Dr JANKOWSKI Krzysztof
Research Assistant Professor
- GH331
- +852 2766 6354
- krzysztof.jankowski@polyu.edu.hk
Through empirical work into migration, global culture, employment, and urban lifestyles, Dr Krzysztof Jankowski draws on critical readings of late-modernity to investigate ways-of-being in contemporary society. This focus has taken him from the streets of nightlife district Lan Kwai Fong, the global shopping malls and flea markets of Hong Kong, and London's contingent labour market. In each of these locations, the focus has been on how processes breakdown and reconstruct ways of being and experience. Dr Jankowski’s approach straddles the line between geography and sociology, and thus his research has a strong material focus aiming to understand the social through concepts like the urban, rhythm or landscape.
Dr Jankowski attained an MPhil in Sociology from The University of Hong Kong where he studied the global 'middling mobile' travelers present in Lan Kwai Fong nightlife district. Research from that project has been published in Mobilities, Population, Space and Place, and The Sociological Review exploring global-mobile society and identity. Following this project, Dr Jankowski conducted an independent project into Deleuzian territorialities using IFC Shopping Mall and Pei Ho Street Flea Market as case studies. This led to a publication in Territory, Politics and Governance. Dr Jankowski was then a PhD student at The University of Glasgow, where he researched the intersection of employment precarity, adulthood, and urban sociology. During this time, he conducted a co-authored research project developing on Henri Lefebvre's 'dressage' concept.
Dr Jankowski is currently Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Social Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In this post he is publishing research about London's precarious job market and preparing a monograph on the topic. He is planning new ethnographic fieldwork into the Hong Kong built environment and qualitative research into the urban middle-class of Shenzhen, Mainland China.
Education and Academic Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, The University of Glasgow
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Sociology, The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Sociology, The University of Otago, New Zealand
Bachelor of Arts (Double Major) in Sociology and Human Geography, The University of Otago, New Zealand