- Responsible for Senate matters and co-ordinate the work of Senate Committees, including membership appointments
- Provide secretarial services for relevant Committees which include the Academic Appeals Committee, the Academic Planning and Regulations Committee, the Academic Quality Assurance Committee, the Committee on General University Requirements and the Student Discipline Committee
- Provide advice on interpretation and implementation of academic policies and regulations
- Provide administrative support in the planning and implementation of new academic policies and quality assurance systems
- Provide administrative support in the planning of new programmes and modifications to existing programmes
- Overall planning and preparation for the admissions exercises
- Advise departments on admissions regulations and procedures
- Provide guidelines and work schedules on the admissions exercises for different types of applicants
- Co-ordinate and oversee the admissions processes for applications to PolyU programmes (except outpost programmes) which include the issuance of offers, making of result announcements, and arranging for registration of admittees
- Organize briefing sessions and hands-on workshops to familiarise departmental staff with both the system and non-system arrangements
- Conduct end-of-exercise review and accountability check
- Answer applicants' enquiries
- Conduct overall planning and preparation for the registration (including subject registration and re-enrolment), timetabling (including centralized class and examination timetabling) and examination exercises
- Advise departments on the relevant regulations and procedures
- Provide guidelines and work schedules on the registration, timetabling and examination exercises
- Arrange and oversee the registration and timetabling arrangements and processing of examination results
- Organize briefing sessions and hands-on workshops to familiarise departmental staff with subject registration, timetabling and examination related arrangements/systems
- Conduct end-of-exercise review
- Advise on student personal data privacy matters
- Keeping of records for students and graduates/leavers for certification purposes
More online resources for staff

Recent Focus: Secondary Majors
Briefing Session on Secondary Majors for Academic Advisors (21 August 2024)