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Completion of Manulife Centre for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)

中文譯本隨附於後 (The Chinese version follows the English one) Completion of Manulife Centre for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University announces that the operation of the Manulife Centre for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities (MCCSLD) will be completed on 31 December 2019. With the generous sponsorship of the Manulife Charitable Foundation, the MCCSLD first opened its door in 1999 with the aim to take a leading role in the holistic development of children with specific learning needs in Hong Kong. Over the past 20 years, the Centre provided professional support to some 10,000 children with various educational special needs and about 6,000 parents of SLD children, and advanced the awareness about specific learning needs in the community. As the Centre’s mission has been completed, the Department would like to express gratitude for the trust and support of the Manulife Charitable Foundation in the past years. Their generosity enabled the Centre to launch various programmes allowing children with specific learning needs to discover and develop their strengths and talents. The Department also appreciates Dr. Alice Lai, Director of the MCCSLD, and the staff for their unreserved and professional contributions throughout. For further information, please contact APSS at 宏利兒童學習潛能發展中心完成服務使命 香港理工大學應用社會科學系轄下之宏利兒童學習潛能發展中心(中心)將於2019年12月31日停止服務。 承蒙宏利慈善基金慷慨贊助,宏利兒童學習潛能發展中心於1999年成立,致力為香港有學習障礙的兒童提供學術及專業服務,20年來為 10,000 名有不同學習需要的兒童及約 6,000 名家長提供支援,並提高大眾對學習障礙的認識。 應用社會科學系藉此向宏利慈善基金多年來的信任及支持致以衷心感謝,在基金的全力支持下,中心得已實踐使命,協助有特殊學習需要的兒童發展潛能。系方亦感謝中心負責人黎程正家博士及員工對中心的貢獻及服務。 如有查詢,請電郵至,與應用社會科學系聯絡。

31 Dec, 2019

Newly renamed Centre for Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship (CSPSE)

Dr. Chung Kim-wah and Dr. Amy Ho have retired as the Center Director of the Centre for Social Policy Studies and Centre for Third Sector Studies respectively. The Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) appreciates Dr. Chung and Dr. Ho for their unreserved contributions throughout the past years. We would also like to announce that with effective on 20th December 2019, the Centre for Social Policy Studies (CSPS) and the Centre for Third Sector Studies (CTSS) will expand their mandates through the newly renamed Centre for Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship (CSPSE). The CSPSE is committed to becoming a centre of excellence for research, knowledge dissemination, and advocacy of ideas and solutions and policies to public problems. The Centre will serve as a hub to foster collaboration with universities, government, businesses, third sector organizations to promote social policy and social entrepreneurship research, grant capture, academic conferences, and advocacy on ideas, solutions, policies that seek to create public values. The CSPSE also aims to provide opportunities of research, integrated projects and attachments for students. APSS is pleased to announce that Dr. Yanto Chandra has been appointed as the Co-Director of CSPSE with effect from 20 December 2019. For further information, please contact APSS at 20 December 2019

20 Dec, 2019

PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT China Winter Institute 2019

Globalisation, Urbanisation and Migration: Social Policy, Social Work and Community Responses in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the US Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in collaboration with The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration (SSA) and Peking University (PekingU) Department of Sociology is pleased to offer an intensive winter institute focused on Globalisation, Urbanisation and Migration: Social Policy, Social Work and Community Responses in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the US. The program is supported under the Collaborative Exchange Program among APSS, PekingU and SSA. The intent of the program is to provide students with the opportunity to learn about key issues concerning the nature, contributing factors, and state and community responses to build resilience in coping with the problems emerging from poverty, migration and urbanization in the context of globalization. This 2-week institute will take place in Hong Kong and mainland China, including Shenzhen on the east coast and Kunming, located in Yunnan Province in western China. It is intended to be both locally grounded in these places and explicitly comparative, combining lectures, seminar discussion, and site visits to provide students with an intensive introduction to the ways in which poverty and migration are viewed and responded to in China and the United States. In addition to interrogating and comparing these dynamics cross-nationally, it will provide the opportunity for regional comparison within China (Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Yunnan), including a focus on rural-to-urban and west-to-east migration. The program is open to The University of Chicago masters students from SSA, the Harris School of Public Policy, the Booth School of Business, and rising fourth-year students in the College, and will include postgraduate students and faculty from the Peking University as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students and faculty from APSS. Program Description Objectives: The institute aims to provide students with a grounded understanding of ways to build community resilience responding to urbanization in the contemporary Chinese context and to promote comparative thinking across contexts. Lectures and seminar discussion will focus on: Globalization, urbanization and social exclusion: Changing forms, issues, and debates Exploring resilience building efforts across these contexts: Institutions, policies, and services Understanding community resilience building through NGOs, social enterprise, and advocacy Effective cases of resilience building practices Complementing lectures and seminar discussion, field visits and workshops will be organized around investigating specific case studies of building resilience for vulnerable groups in Hong Kong and China. These will include: Housing and education for migrant workers and their children Social economy and community enterprises Urban redevelopment Social inequalities and policy   Costs and application Full-time RPg students and students of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes from APSS can apply for a place in the institute. The work students performed for the institute may be transferred as part of their coursework in these two programmes upon successful completion subject to approval of their course supervisor/lecturer. APSS will subsidise and provide hardship assistance to the students who are selected to participate in the Institute. For every student who participates in the Winter Institute, he or she will be subsidised for half of the accommodation and air ticket expenses in China. For students who have financial difficulties to pay the remaining half of the expenses, they can apply for hardship assistance. PolyU students are expected to be responsible for all other costs (visa, immunizations, administration, food, and travel within China). Participated students’ learning experiences in the institute are possible to be recognized as part of the assessment components in their future integrative project and guided study subjects. Interested students should indicate their interest by emailing their applications to Dr. Shirley Yang ( before October 14, 2019. Application Form

7 Dec, 2019

Undergraduate Programmes (Full- Time)

Open For JUPAS Applicants Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship (JUPAS Code: JS3765) Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Work (JUPAS Code: JS3662) Sharing Professor Daniel W. L. LAI         Head & Chair Professor, The Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Director, Institute of Active Ageing Professor Daniel T.L. SHEK         Associate Vice-President (Undergraduate Prorgamme), Chair Professor of Applied Social Sciences and Li and Fung Professor in Service Leadership Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Chairman, Family Council (2013-Present) Vice-Chairman, Public Policy Research Fund (2017-Present) Chairman, Action Committee Against Narcotics (2009-2014) Professor Miu Chung YAN         Director of School of Social Work, The University of British Columbia Alumni of B.S.W. at PolyU

17 Oct, 2019

Visit of Executive Vice President, Dr. Miranda Lou (middle) at PKU-PolyU China Social Work Research Centre on 20 July 2019

7 Aug, 2019

Congratulations to Mr Jiachen Liang for being awarded the Ernst Mach Grant

                            Mr. LIANG Jiachen is a Ph.D. candidate in APSS under the supervision of Dr. Stan Wong (Chief Supervisor) and Dr. Juan Chen (Co-supervisor). He was awarded the Ernst Mach Grant - Eurasia-Pacific Uninet funded by The Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education & Research (OeAD-GmbH), Centre for International Cooperation & Mobility (ICM) in June 2019. The scholarship will support Jiachen's study and research at the University of Vienna, Austria for a maximum of 6 months starting from December 2019. Jiachen will be conducting his research on the public perceptions of Internet control and regulation in China in the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna. He will be supervised by Prof. Christian Göbel, a University Professor of Modern China Studies, during his academic stay in Austria. Ernst Mach Grant - Eurasia-Pacific Uninet is national funding that offers competitive research grants to both Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral researchers in China and Mongolia for conducting their research in Austria in the fields of natural sciences, technical sciences, human medicine, health sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts. Stan Hok-Wui Wong Program Leader Research Postgraduate Program

4 Jul, 2019

Essential Ethics Knowledge in Social Work : An International Perspective

Prof. Frederic Reamer, Ph.D Professor of Rhode Island College (USA) Date: 25 June 2019 Time: 3pm - 5pm Venue: GH201

25 Jun, 2019

Congratulations to Qiqi Chen for being granted the Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award

                            Qiqi Chen, our PhD student in APSS, supervised by Prof. Edward KL Chan, is a recipient of the Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award. The Fulbright Program is the U.S. Government’s flagship international education exchange program and is supported by the U.S. Department of State and partner countries around the world. The Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award Program is a collaborative program between the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau and the RGC to support young Hong Kong scholars to undertake research activities at American universities and research institutes. The Fulbright Program is highly competitive and prestigious. Qiqi will pursue her placement at The University of Chicago in the academic year 2019/2020. She aims to conduct a comparative study on child protection policies in the United States and China, to depict more culturally-sensitive and integrative assessment regarding family poly-victimization in both the international and Chinese contexts. Our research program is committed to supporting our postgraduate students to compete for external grants and scholarships. Stan Hok-Wui Wong Program Leader Research Postgraduate Program

4 Jun, 2019

Identifying Effective Approaches to Reduce Public Opposition in the Siting of Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW) and other Mental Health Facilities

Prof Daniel W. L. Lai, the Head and Chair Professor of Department of Applied Social Sciences, released a research on identifying effective approaches to reduce public opposition in the siting of Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW) and other mental health facilities with Equal Opportunities Commission on 29 May 2019. The research study aims to understand the rationales for supporting and opposing the siting of ICCMWs, examine public preferences for conflict resolution options, evaluate the feasibility of different consultation approaches, identify effective ways to reduce public opposition, and recommend possible approaches to public consultation and successful siting. The relevant information can be found at the following media: Mingpao Apple daily HK01 HKET Oriental Daily News ETnet RTHK 30/05/2019 (Hong Kong Today)

31 May, 2019

APSS co-organizes international research symposium with Department of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, May 6-7, 2019.

Simon Fraser University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) are collaborating on the Knowledge-sharing Symposium on Person-Centred Care for Older Adults with Dementia on May 6 and 7 at SFU Harbour Centre. Please click here for more details.

7 May, 2019

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