Work Mechanism
- The content of the official certifications is in a secured electronic file in PDF format which can be verified and viewed at the ACVP official website (
- PolyU graduates can view and share their official certifications with other parties in the form of URL or QR code.
Service Scope
- Award Parchment (except for collaboration programmes)
- Transcript of Studies (except for franchised programmes administered by SPEED)
Using the Electronic Certification Service
Information for Graduates/Graduands
The release schedule of the electronic version of the award parchment and Transcript of Studies is listed below.
Award Parchment
- The electronic version of award parchments would normally be offered to graduates within two weeks from the respective award cut-off dates, i.e. after the completion of formal conferral procedures for the relevant academic awards.
Transcript of Studies
- The electronic version of transcripts will be offered to graduands in around a month after the respective graduation status is announced.
Email notifications will be sent to your PolyU Connect email account when the above electronic certifications are ready for use.
PolyU graduates/graduands will receive an email notification from the University when the electronic certifications are issued and ready for use at ACVP.
PolyU graduates/graduands will receive an email notification from the University when the electronic certifications are issued.
- At the official ACVP website (, choose login and select ‘The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’
- Input your PolyU student number under NetID, and your NetPassword
- Select and download the PDF file and/or create a URL or QR code for your official certification(s) to facilitate any onward sharing with the designed recipient(s)
- Save the PDF file and/or URL or QR code in a secure place on your computer/electronic devices as these contain your personal data
Verifications of academic awards could be done by the designated third parties (usually by potential employers or institutions for further studies) in the following ways.
- Upload or drag-and-drop the electronic certifications (in PDF format) to the official website at
- Click on the associated URL provided by the graduate/graduand
- Scan the QR code provided by the graduate/graduand
The platform will respond with the verification result in a few seconds. Upon successful verification, the designated third parties will be prompted with a ‘Verified’ sign at the top of the page, meaning that the official certification concerned is proven authentic. For failing cases, a prompt with ‘No Matched Credential’ will be shown.
Graduates may save and transfer the electronic certifications to other parties at their discretion. To guide the designated recipients to the follow-up actions, graduates are highly recommended to provide the following verification statement alongside the respective PDF file, URL or QR code.
< Verification Statement >
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University issues the electronic version of award parchments and official Transcripts of Studies (in PDF format and the associated URL/QR code). Please visit the official website ( for viewing and verification details.
Information for Employers, Employment Agencies and Educational Institutions
Upon receiving the PDF file or the associated URL/QR code from PolyU graduates (from Year 2021 onwards), please follow the steps below for verification:
- Save the PDF file in a secured folder, as it may contain the personal data of the subject graduate. Upload or drag-and-drop the PDF file to the verification platform at; or
- Click on the associated URL or scan the QR code which links directly to the verification page
The system will then respond with the verification result promptly, in a few seconds. After successful verification, an authenticated copy of the certification can be viewed or downloaded in PDF format if it is set as downloadable by the graduate concerned.
The authentic and verifiable electronic document from PolyU exists only in PDF format or the associated URL/QR code. Electronic documents in any other formats (such as DOC, JPG or HTML) will NOT be verified.