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Academic Staff

Prof. Li Xiang
PolyU Scholars Hub

Prof. Xiang LI

Assistant Professor



Prof. Li Xiang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Social Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Before joining PolyU, she worked as a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Prof. Li has accumulated research and work experience in social work and psychology. In particular, she has strong research and professional interest in child development, antisocial behavior, well-being, leadership, and assessment. She desires to serve children and adolescents with problem behaviour through conducting empirical studies and providing appropriate intervention strategies.

Prof. Li’s research papers are published in many high-tier journals in the fields of child development, aggressive behaviour as well as psychometric assessment, such as the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Social Development, Child Psychiatry and Human Development, and Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. She has obtained around HK$1.3 million funding from many competitive grants (e.g., Early Career Scheme) as a PI over the past few years to conduct research on youth antisocial behaviour (e.g., cyberbullying and aggression) and youth well-being (e.g., mental health and positive youth development). She also worked as a Co-PI or Co-I in other research projects. Prof. Li has been a member of the Editorial Review Board of the journal Child Psychiatry and Human Development since 2022, and serves as a reviewer for many leading journals, such as Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, Children and Youth Services Review, Research on Social Work Practice, Social Indicators Research, and Applied Research in Quality of Life. She also serves as an external examiner of Doctoral and Master’s theses for The University of Sydney and Lingnan University.

Besides research, Prof. Li’s another career goal is to disseminate knowledge to students and facilitate their learning and thinking. She has rich experience in teaching different courses on psychology and leadership. In 2021, she and her co-workers (led by Professor Daniel Shek) collectively won a Gold Award (Nurturing Wellbeing & Purpose) from the QS Reimagine Education Awards.

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • PhD in Social Work and Psychology, City University of Hong Kong
  • BL in Social Work, Xiamen University

Research Interests

  • Cyberbullying and aggression
  • Child and adolescent development
  • Well-being
  • Psychometric assessment
  • Leadership

Grants (selected)

PI, “Cyberbullying after being cyber-victimized in primary school students: Individual values and the protective role of the school environment”, Funded by Research Grants Council General Research Fund - Early Career Scheme (ECS), 2020-2022 (HK$ 594,330)

PI, “Impact of materialism on aggression among Chinese adolescents: The mediating roles of subjective well-being”, Funded by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Departmental General Research Grant (DGRF), 2022-2023 (HK$ 100,000)

PI, “The effect of poor ability to understand other's mental states on the development of emotional and disruptive behavior problems in adolescents: A study of the neural underpinnings”, Funded by Faculty Collaborative Research Scheme between Social Sciences and Health Sciences, 2019-2021 (HK$ 250,000) 

Co-PI, “Holistic development and well-being of young people in Hong Kong”, Funded by Wofoo Foundation Limited, 2021-2025 (HK$2,000,000) 

Co-PI, “Assessing the well-being and needs of SEN students at PolyU during COVID-19”, Funded by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2021-2022 (HK$500,000)


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