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Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association (HKMDHIA) visited the Department on 31 March. During the visit, the participants have gained a deeper understanding of academic and research development of the Department and were able to witness firsthand about our technology transfer through the sharing of our Academic Staff about their startup companies.  Our researchers also showed their dedication to improving healthcare through technology during the laboratory tour.

3 Apr, 2023

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Call for Nomination: Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Biomedical Engineering 2023

The Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is now calling for nominations for the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Biomedical Engineering until 15 March 2023 (Wednesday). The Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award (OPAA) is organised at three levels: Department level, Faculty/ School level and University level. The Departmental OPAA aims to give public recognition to outstanding BME graduates to recognise their diverse accomplishments and contributions. The departmental awardees will be nominated to the Faculty Award. All Faculty awardees will be considered for the University Award. Award Categories and Selection CriteriaIn addition to honouring distinguished graduates for their distinction in their chosen fields, the Award recognises the alumni’s active support to their alma mater.  Support and Contribution to PolyU is one of the key selection criteria at all levels. Four specific areas of achievement would be given recognition, they include Professional Achievement, Entrepreneurial Achievement, Scholarly Achievement and Community Service Achievement. Outstanding Young Alumni Award is introduced for alumni at/under the age of 40.   Award Category Description Professional Achievement This category recognises alumni who have attained distinguished achievements, demonstrated exemplary leadership, and made a strong impact on their profession/ industry/ society. Entrepreneurial Achievement This category recognizes alumni who have demonstrated outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as founded or advanced business or technology ventures with impact. Scholarly Achievement This category recognises alumni scholars who have made notable scholarly or research contributions in their disciplines, with proven track record and excellent reputation in the field. Community Service Achievement This category recognises alumni who have made impactful contributions to the communities, or demonstrated an extraordinary level of commitment, volunteerism and/or philanthropy for promoting the wellbeing of the communities.   Eligibility The nominated candidate must be graduate who has successfully completed full-time or part-time programme offered by PolyU (or its forerunners: Hong Kong Government Trade School, Hong Kong Technical College, and Hong Kong Polytechnic) which led to academic award accredited by the respective Institution. The proposer can be PolyU graduate, Honorary Graduate, University Fellow, PolyU staff, current PolyU Council and Court member and current Advisory Committee member.  There is no limit to the number of nominations to be submitted by each proposer.  However, the proposer cannot be the candidate himself/ herself or a direct relative of the candidate.   Nomination and Selection Schedule The Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is now inviting nominations for the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department (BME). Please download the Nomination Form and return it to with all required supplementary documents on or before 15 March 2023. Selection for Department Award will be conducted in April 2023.   Selection Committee Selection Committee of the University will examine the nominations and assess candidates’ qualifications and performance for the awards.   Confidentiality All information submitted on this nomination form will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used by the Selection Committee for the purpose of the selection process.  The candidate will not be contacted by the OPAA Secretariat until he/she is selected as the awardee of the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award.   Enquiries Department of Biomedical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon   Email:          Tel:      3400 8893

13 Feb, 2023


The President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2022

PolyU is committed to the enhancement of teaching and research, and values faculty members’ contributions and achievements in teaching and research. Every year the University pays tribute to the staff who have demonstrated excellent teaching and research through the President's Awards. This year, BME is pleased to announce that Dr Xin Zhao received President's Awards for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Research and Scholarly Activities (Outstanding Young Researcher). Congratulations Dr Zhao! 

7 Dec, 2022


PolyU BME Alumni Homecoming Day 2022

“PolyU BME Alumni Homecoming Day 2022”, the reunion for all BME alumni, was held on 19 November 2022(Saturday).  More than 250 alumni, their family members, and friends joined and spent an amazing weekend together on campus and online. This is the first 10th BME, 35th REC anniversary celebration event which provided an opportunity for our alumni to connect with their alma mater and reminisce about the wonderful moments in their campus life.  At the ceremony, Prof. Zhang Ming, current head of department shared the latest development of the department.  Ir Prof. H.C. Man, Dean of Faculty of Engineering delivered the welcoming remarks and warm greeting to us. Three former heads – Prof. John Evans, Prof. Zheng Yongping and Prof. Mak Arthur shared their message to the department. The outstanding alumni presentation was also conducted on the ceremony. It was followed by the homecoming lunch in Communal Staff Restaurant and laboratory visit in the afternoon. The “PolyU BME Alumni Homecoming Day 2022” was truly a joyful and memorable event for all the participants. More photos are here. 

24 Nov, 2022

The HKIE Scholarship 201920

Miss TONG Cheuk Ying (18058385D) was selected by the Donor to receive the above Scholarship. Here is the video to illustrate her involvement in the HKIE activities in the past year.

21 Sep, 2022


Speckle-Based Optical Cryptosystem and its Application for Human Face Recognition via Deep Learning from Dr. Puxiang Lai

Publication information: Speckle-Based Optical Cryptosystem and its Application for Human Face Recognition via Deep Learning Qi Zhao, Huanhao Li, Zhipeng Yu, Chi Man Woo, Tianting Zhong, Shengfu Cheng, Yuanjin Zheng, Honglin Liu, Jie Tian*, Puxiang Lai* Advanced Science DOI: 10.1002/advs.202202407   香港理工大學賴溥祥課題組提出了一種基於光學散斑的加密系統,並展示了其在加密人臉識別中的應用:系統的加密部分使用毛玻璃作為物理密鑰(等效密鑰長度為17.2 Gigabit),以光速將人臉圖像加密為隨機光學散斑;系統的解密部分使用神經網絡,將散斑還原成人臉圖像後進行人臉識別。加密人臉識別準確度高達98%。 Details: 

5 Jul, 2022

TONG Cheuk Ying

The HKIE Scholarship

We are pleased to announce that the HKIE Scholarship was presented to TONG Cheuk Ying  on 11 June 2022 at the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members Reception.     More Details :

17 Jun, 2022

logo for RISports

Establishment of the Research Institute for Sports Science and Technology

To facilitate high-impact research through cross-disciplinary collaborations in the domain of sports, the Research Institute for Sports Science and Technology (RISports) 體育科技研究院 will be established as a constituent research unit of the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) on 1 June 2022. Prof. Zhang Ming, Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering will be appointed Director of RISports. All research units under PAIR will conduct both basic and applied research, and engage in KT activities by working closely with business, industry and governments in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and beyond. 

31 May, 2022


Dr Li Ning visited the Human Locomotion Laboratory

Dr. Li Ning, the Chinese retired gymnast and billionaire entrepreneur visited our Human Locomotion Laboratory on 5 May 2022 (Thur) to learn more about our current researches and development for sports biomechanics. 

5 May, 2022


关于《2021年度北京市科学技术奖》拟提名公示 根据 《关于启动2021年度北京市科学技术奖提名工作的通知》的通知要求,现对我单位拟作为共同申报单位的项目情况进行公示。公示期限:2022年4月25日-2022年5月1日(7个自然日)。公式期间,如有异议,请以书面方式向香港理工大学生物医学工程学系反映,并提供必要的证据材料。提出异议者请提供联系电话等有效联系方式。 具体公示项目名称:《假肢矫形器关键技术创新与应用》 项目详细情况见附件。   北京市科技成果奖公示-项目详细情况   联系人:陈小姐 联系电话:852-2766-7661 联系电邮 香港理工大学           2022年4月25日    

25 Apr, 2022

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