Research Laboratories and Facilities

Biomedical Engineering Laboratories

Cell Biology & Physiology Laboratory (Y413, Y413a, Y414)
Laboratory Facilities
Combined Electrophysiology and Fluorometric Imaging System

Molecular & Cellular Engineering Laboratory (Y503)
Laboratory Facilities
Ultrapure Water Purification System
Gels and Western Blots Imaging and Analyzing System
Real-Time PCR Detection System
Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging System

Biological Cell Culture Laboratory (Y503a)
Laboratory Facilities
Cell Culture Facilities:
Class II
Biological Safety Cabinet
CO2 incubators

Mechanobiology Laboratory (Y503b)
Bruker Atomic Force Microscopy System (AFM)
Fluorescence Resonance Engery Transfer (FRET)
Microscopy Imaging System
Harvard Peristaltic Pump-based Circulatory System

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory (Y504)
LAZR ultrasound and photoacoustic micro-imaging for small animals
Leica histology platform
OLYMPUS BX51WI microscope

Small Animal Research Laboratory (Y505)
Ultrasound Stimulation Platform (Olympus LIFU and Sonic Concepts HIFU transducer with 500 watt power amplifier).
Electrophysiological Monitoring System (AM System amplifier and CED Data acquisition system).
Faradays cage for in vivo study.
Biosafety cabinet for in vitro study.
Gas machine for small animal anesthesia.
Stereotaxic frame and thermal pad for small animal surgery.

Human Locomotion Laboratory (ST414)
Vicon Vantage V5 8-camera motion analysis system
AMTI force plates for gait analysis
Delsys Trigno Research+ wireless EMG system
Zebris Rehawalk Plantar Pressure Measuring Treadmill
Physiogait PG-360 dynamic and static un-weighing system
Hasomed Rehamove2 functional electrical stimulation (FES) bike with FES electrodes
Treadmill - Model 1600
Galileo sports vibration platform
BodiTrak sitting pressure mapping system

Sports Engineering Laboratory (ST405)
Laboratory Facilities
Fscan pressure measurement system
Novel Pedar pressure measurement system
Vicon bluetrident IMU sensors
INBODY 970 Body Composition Analyzer
Xpod-s 3D Foot Scanner
Smartspeed laser timing gate system
Trek Marlin Mountain Bike and Garmin Tacx® NEO 2T Smart Trainer
SENSIX BMX force sensing pedals with Six-Component Force-Torque Sensors
Powerfun wind resistance rowing machine

Biomechanics Laboratory (MN115)
Laboratory Facilities
Anybody software, Anybody Technology, Aalborg, Denmark
iSoleCAD software, Yuandian Technology Ltd., Shenzhen, China
Rhinoceros 3D, version 7, Robert McNeel & Associates,Seattle, WA, USA
Workstation computer (Dual Xelon Gold 5218R CPU, 128GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro RTX 4000 GPU)

Ultrasound Neuromodulation and Theranostics Laboratory (MN109 & MN109a)
OLYMPUS Microscope
Hamamatsu sCMOS
Optical Platform
Shumi Optogenetics toolkits
Multichannel system MEA
Data Analysis workstation
Digital Oscilloscope
Function Generator
E&I Power amplifier
Step Motor and Motion control
DC Power supply
Small Animal Locator
RWD Life Science 77001 Desktop Binocular Stereo Microscope
LIFE TECHNOLOGIES PowerEase 300W electrophoresis power pack
LIFE TECHNOLOGIES PowerEase Mini Gel Tank (x 2)
Kylin-Bell GL-150B Dry Thermostat heat block
Jenway 3510 pH meter
Nuaire CO2 incubator
C. elegans refrigerated incubator
LNB Instruments PGX-18A Light incubator
Haier Biomedical pharmaceutical refrigerator
Haier Biomedical deep freezer
Zenith Lab DHG-9070A Drying oven
D&T ES500 analytical balance
Adam Equipment NBL 214e Analytical Balance
Dynamica Velocity 13µ minifuge
Pingfan Instrument TDZ5-WS Low-speed swinging bucket centrifuge
Hermle Z 216 MK Refrigerated microcentrifuge
DLAB MX-S Vortexer
Labnet C1200 Microcentrifuge
HERMLE Microcentrifuge
Froilabo EM130 Magnetic hotplate stirrer
Kylin-Bell TS-200 Orbital Shaker

Biomechanical Testing Laboratory (MN112)
Biaxial testing machine (MTS, load cell: 5, 2.5 k, and 10 kN)
Uniaxial testing machine (Hounsfield, load cell: 100, 1 k, and 10 kN)

Micro-device and Biosensor Laboratory (GH198)
VersaSTAT3 electrochemical analyzer
Nikon FN1 multipatch upright focusing nosepiece microscope system
HEKA Elektronik patch clamp amplifier
Harrick PDC-32G-2 plasma cleaner
Class 1000 clean hood
Memmert heating oven

Nanobiotechnology Laboratory (GH198)
Analytical balance
Electrochemical analyzer
Fume hood
Heating mantle
Hot plate (with and without magnetic stirrer)
Particle size and zeta potential analyzer
pH meter
Refrigerators and freezers
Ultrasonic cleaner
UV/visible spectrophotometer
Vortex mixer

Neurorehabilitation & Neural Engineering Laboratory (MN106)
Laboratory Facilities
Rehabilitation Sleeves
Intention-driven robotic hands with functional electrical stimulation (FES-robots)
Intention-driven robotic hands
Brain training device
EMG-driven multi-joint robotic rehabilitation system (PolyJbot)
G.Tec EEG amplification system
Magstim 200 transcranial magnetic stimulation system
Oxymon – Artinis Medical Systems for near-infrared spectroscopy
DNI Nevada DS6100 patient simulator for ECG simulation
Biomedical Ultrasound and Bioinstrumentation I (S108)
S108-small-1 Laboratory Facilities
Verasonics Ventage 128 Ultrasound System
Linear translation motors and rotation motors (Newport)
Ultrasound intensity measurement system
AQUAS water conditioner
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) development platform
Optical Table
Ultrasonix Touch (Analogic Corporation)
Ultrasonix RP (Analogic Corporation)
Apogee 1200 (SIUI)
Oscilloscope (Tektronix)
Function generator (Tektronix)
Measurement exciter (Brüel & Kjær)
Power amplifier (Brüel & Kjær)
Ultrasound pulser receiver

Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging and AI Laboratory I (MN117)
Neuro monitoring system (TCD + EEG)
Verasonics Ventage 128 Ultrasound System
Linear translation motors and rotation motors (Newport)
Ultrasound intensity measurement system
Function generator (Tektronix)
Ultrasound pulser receiver

Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging and AI Laboratory II (MN117a)
Laboratory Facilities
AQUAS water conditioner
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) development platform
Optical Table
Ultrasonix Touch (Analogic Corporation)
Ultrasonix RP (Analogic Corporation)
Apogee 1200 (SIUI)
Oscilloscope (Tektronix)
Measurement exciter (Brüel & Kjær)
Power amplifier (Brüel & Kjær)
Supersonic ultrasound shear wave elastography
Integrated 3D TCD, finometer, and gas analyser system
Scolioscan system
EUB-8500 (Hitachi)
3D guidance electromagnetic tracking system(NDI)
Multi-channel physiological signal acquisition and processing system (Chengdu Instrument Factory)
Humac norm testing and rehabilitation system (Computer Sports Medicine)
Soft tissue palpation ultrasound system (TPUS)

Biophotonics Laboratory (MN114)

Biomedical Engineering Teaching Laboratory (MN104)
ADInstrument PowerLab systems
OpenBCI hardware and software development system
NeuroSky Mindwave system
NI USB data acquisition box
Tektronix oscilloscope
Signal generator
Topward DC power supply
Ultrasonic cleaner
Robot Arm
Various types of MCU development boards, including Ardunio, ESP32, MicroBit, and 8051 series
NI LabVIEW academic site license
MATLAB teaching license
Microsoft Visual Studio
Python development tool
Ardunio development tool
ESP32 development tool
Android development tool

Smart Ageing & Active Health Laboratory (MN107)
iBalanx smart insole system to improve balance and prevent falls

P&O Laboratories (GH041c, GH044, GH044a, GH046)
Laboratory Facilities
Prosthetic and Orthotic Scanner: Spectra™ Handheld Optical Scanner (Vorum)
Prosthetic and Orthotic Scanner: Structure Sensor (Occipital, Inc.)
Ultrasonix SonixTablet Ultrasound Machine (Providian Medical Equipment)