
Tianyu Wang, Tsinghua University
176 FX Option Volume Robert Czech, Bank of England
Shiyang Huang, The University of Hong Kong
Tianyu Wang, Tsinghua University
177 Trust in DeFi: An Empirical Study of the Decentralized Exchange Jianlei Han, Macquarie University
Shiyang Huang, The University of Hong Kong
Zhuo Zhong, University of Melbourne
178 Biased Judges? Judge Characteristics and Bankruptcy Outcomes Donghyun Kang, Copenhagen Business School
179 Forecasting Option Returns with News Jie Cao, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bing Han, University of Toronto
Gang Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ruijing Yang, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xintong Zhan, Fudan University
181 When MIDAS Meets LASSO: Forecasting Tail Risk Using Effective Macroeconomic Variables Sherry Luo, Lancaster University
Xiaohan Xue, University of Reading
182 Work from Home, Managerial Sentiment, and Corporate Liquidity Management under COVID-19 Lilian Ng, York University
Jing Yu, University of Sydney
Linyang Yu, York University
183 Earnings Announcements in China: Overnight-Intraday Disparity Ole-Kristian Hope, University of Toronto
Danqi Hu, Peking University
Junhao Liu, University of Toronto
186 Proxy Voting and CEO Pay: Evidence from the Rejection of Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine Xiaohui Li, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yao Shen, City Univeristy of New York
Jing Xie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
187 Social Contagion and the Survival of Diverse Investment Styles David Hirshleifer, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California
Andrew Lo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ruixun Zhang, Peking University
190 CEO Neuroticism and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from CEOs’ Tweets Dien Giau Bui, Yuan Ze University
Robin K. Chou, Department of Finance, National Chengchi University
Chih-Yung Lin, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Chienlin Lu, National Ilan University
193 Employee Disclosure and Expected Crash Risk: Evidence from Staggered Initiation of Employee Reviews on Social Media Shenglan Chen, Zhejiang University of Technology
Hui Ma, Tongji University
Xuedan Tao, Tongji University
Huabing Wang, West Texas A&M University
195 Tax-Loss Harvesting with Cryptocurrencies Lin William Cong, Cornell University
Wayne Landsman, University of North Carolina
Edward Maydew, University of North Carolina at Chapel H
Daniel Rabetti, Tel Aviv University
197 Optimal Shadow Banking Jinfan Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Zehao Liu, Renmin University of China
Ting Yang, North China University of Technology
199 Profiting from Private Information on Rivals’ Cyberattacks: Evidence from Informed Trading by Insiders Connected to Rival Firms Jun-Koo Kang, Nanyang Business School Nanyang Technological University
Jungmin Kim, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Fangbo Si, Jinan University
200 Dancing with Family Owners: Is Shareholder Activism Effective in Family Firms? Jun-Koo Kang, Nanyang Business School Nanyang Technological University
Hyemin Kim, Hanyang University
Jungmin Kim, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
201 Tunneling Through TrademarksP0F Sojung Kim, Korea University Business School
Woochan Kim, Korea University Business School
203 Volatility forecasting with machine learning and intraday commonality Chao Zhang, University of Oxford
Yihuang Zhang, University of Oxford
Mihai Cucuringu, University of Oxford
Zhongmin Qian, University of Oxford
204 The long-run risk premium in the ICAPM: International evidence Ryuta Sakemoto, Okayama University
205 Timing the market when avoiding corporate taxes: Evidence from industry-level tax avoidance sentiment Zeyu Sun, University of International Business and Economics
Qiang Wu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jing Xie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
207 How Does Declining Worker Power Affect Investment Sensitivity to Minimum Wage? Sreedhar Bharath, Arizona State University
Duckki Cho, Peking University
Michael Hertzel, Arizona State University
208 The Conduits of Price Discovery: A Machine Learning Approach Amy Kwan, University of Sydney
Richard Philip, University of Sydney
Andriy Shkilko, Wilfrid Laurier University
209 Who Benefits from Securities Exchange Innovation? Andriy Shkilko, Wilfrid Laurier University
Konstantin Sokolov, University of Memphis
Eduard Yelagin, University of Memphis
210 On the Effects of Continuous Trading Ivan Indriawan, Auckland University of Technology
Roberto Pascual, Universidad de las Islas Baleares
Andriy Shkilko, Wilfrid Laurier University
211 Who Gains from Housing Market Stimulus? Evidence from Housing Assistance Grants with Threshold Prices Sumit Agarwal, National University of Singapore
Maggie Hu, CUHK
Adrian Lee, Deakin University
212 Signaling Before the Deadline: Management Earnings Forecasts before the Performance Shares Award Evaluation Date C.S. Agnes Cheng, University of Oklahoma
Jing Xie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lingyi Zheng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
216 News disagreement, trading volume, and equity prices Hang Wang, UNSW
217 The U.S. Dollar and Variance Risk Premia Imbalances Mads Kjær, Aarhus University, CREATES
Anders Posselt, Aarhus University
218 Greenwashing with Style: The Effect of ESG-Related Fund Name Changes on Fund Flows Alexander Cochardt, University of St. Gallen
Stephan Heller, University of St. Gallen
Vitaly Orlov, University of St. Gallen
222 Currency Risk Under Capital Controls Xiang Fang, The University of Hong Kong
Sining Liu, University of Hong Kong
Yang Liu, University of Hong Kong
225 Borrower Investment Efficiency and Private Debt Renegotiation Sang Woo Sohn, Emory University
230 Power Grab: Activists, Short Sellers, and Disagreement Tao Li, University of Florida
Pedro Saffi, University of Cambridge
Daheng Yang, Columbia Business School
231 Main Street’s Pain, Wall Street’s Gain Nancy Xu, Boston College
Yang You, University of Hong Kong
234 Portfolio Similarity: Institutional Ownership and Asset Prices Audra Boone, Texas Christian University
Hursit Celil, Peking University
Srinivasan Selvam, Peking University
235 The Effect of Institutional Investor Portfolio Diversification on Corporate Diversification Audra Boone, Texas Christian University
Hursit Celil, Peking University
Seungjoon Oh, Peking University
Srinivasan Selvam, Peking University
236 Interpretable and Arbitrage-Free Deep Learning for Corporate Bond Pricing Guanhao Feng, City University of Hong Kong
Liang Jiang, Fudan University
Junye Li, Fudan University
237 Contagion of Investor Sentiment in Online Investment Communities: Evidence from Dynamic Visuals on StockTwits Shijia Wu, The Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong - Shenzhen
238 Local Agglomeration and Household Mortgage Debt Walid Saffar, The Hongkong Polytechnic University
Longfei Shang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
239 Active Mutual Fund Common Owners’ Returns and Proxy Voting Behavior Ben Charoenwong, National University of Singapore
Zhenghui Ni, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
Qiaozhi Ye, National University of Singapore
242 Extrapolation and Cognitive Dissonance in the Market for Credit Risk Arben Kita, University of Southampton
243 Impact Investing and Venture Capital Industry: Experimental Evidence Ye Zhang, Stockholm School of Economics Finance Department
247 A cultural explanation of the dividend payout of multinational firms John Zhang, Macau University of Science and Technology
251 “Doing Good” for the Customers? Evidence from Offshore Sales Izidin El Kalak, Cardiff University
Woon Sau Leung, University of Edinburgh
Qingwei Wang, Cardiff University
254 Pricing Errors and Cross-sectional Predictability of Corporate Bond Returns: the Role of Investor Sentiment Xu Guo, Shenzhen University
Hai Lin, Victoria University of Wellington
Chunchi Wu, State University of New York at Buffalo
Guofu Zhou, Washington University in St. Louis
256 Market Responses to Government Control of Privatised Firms: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms Sarmistha Pal, University of Surrey
258 Employment Protection and VC Investment: The Impact of Wrongful Discharge Laws Wei Wang, Cleveland State University
Chris Yung, University of Virginia
260 Glassdoor Best Places to Work: How Do They Work for Shareholders? Greg Filbeck, Penn State University
Xin (Jessica) Zhao, Penn State University at Erie
262 The Joint Term Structure of Exchange Rate Puzzles in an Uncertain World Huichou Huang, City University of Hong Kong
264 Climate policy uncertainty and firm pollutant emissions Jiawei Wang, University of Iowa
267 Managerial Agency and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Shareholder-Creditor Mergers Hien Nguyen, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Hieu Phan, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Hong Vo, International University
268 Climate Risk and Bank Loan Contracting: International Evidence ZHEN QI, University of Manitoba
270 Soft Information Mutual Fund Managers Honghui Chen, University of Central Florida
Yuanyu Qu, University of International Business and Economics
Tao Shen, Tsinghua University
Qinghai Wang, University of Central Florida
273 Does a Financial Crisis Impair Corporate Innovation? Masami Imai, Wesleyan University
Michiru Sawada, Nihon University
274 Dissecting Climate Risks: Are they Reflected in Stock Prices? Renato Faccini, Danmarks Nationalbank
Rastin Matin, Danmarks Nationalbank
George Skiadopoulos, Queen Mary University of London and University of Piraeus
276 SMEs Amidst the Pandemic and Reopening: Digital Edge and Transformation Lin William Cong, Cornell University
Xiaohan Yang, Peking University
Xiaobo Zhang, Peking University
278 Entrepreneurial Optimism and Venture Capital: A Quantitative Analysis Richard Fu, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Ajay Subramanian, Georgia State University
283 Speaking With One Voice: Shareholder Collaboration on Activism Shaoting Pi, University of Cambridge
284 Surviving the Fintech Disruption Wei Jiang, Columbia University
Yuehua Tang, University of Florida
Rachel Xiao, Georgia State University
Vincent Yao, Georgia State University
288 Economic Links from Bonds and Cross-stock Return Predictability Jian Feng, University of Hong Kong
Xiaolin Huo, Renmin University of China
Xin Liu, Renmin University of China
Yifei Mao, Cornell University
289 Geographic Proximity in Short Selling Xiaolin Huo, Renmin University of China
Xin Liu, Renmin University of China
Vesa Pursiainen, University of St. Gallen
290 Socially Responsible Customers and Intangible Investment Buen Sin Low, Nanyang Technological University
Shaojun Zhang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
292 Advisor- hedge fund connections and their role in M&A Lijie Yu, The University of Manchester
299 Learning Through Social Networks: How Workers Optimize the Use of Fintech for Remittances Sumit Agarwal, National University of Singapore
Sangheum Cho, KAIST
Hyun-Soo Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Leora Klapper, The World Bank
307 Political Connections and Corporate Litigation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment Siyang Tian, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
311 Retail Investor Trading Activities and the Cross-Section of Option Returns Qingjie Du, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
312 Opioid Epidemic and Corporate Innovation Chong Chen, Central University of Finance and Economics
Qianqian Huang, City University of Hong Kong
Chang Shi, City University of Hong Kong
Tao Yuan, Nanjing University
315 Physical Climate Change Exposure and Stock Returns Cheng Sun, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
Jiangmin Xu, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
Yihui You, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
316 Does Firms’ Equity Financing Benefit Debtholders? Evidence from Private Placements of Equity Jun-Koo Kang, Nanyang Business School Nanyang Technological University
Jee Youn Koh, Nanyang Technological University
James Park, Korea University
318 Problem Loan Reporting of Banks Seong Jin Ahn, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Yong Kyu Gam, University College Dublin
319 Green credit policy and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from China Xiaoqi Chen, Xiamen University
Weiping Li, Sun Yat-sen University
Tao Yuan, Nanjing University
320 Collateral Constraint and China's Credit Boom in the Global Financial Crisis: Loan-level Anatomy Wei Li, East China Normal University
Suhua Tian, Fudan University
Yongqin Wang, Fudan University
329 Risk-based capital and leverage ratios adjustments by banks: Experience from Canada and the U.S. Helyoth Hessou, University of Sherbrooke
Van Son Lai, Laval University
330 National Auditor Inspection Programs and Corporate Innovation: International Evidence Yuan Huang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
331 Prices Are Less Elastic at More Aggregate Levels Jiacui Li, University of Utah
Zihan Lin, Stanford University
332 Alpha Go Everywhere: Machine Learning and International Stock Returns Darwin Choi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wenxi Jiang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chao Zhang, University of Oxford
333 Like A Duck to Water: Do Credit Rating Analysts Outperform in Bond Fund Management? Xiaolu Hu, RMIT University
Haoyi LUO, The University of Melbourne
Zijin Xu, The University of Melbourne
335 Economic uncertainty and stock market volatility Ying Jiang, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Xiaoquan Liu, Nottingham University Business School China
Zhenyu Lu, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
337 Patient VCs vs. Deep-Pocketed Incumbents: VC Financing Strategies in the Presence of Competitive Threats Roham Rezaei, UNSW Business School
339 Public sector union and government financing Qian He, Lingnan University
Sibo Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Lai Wei, Lingnan University
340 Collateral Quality and House Prices Jing Zhou, Fudan University
344 What Drives the ESG of Multinationals? Evidence from Chinese Multinational Corporations Dongxu Li, Xiamen University
Xiaoxue Hu, Xiamen University
348 Why Does Options Market Information Predict Stock Returns? Dmitriy Muravyev, Michigan State University
Neil Pearson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai
Joshua Pollet, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai
349 Retail Derivatives and Sentiment: A Sentiment Measure Constructed from Issuances of Retail Structured Equity Products Brian Henderson, George Washington University
Neil Pearson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai
Li Wang, Case Western Reserve University
351 Pricing and Constructing International Government Bond Portfolios Otto Randl, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Giorgia Simion, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Josef Zechner, Vienna University of Economics and Busin
353 How Does Access to Credit Impact Consumer Expenditure and Savings? Sumit Agarwal, National University of Singapore
Shashwat Alok, Indian School of Business
Pulak Ghosh, Indian Institute of Management
Xiaoyu Zhang, National University of Singapore
361 Cashless Payment and Financial Inclusion Shumiao Ouyang, Princeton University
363 How Does BigTech Credit Affect Monetary Policy Transmission? Xiang Li, Halle Institute for Economic Research
366 Assessing Asset Pricing Models Using Exchange-Traded Fund Flows K.C. John Wei, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Linti Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
368 Social Ties and Predictable Returns Lin Peng, Baruch College, The City University of New York
Muhammed Yonac, Baruch College, The City University of New York
Dexin Zhou, Baruch College, The City University of New York
372 Sticky Leverage and Debt Overhang: Evidence from Foreign-Denominated Debt in Latin America Guojun Chen, National University of Singapore
Jinyu Liu, University of International Business and Economics
Shaowen Luo, Virginia Tech
374 Firms’ demands on inventor executives around IPOs yanying lyu, Tilburg university
375 What is in a promise? The dark side of M&A performance commitment Johnny Chan, Western Kentucky University
Shaojing Ke, Renmin University of China
Qinyang Li, Southwest University
Nianhang Xu, Renmin University of China
378 Proximity to Stars, Peer Pressure, and Innovation Yolanda Yulong Wang, Shenzhen University
Long Yi, Hong Kong Baptist University
380 Diligent Prices: Textual Changes to 10-Ks and Option Volatility Smirk Hua Cheng, Nankai University
381 Do Retail Investors Trade on ESG? Ran Chang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Xiaoyan Zhang, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
Xinran Zhang, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
382 Merger Waves in Digital Era: Evidence from Data Breach Notifiation Law Yuan Sun, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lai Wei, Lingnan University
Wensi Xie, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
383 State-owned banks and credit allocation in India: Evidence from an asset quality review Abhiman Das, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Sanket Mohapatra, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Akshita Nigania, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
384 Greenwashing and Bank Loan Contracting: Does Environmental Disclosure Quality Matter to Creditors? Mohammad Rahaman, Saint Mary's University
386 Two Risk Factors in the Long Run: A Key to Decipher Asset Pricing Puzzles Nan Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
387 Does Uncertain Credit Information Quality Matter for Bond Funds? Nan Yang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
389 Managing China's Stock Markets: the Economics of the National Team Tri Vi Dang, Columbia University
Wei Li, East China Normal University
Yongqin Wang, 复旦大学
391 Banks Incentive Pay, Diversification and Systemic Risk Shuo Zhao, Tilburg University
392 Markup Shocks and Asset Prices Alexandre Corhay, University of Toronto
Jun Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jincheng Tong, University of Toronto
393 CEOs’ Names and Financial Misstatements Ran An, Xiamen University
Feng Tian, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yinglei Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
395 Knowledge is Power: A Field Experiment in the Chinese and US Stock Markets Sonia Man Lai Wong, Lingnan University
Yuan Xue, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Bohui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Xiaofeng Zhao, Lingnan University
398 The Crowding Out Effect of Fiscal Expansion on Corporate Borrowing Zefeng Chen, Peking University
Masazumi Hattori, Hitotsubashi University
Mai Li, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
Haonan Zhou, Princeton University
402 Intergenerational Influences of Personal Bankruptcy: Evidence from Singapore Sumit Agarwal, National University of Singapore
Tien Foo Sing, National University of Singapore
Xiaoyu Zhang, National University of Singapore
403 Risk-Taking Incentive in Performance-Vested Restricted Stock Grants and Corporate Innovation Shunji Mei, The University of Queensland
RONGHONG HUANG, University of Queensland
Kelvin Jui Keng Tan, The University of Queensland
404 Minimum Wage, State Ownership, and Industrial Pollution Tao Chen, Nanyang Technological University
Xi Xiong, Wuhan University
Kunru Zou, Renmin University of China
405 Trademark protection and CEO risk-taking incentives Tao Chen, Nanyang Technological University
Yangyang Chen, City University of Hong Kong
Bin Yang, Jinan University
Tao Yuan, Nanjing University
409 Institutional Investors’ Attention and Management Guidance Behavior Yubin Li, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen
Jia Liu, University of Portsmouth
Yang Liu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
410 Stock Market and Demand for Skill Yao Lu, Tsinghua University
Liu Yang, University of Maryland
Yeqing Zhang, Central University of Finance and Economics
411 Political Relations and Intellectual Collaboration: Evidence from U.S. Multinational Corporations Chong Chen, Central University of Finance and Economics
Yaxuan Qi, City University of Hong Kong
Bohui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
412 The Price of Losing Trust: The Case of YouTube Creators Sung Kwan Lee, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
414 Distracted Investors under Institutional Cross-Blockholding: Evidence from Corporate Social Responsibility Tao Chen, Nanyang Technological University
Jimmy Qu, Nanyang Technological University
415 The Impact of Cash Flow Uncertainty on Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity in China: The Debt Financing Channel Sai Ding, University of Glasgow
416 CSR disclosure and corporate innovation: Evidence from China Jianfu Shen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
418 Do institutional investors exploit expectation errors in value/glamour stocks? Jianfu Shen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
419 Which Expectation? Toward a Unified Framework of Expectation-based Asset Pricing Yingguang Zhang, Peking University
422 Information Diffusion into Multi-(Secretive)-Segment Firms C.S. Agnes Cheng, University of Oklahoma
Chengwei Wang, Sungkyunkwan University SKKGSB
423 Green or Brown: Which Overpriced Stock to Short Sell? Weiming Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong
425 Directors’ Personal Experience and Corporate Environmental Performance Qianqian Huang, City University of Hong Kong
Feng Jiang, State University of New York at Buffalo
Yuhai Xuan, University of California, Irvine
Xunan ZHOU, City University of Hong Kong
427 Rainy Day Liquidity Jingzhi Huang, Pennsylvania State University
Xin Li, Michigan Technological University
Mehmet Saglam, University of Cincinnati
Tong Yu, University of Cincinnati
429 Regularized Mimicking Portfolios dan Luo, Temple University
Oleg Rytchkov, Temple University
Xun Zhong, Fordham University
431 The Effect of ESG-motivated Turnover on Firm Financial Risk Daewoung Choi, Louisiana State University Shreveport
Yong Kyu Gam, University College Dublin
Hojong Shin, California State University, Long Beach
433 Instrumented Expected Profitability Premium Te-Feng Chen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ye Gong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
K. C. John Wei, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
435 The Bundled Design of Institutional Loan Deals – An Information Asymmetry Perspective Shibin Tang, University of Toronto
445 Mutual Risk Sharing and Fintech: The Case of Xiang Hu Bao Hanming Fang, University of Pennsylvania
Xiao Qin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Wenfeng Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tong Yu, University of Cincinnati
449 Rating Agency Beliefs and Credit Market Distortions Chen Wang, University of Notre Dame
Gregory Weitzner, McGill University
451 Sustainable Mutual Fund Performance and Flow in the Recent Years Through the COVID-19 Pandemic Fei Fang, Clark University
Sitikantha Parida, Clark University
456 The Role of Financial Reporting Quality in Private Placements C.S. Agnes Cheng, University of Oklahoma
Jiajia Fu, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Zhi LI, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jing Xie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
457 The Effect of Institutional Investor Distraction on Analyst Forecasts Zhi LI, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jing Xie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
461 Can A Sell-by-Plan Mandate Mitigate Opportunistic Insider Selling? Pengfei Ye, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Qingsheng Zeng, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Cheng Zhang, East China Normal University
462 Happiness and Innovation around the World Yuna Heo, Rutgers University
Fangfang Hou, Xiamen University
Seongkyu (Gilbert) Park, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
464 Value Relevance of Abnormal Carbon Emissions: Evidence from the United States Le Luo, Macquarie University
465 FinTech Mergers Xiaoyu Wang, Georgia State University
Alan Zhang, Florida International University
466 Term Structure of Equity in the Cross Section Sipeng CHEN, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Gang Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
K.C. John Wei, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Linti Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
467 Security-Cost Efficiency of Competing Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrencies Kohei Kawaguchi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Shunya Noda, University of Tokyo
471 A dynamic term structure perspective of green premiums: evidence from municipal bond market Chen ZHANG, NUS (chongqing) research institute
475 Can Machines Understand Human Decisions? Dissecting Stock Forecasting Skill Sean Cao, Georgia State University
Xuxi Guo, Georgia State University
Houping Xiao, Georgia State University
Baozhong Yang, Georgia State University
483 Intangible Customer Capital and Bank Resilience Joel Houston, University of Florida
Hongyu Shan, Fordham University
Yu Shan, Concordia University
484 Cutting Operational Costs by Integrating Fintech into Traditional Banking Firms Linda Allen, Baruch College, The City University of New York
Yu Shan, Concordia University
Yi Tang, Fordham University
Alev Yildirim, Southern Connecticut State University
488 Out-of-Sample Equity Premium Prediction: The Role of Option-Implied Constraints Yunqi Wang, Southern University of Science and Technology
Ti Zhou, Southern University of Science and Technology
491 Alternative Investments in the Fintech Era: The Risk and Return of Non-fungible Token (NFT) De-Rong Kong, National Taiwan University
Tse-Chun Lin, University of Hong Kong
492 The effect of labor market immobility on syndicated-loan structures Daphne LAU
493 Do Short-Sale Constraints Inhibit Information Acquisition? Evidence from Two Natural Experiments Lixin (Nancy) Su, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Sonia Man Lai Wong, Lingnan University
Yuan Xue, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Xiaofeng Zhao, Lingnan University
499 Too Much to Learn: The Unintended Consequences of RegTech Development on Mergers and Acquisitions Ming Gu, Xiamen University
Dongxu Li, Xiamen University
Xiaoran Ni, Xiamen University
500 Climate Vulnerability and Stock Price Crash Risk Worldwide Xiaoran Ni, Xiamen University
Yi Si, Xi'an Jiaotong Univertisty
Bohui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
505 A Model of Stock Buybacks Alvin Chen, Stockholm School of Economics
507 Shared Analyst Coverage and Intra-analyst Information Spillover: Evidence from Management Earnings Forecasts Mingming Ji, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Liangliang Jiang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
509 FinTech Credit, Information Spillover and the Riskiness of Bank Loans Chunbo Liu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Yu Wu, Southwestern University of Finance & Eco
Song Zhang, Boston College
511 Does the Nature of Political Connection Matter for Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement? Evidence from China Erin So, Hong Kong Baptist University
512 DO WOMEN RECEIVE WORSE FINANCIAL ADVICE Utpal Bhattacharya, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Amit Kumar, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Sujata Visaria, Hong Kong University of Science and Tech
Jing Zhao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
513 Fund Skills Analysis via Machine Learning Mengchuan Wang, the University of Melbourne
514 Institutional Visitors and Corporate Social Responsibilities Lewis Tam, University of Macau
Shaohua Tian, Macau University of Science and Technology
515 Does Mobile Payment Adoption Reduce Corruption? Cross-country Evidence Lin Tang, the University of Hong Kong
Yuhai Xuan, University of California, Irvine
Hong Zou, The University of Hong Kong
517 The Value-Add of Venture Capital Due-diligence for Venture Performance Juanita Gonzalez-uribe, London School of Economics and Political Science
Robyn Klingler-Vidra, King's College of London
Su Wang, University of Amsterdam
Xiang Yin, London School of Economics
518 Present Bias and the Value of Sophistication Subas Acharya, University of Texas at Dallas
519 Value of payouts in the course of corporate governance reform Hiroshi Moriyasu, Nagasaki University
Shinya Shinozaki, Saga University
Konari Uchida, Kyushu University
524 Executive Fiduciary Duties and Workplace Safety Sichen Shen, Wuhan University
Vijay Yerramilli, University of Houston
Hong Zou, The University of Hong Kong
525 Abnormal Downside Tail Risk as a Predictor of the Risky Bond Returns: Evidence from Korean Corporate Bond Market Jisu Ahn, Shinhan Asset Management
Injun Hwang, Korea University Business School
Baeho Kim, Korea University Business School
526 Firm Foreign Activity and Exchange Rate Risk Amir Akbari, McMaster University
Francesca Carrieri, McGill University
532 Politically Polarized Depositors Jinoug Jeung, Emory University
533 Home Not So Sweet Home: An Examination of Retail Investors’ Local Information Advantage Using Online Stock Forum Posts Jiaxing You, Xiamen University
Shuyi Zhu, Xiamen University
Jingjing Xia, Wenzhou-Kean University
535 Arbitrage and Corporate Decisions Zhen Lai
Yunqi Zhang, Nankai University
539 Does Financial Disclosure Predict Corporate Innovation? Evidence from MD&A Textual Tones Xun Xiong
Long Zhao, Hunan University
545 The effects of taxation on corporate social responsibility in an emerging market: Evidence from a Korean tax reform Jiyoon Lee, Yonsei University
Hyejin Park, Korea Capital Market Institute
Jewon Shin, Yonsei University
546 Greed versus Fear:Which Affects Stock Returns? Evidence from Chinese Option Markets Huaigang Long, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
Yanjian Zhu, Zhejiang University
547 Do Investors Value Corporate Workforce Equality? Yanru HAN, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
548 Difference Is Good: Evidence from the Effect of Ethnicity Diversity on Corporate Interstate Investments YING MAO, Lingnan University
Zheng Wang, City University of Hong Kong
Hong Zou, The University of Hong Kong
549 Media Climate Change Concern and Stock Returns Liya Chu, East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST)
Jun Tu, Singapore Management University
LUYING WANG, Singapre Management University
551 Growing Up with Finance: Special Economic Zoning and Household Finances in China DONGNI DUAN, University of Glasgow
553 CFO Gender and Financial Statement Comparability Fangjun WANG, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Zhichao Zhang, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Li-Chin Ho, University of Texas at Arlington
Muhammad Usman, Nanjing Audit University
556 Does Non-punitive Regulation Diminish Stock Price Crash Risk? Jing Lu, Chongqing University
Yuhang Qiu, Chongqing University
559 The effect of compensation benchmarking – Evidence from share repurchases yuyuan chang, South China University of Technology
David Reeb, National University of Singapore
Yao Shen, Baruch College, The City University of New York
Jing Xie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
560 Unveiling the Dividend Puzzle: A Field Experiment Xiaoqiao Wang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Jing Xie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Bohui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Xiaofeng Zhao, Lingnan University
561 Disclosure Clientele and Return Co-movement: Evidence from Management Earnings Forecasts Jing Xie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
562 What drives firms’ choice between green and non-green bonds? Shuyu Li, The University of Manchester
Marie Dutordoir, The University of Manchester
Joao Quariguasi frota net, The University of Manchester
568 Regulation-induced CSR Jing Xu, University of Technology Sydney
569 The Coming Battle of Digital Currencies Lin William Cong, Cornell University
Simon Mayer, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
570 Nominal Exchange Rates and Heterogeneous Beliefs Benjamin Croitoru, McGill University
Feng Jiao, University of Lethbridge
Lei Lu, University of Manitoba
571 Endogenous Limits to Arbitrage and Price Informativeness Di Cui, Central University of Finance and Economics
Oyvind Norli, BI Norwegian Business School
Johann Reindl, Oslo Metropolitan University
572 Trust, but verify: The economics of scams in initial coin offerings Kenny Phua, University of Technology Sydney
Bo Sang, Singapore Management University
Chishen Wei, Singapore Management University
Gloria (Yang) Yu, Singapore Management Univesity
573 The strategic use of corporate philanthropy: Evidence from bank donations Seungho Choi, Queensland University of Technology
Jonghyeon Park, UNSW
Simon Xu, UC Berkeley
574 Incorporating Release Lag in Detecting Misstatements Min Zhu, University of Queensland Business School
575 Environmental regulation, pollution, and shareholder wealth Seungho Choi, Queensland University of Technology
Jonghyeon Park, UNSW
Simon Xu, UC Berkeley
576 Covid-19 and Firm Communication: How Mobility Constraints Affect the Conference Call Sentiment? Wenyao Hu, Saint Mary's University
Heng (Emily) WANG, Oklahoma State University
579 Retail investor attention and equity mispricing: Evidence from celebrity endorsements Xiaoran Ni, Xiamen University
Xuanying Yu, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Yong Huang, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
580 Do Local Newspapers Matter to Institutional Investors? Byoung Uk Kang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jonathan Nam, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
585 Do Labor Mobility Restrictions affect Debt Maturity? Mong Shan Ee, Deakin University
Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University
He Huang, University of Sydney
586 Credit Reallocation Effects of the Minimum Wage Tse-Chun Lin, University of Hong Kong
Xiaoran Ni, Xiamen University
Yuchao Peng, Central University of Finance and Economics,
588 Ambiguity and Market Underreactions to Earnings News Xiaobo Liang, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Qianqiu Liu, Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii
S. Ghon Rhee, University of Hawaii
589 Wrongful Discharge Laws and Trade Receivables Tongxia Li, Beijing Normal University
Tze Chuan Ang, Deakin University
Chun Lu, Macau University of Science and Technology
591 The Public Availability of Retail Order Flow Data and Market Quality Vinh Duc Anh Hua, Deakin University
Harminder Singh, Deakin University
Xiangkang Yin, Deakin University
592 The Sino-U.S. Tech War, Domestic Product Substitution, and Firm Innovation: Evidence from the Entity List Policy Wang Lixuan, Wuhan University
594 Fund Flows, Asset Size, and Performance: The Strange Case of Japanese Mutual Funds Toshiki Honda, Hitotsubashi University
595 The Role of Short Sellers in the Lifecycle of Securities Litigation Chun Kiat Lee, The University of Queensland
Chelsea Liu, The University of Adelaide
Lily Nguyen, The University of Queensland
Kelvin Jui Keng Tan, The University of Queensland
597 What Do Questions Reveal? Skill Acquisition, Detection, and Recognition in the Capital Markets Ling Cen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yanru HAN, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jarrad Harford, University of Washington
598 Expected Macroeconomic Conditions and Equity Premium Prediction Yizhe Deng, Ping An Bank
Yunqi Wang, Southern University of Science and Technology
Ti Zhou, Southern University of Science and Technology
600 Value Premium, Network Adoption, and Factor Pricing of Crypto Assets Lin William Cong, Cornell University
George Andrew Karolyi, Cornell University
Ke Tang, Tsinghua University
Weiyi Zhao, Tsinghua University
604 Disaster Recovery, Jump Propagation and the Multi-horizon UIP Pattern Jianfeng XU, City University of Hong Kong
605 The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure around the World Philipp Krueger, University of Geneva
Zacharias Sautner, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Dragon Yongjun Tang, University of Hong Kong
Rui Zhong, University of Western Australia
606 Heterogeneity of Heterogeneous Belief across Financial Markets and Stock Price Crash Risk Michael Gallmeyer, University of Virginia
Yiming Ma, Central University of Finance and Economics
Yangru Wu, Rutgers University
Rui Zhong, University of Western Australia
607 Climate Laws and Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions Tong Li, The University of Hong Kong
Dragon Yongjun Tang, University of Hong Kong
Fei Xie, University of Delaware
608 Bank Concentration, Bank Capital and Misallocation Yu Yi, LSE
609 Does the Threat of Securities Class Actions Add Value for Shareholders? Evidence from China’s 2020 Adoption of Securities Class Actions Warren Bailey, Cornell University
Hui Ma, Tongji University
Rongli Yuan, Renmin University of China
Hong Zou, University of Hong Kong
611 No News is Bad News: Latent Strategic Disclosure on Online Interactive Platforms Yuqin Huang, Central University of Finance and Economics
Maobin Xu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Tong Li, The University of Hong Kong
616 Can Chinese firms benefit from issuing carbon-neutral bonds? Moran Wang
617 Bank Loan Announcement Effects—Evidence from a Comprehensive 8-K Sample Steven Wei Ho, Columbia University
Clark Liu, Tsinghua University
Shujing Wang, Tongji University
622 Organizational Capital and Stock Price Crash Risk Zhe Shen, Xiamen University
Sowahfio Sowah, Xiamen University
Norvald Instefjord, University of Essex
Shan Li, Xiamen University
623 Incomplete-Market Equilibrium with Unhedgeable Fundamentals and Heterogenous Agents Paolo Guasoni, Dublin City University
Marko Hans Weber, National University of Singapore
627 Government Speculation on Spillover Effect in the Housing Market: Evidence from House Purchase Restrictions in China Qing YU
628 Mutual Fund Dual Holdings and Shareholder-Creditor Conflicts Rex Renjie, VU University Amsterdam
Patrick Verwijmeren, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Shuo Xia, Halle Institute for Economics Research
630 The Social Geography of Misconduct Vicente Corral, Universidad de los Andes
631 Optimal Consumption and Investment with Cointegrated Stock and Housing Markets Hong Liu, Washington University in St. Louis
632 Optimal Tax-Timing with Transaction Costs Hong Liu, Washington University in St. Louis
637 Gender Equality and Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: The Evidence with RECP Targets Yenn-Ru CHEN, National Chengchi University
Yu-Lin Huang, National Taichung University of Science and Technology
Ting-Yu Chang, National Chengchi University
639 Robust portfolio optimization under ambiguity and the under-diversification puzzle Somayyeh Lotfi, University of Cyprus
Stavros Zenios, University of Cyprus
641 Disclosure Deregulation of Quarterly Reporting Vanessa Behrmann, University of Bremen
Lars Hornuf, University of Bremen
Jochen Zimmermann, University of Bremen
643 How Does Inside Information Impact Debt Renegotiation? The Role of Inside Trading Yan Ge, University of Bristol
Xiang Li, Loughborough University
Huainan Zhao, Loughborough University
646 Outsourced Fund and Risk-taking: A Tale of Two Contracts JUNG HOON LEE, Vanderbilt University
Saurin Patel, Western University
Shyam Venkatesan, Western University
649 Are Foreign Investors Really Underperform Domestic Investors in Trading Activities? A Machine Learning Approach and Evidence from Indonesia Aurelius Aaron, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Shuqi Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
654 The Externality of Corporate Frauds: Evidence from Active Mutual Fund Ownership Vikas Agarwal, Georgia State University
Wayne Lee, University of Arkansas
Yuchen Luo, The University of Arakansas
Hong Zou, The University of Hong Kong
657 How does Fed communication affect uncertainty and risk aversion? Frankie Chau, Durham University Business School
Rataporn Deesomsak, Durham University Business School
Raja Shaikh, University of Durham


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