To: All Students
From: Academic Registry
Date: 14 March 2025
Examination Timetable for Semester Two of 2024/25
The examinations for
Semester Two of 2024/25 are scheduled to be held from 25 April to 13 May 2025. We are pleased to inform that the subject
examination timetable will be available for access via eStudent starting from 14 March 2025 (9.00 am).
4 Sessions of Examinations per Examination Day
There are 4 examination sessions per examination day with commencement times as follows:
Commencement Time | |
Session One | 08.45 |
Session Two | 12.30 |
Session Three | 15.15 |
Session Four | 19.00 |
Notes for Attention when Reading Examination Timetable
i) The examination timetable contains information known as of 5 February 2025 (9.00 am). Any adjustments to students’ subject registration record (i.e. addition/deletion/withdrawal of subject, or change of subject group) made after this date are not included. If you have made any adjustment(s), you should check with the programme offering department to confirm the examination details of the subject(s) concerned.
ii) For on-campus invigilated examinations conducted during the examination period, seat numbers have been assigned to you in the examination venues. For examination(s) to be conducted outside the examination period, free seating arrangement will usually be adopted unless advised otherwise by the subject offering department(s).
iii) You are required to place your personal belongings under your chair. Mobile phones should be turned off and placed on top of your other personal belongings.
iv) The use of electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, smart watches) are not allowed in an examination. Please refer to the rules governing the conduct of examinations in the 2024/25 Student Handbook for details.
v) Please check the "Remark" column in the timetables for any other important information concerning the examination timetable/arrangements.
If you notice any discrepancies in your timetable, please contact the Academic Registry immediately either by sending an e-mail to or by calling our hotline at 2333 0600 during office hours.
You are advised to save a copy of your examination timetable for easy reference and also take note of the rules governing the conduct of examinations, arrangements for examinations during bad weather and the location of the examination venues. The relevant URLs are highlighted in your examination timetable.
Academic Integrity
The University
attaches great importance to academic integrity and honesty and upholds high
standard in all forms of assessment. Students are not allowed to plagiarise
from any source, impersonate or be impersonated in the examinations, or
communicate with any other person during the examinations. In case of
proven dishonesty including plagiarism, penalties may include disqualification
of results, lowering the award classification upon graduation, and suspension
or termination of studies. You shall
view the video clip here for attention.
Arrangements during Bad Weather
Students should get familiar with the arrangements of examinations during bad weather conditions which can be obtained at "Arrangements during Bad Weather". Examinations will be postponed to a later date during the examination period or, if necessary, the day immediately after the examination period. Students affected will be informed of the re-arrangement by email and SMS on the following working day after the warning has been lowered. Students are advised to make suitable provision in their planning for post-examination activities in case they need to attend re-arranged examinations arising from cancellation.
Academic Registry