Election of Student Members to Senate and Senate Committees 2024/25 – Nomination Period

09 - 22 Sep 2024
Academic Registry
09:00 - 23:59
Academic Registry (852) 2333 0600 senate.election@polyu.edu.hk
The approved memberships of Senate and the following Committees of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) provide for 11 and 31 student members to be elected by and from full-time taught / research postgraduate (T/RPg) and full-time Undergraduate / sub-degree (Ug) students of the University respectively:
- Senate (one T/RPg and Two Ug members)
- Faculty Boards (six T/RPg members, i.e. one from each Faculty; 26 Ug members, i.e. one from each Department in the six Faculties)
- School Boards (three T/RPg members and three Ug members, i.e. one from each School)
- Graduate School Board (one RPg member)
In this connection, a centralised Election is being conducted to elect student members to Senate and the above committees. The elected members will be appointed to the committees concerned for a one-year term of office from 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2025, or as long as they remain to be bona fide** full-time students of the University.
The nomination period of the election has started. All nomination forms should be returned to the Academic Registry by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, 22 September 2024.
**For the purpose of determining eligibility of student membership on Senate and Senate Committees, a person is a bona fide student of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University during the period when he is officially registered at the University until the date when his overall results are finalised by the relevant authority confirming his satisfactory completion of the award requirements for graduation.