Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Faculty of Engineering
The Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award aims to give public recognition to outstanding graduates of PolyU for their professional achievements and significant contributions to the community and their alma mater. The Award will be organised at three levels, i.e. Department level, Faculty/ School level and University level.
Recipients of Outstanding Alumni Awards of PolyU Faculty of Engineering 2022
Mr CHONG Chiu Ping, Dave 莊超平先生 |
Mr LAM Wing Chap, Peter 林榮執先生 |
Mr SUN Kin Kwok, Darron 辛建國先生 |
Ir Professor YUEN Pak Leung 源栢樑教授、工程師 |
Dr LAM Hang Yat, Abraham 林恒一博士 |
Dr WANG Lei, Bruce 王雷博士 |
Ms WONG Wing Sze, Vincy 王詠詩女士 |
Result Announcement of Outstanding Alumni Award of Departments
Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Computing
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering