Teaching Software Publications Biography About

Dr. Lee Chun Yin

Journal Publications

Statistical Methodology

* = Corresponding Author
  1. Zhang, H., Qu, Y, Wong, K. Y., Lee, C. Y.*, . (2024+). Bayesian analysis of Cox-type regression model with partly linear covariate effects via reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo. Submitted.
  2. Zhang, H., Lee, C. Y., Qu, Y. (2024+). A Bayesian estimator of the real-time case fatality rate in emerging pandemic to inform public health policy-making. Under review.
  3. Lee, C. Y., Shi, H., Ma D., Beg M. F., and Cao, J. (2024+). Identification of regions of interest in neuroimaging data with irregular boundaries based on semiparametric transformation models and interval-censored outcomes. Under review.
  4. Feng, J., Wong, K. Y., and Lee, C. Y.*. (2024). A semiparametric two-sample density ratio model with a change point. Biometrical Journal, 66(8), DOI: 10.1002/bimj.202300214.
  5. Qu Y. and Lee, C. Y.*(2024). Estimation of standardized real time fatality rate for ongoing epidemics. PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0303861.
  6. Lee, C. Y., Wong, K. Y., and Bandyopadhyay, D. (2024). Partly-linear single-index cure models with a nonparametric incidence link function. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, DOI: 10.1177/09622802241227960.
  7. Lee, C. Y., and Wong, K. Y. (2023). Survival analysis with a random change-point. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(11), 2083-2095. DOI: 10.1177/09622802231192946.
  8. Lee, C. Y., Wong, K. Y., Lam, K. F., and Bandyopadhyay, D. (2023). A semiparametric joint model for cluster size and subunit-specific interval-censored outcomes. Biometrics, 79(3), 2010-2022, DOI: 10.1111/biom.13795.
  9. Qu, Y., Lee, C. Y., and Lam, K. F. (2022). A novel method to monitor COVID-19 fatality rate in real-time, a key metric to guide public health policy. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 18277, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-23138-4.
  10. Lee, C. Y., Wong, K. Y., Lam, K. F., and Xu, J. (2022). Analysis of clustered interval‐censored data using a class of semiparametric partly linear frailty transformation models. Biometrics, 78(1), 165-178. DOI: 10.1111/biom.13399.
  11. Qu, Y., Lee, C. Y., and Lam, K. F. (2022). A sequential test to compare the real-time fatality rates of a disease among multiple groups with an application to COVID-19 data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(2), 348-360. DOI: 10.1177/09622802211061927.
  12. Lee, C. Y.* (2021) Nested logistic regression models and ΔAUC applications: Change-point analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 30(7), 1654-1666. DOI: 10.1177/09622802211022377.
  13. Lam, K. F., Lee, C. Y., Wong, K. Y., and Bandyopadhyay, D. (2021). Marginal analysis of current status data with informative cluster size using a class of semiparametric transformation cure models. Statistics in Medicine, 40(10), 2400-2412. DOI: 10.1002/sim.8910.
  14. Lee, C. Y., and Lam, K. F. (2020). Survival analysis with change-points in covariate effects. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(11), 3235-3248. DOI: 10.1177/0962280220922258.
  15. Lee, C. Y., Chen, X., and Lam, K. F. (2020). Testing for change-point in the covariate effects based on the Cox regression model. Statistics in Medicine, 39(10), 1473-1488. DOI: 10.1002/sim.8491.

Interdisciplinary Research

  1. Lee, C. Y., Tung, K. T. S., Li, T. M., Ho, F. K. W., Ip, P., Wong, W. H. S., and Chow, C. B. (2017). Fall-related attendance and associated hospitalisation of children and adolescents in Hong Kong: a 12-year retrospective study. BMJ Open, 7(2), DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013724.