- HJ434
- +852 2766 5729
- xuebings@connect.hku.hk
Dr Sabrina Su, obtained her PhD degree in September 2017. Dr Su enjoys doing mixed method studies about youth development, career support services, organisational behaviours, workplace wellbeing, and capacity building among youth practitioners. There are many mainstream social discourses which are unfavourable to our positive wellbeing, self-fulfilment, and interpersonal relationships. Informed by critical theories, Dr Su has a passion to develop new concepts, introduce new perspectives, improve existing concepts, and design conceptual frameworks and tools for enhancing human beings' holistic wellbeing. Her research studies were, are, and will be conducted with reference to a wide spectrum of settings, including workplace, family, school, and community. The potentials of her concepts, such as collective psychological ownership (CPO), experience-driven recognition (EDR), and more enabling others (MEO), are recognised by international reviewers in relation to promoting individual agency and shared agency of people for developing their sustainable career and life development in various contexts.
Based on the critiques of territorial sense of psychological phenomenon for causing territorial behaviours or even groupthink, Dr Su developed a less-territorial notion of collective psychological ownership which consists of a general factor of co-ownership and two specific factors of shared decision-making and shared hardship endurance. With the support of her research partners, Dr Su launched a new stream of studies of psychological ownership in organisation contexts and revealed its associations with work engagement, burnout, job satisfaction, turnover intention, etc.
Dr Su has a few years of research experience in the fields of youth studies and youth career development. She is concerned about the career and life development of young people and particularly career development of youth at risk, such as youth not in education, employment or training (NEET), youth with prolonged social withdrawal behaviors (hikikomori and semi-hikikomori), educationally disadvantaged young people, youth with special education needs, and young mothers, etc. Dr Su is aspired to empower and enable various groups of young people by supporting them to transition from their comfort zone, to the zone of proximal development, and further to the zone of aspired development. The intervention framework developed by Dr Su and her research partner is named Experience-Driven Framework (ED framework) which comprises four domains, namely recognition, exposures, self-growth, and transferability (REST).
Informed by the intersubjective perspective and the capability approach, Dr Su has been expanding her research on workplace wellbeing and self-fulfilment of human-helping professionals, such as social workers, teachers, nurses, and youth workers. Dr Su’s passion comes from conceptualisation and operationalisation. She believes that theories, practice, teaching, policy, and research are interrelated and interlocking. Dr Su designed a tool called Map of Self-Perceived Growth (MSPG) to support both narrative research and career counselling, which highlights the agency of respondents in voicing out and mapping out their experiences with the use of emoji icons and a 10-point Likert scale in an archived manner. She has also developed some knowledge and skills to support human-helping professionals to become more enabling and more empowering to their service users.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- PhD in Organizational Psychology, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- MA in Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- BA in Social Work, Shenzhen University, China