Twenty-Two CEE Projects Secure General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2024/25

Newsletter Dec 2024
Twenty-Two CEE Projects Secure General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2024/25
We are pleased to share that 22 CEE projects have been awarded a total grant of HK$23.1 million from the Research Grants Council’s General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2024/25. It is worth noting that CEE accounts for 20 projects among the 42 funded PolyU projects from GRF under the field of “Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building & Construction”, with a total funding amount reaching HK$21.9 million.
The GRF and the ECS are individual research funding schemes under RGC. The GRF aims to supplement universities' own research support for researchers who have achieved or have the potential to achieve excellence, while the ECS intends to nurture junior academics and prepare them for a career in education and research.
Kudos to all CEE scholars whose unwavering commitment in research excellence have made this achievement possible. Moving forward, CEE will continue to pursue high-calibre research and bring positive impact to the society.
Twenty CEE Projects Receiving General Research Fund (GRF):
Project Title |
Principal Investigator (In Alphabetical Order of Surname) |
Fund Awarded (HK$) |
One-Part Alkali-Activation Approach for Resource Recovery from Steel Industry Byproducts for Carbon Neutrality |
865,385 |
Bayesian Full-waveform Inversion for Leak Localization in Uncertainty-riddled Water Supply Pipes |
Dr Tong-chuan CHE |
1,134,931 |
Exponentiated Random Utility Model: From Individual Travel Choices to Network Equilibrium Analysis of Transportation Systems |
Prof. Anthony CHEN |
942,702 |
Flow Evolution Characteristics, Dynamic Instability Mechanism, and Aerodynamic Load Rebalancing Method for High-speed Maglev Train Operational Safety in Time-varying Wind Environments: From Numerical Modelling to Model Testing |
Dr Zheng-wei CHEN |
1,134,931 |
Catalytically Reconstructed Covalent Organic Framework Membranes for Water Purification |
1,134,931 |
How Urbanization Alters Airborne Fungal Communities and Antifungal Resistance as Part of What Humans Breathe |
Dr Ling JIN |
1,005,833 |
Empowering a Multifunctional Acoustically Driven TENG-based Particulate Capturing System for a Healthy Living Environment |
Dr S.K. LAI |
1,134,931 |
A Novel Thermal Healing System Based on Nano-Carbon Coating of Aggregate towards More Durable Porous Asphalt Road Surfaces: Mechanism Investigation and Performance Optimization |
Prof. Zhen LENG |
1,134,931 |
Investigation of Shear Transfer Behaviour of Low-carbon high-performance Materials for Rock-socketed Steel H-piles |
Dr Andy Y.F. LEUNG |
1,134,931 |
Network-wide Traffic Flow Estimation with Sparse Volume Detectors and Global Open Multi-Source Data: An Integrated Data-driven and Model-based Method on Computational Graphs |
Dr Wei MA |
1,134,931 |
Application of Embossed Cold-Formed Steel Sections for Remedy to Instability Failure and Reuse Design |
Dr Sivaganesh SELVARAJ |
990,228 |
Natural and Anthropogenic Influence on the Long-term Morphodynamic Evolution of the Lingdingyang Estuary under Climate Changes |
Dr Alessandro STOCCHINO |
1,134,931 |
Unveil the Mystery of Coastal Rogue Waves: Spatiotemporal Evolution Mechanisms and Predictions |
Dr Jing-Hua WANG |
1,134,931 |
Intra- and Inter-graph Learning towards Structural Health Monitoring with Edge Computing |
Dr Xiaoyou WANG |
1,134,931 |
Multiscale, Multiphysics Modelling of Water Ice-Bearing Lunar Regolith Considering Thermal, Vacuum, and Microgravity Effects |
Dr Meng-meng WU |
1,134,931 |
From Air to Human Airway: Colonization of Occupationally Acquired Bacteria in the Upper Respiratory Tract of Workers in Wastewater Treatment Plants |
Dr Jia-wen XIE |
1,134,931 |
Multiscale Multiphysics Study of Scour-induced Bearing Capacity Degradation of Suction Anchor Foundation in Sandy Seabed |
Prof. Zhen-Yu YIN |
1,134,931 |
Hybrid FRP Tube-Confined Prestressed Wind Turbine Towers |
Prof. Tao YU |
1,134,931 |
Behaviour and Design of High-strength U-rib-stiffened Orthotropic Steel Decks under Fatigue Loading |
Prof. Xiao Lin ZHAO |
1,134,931 |
Novel Latched Tuned Mass Dampers for Vibration Control of Flexible Structures with Ultra-low Frequencies |
Prof. Songye ZHU |
1,134,931 |
Two CEE Projects Supported by Early Career Scheme (ECS):
Project Title |
Principal Investigator (Alphabetical order of surname) |
Fund Awarded (HK$) |
Public Adoption of Charging-as-a-Service for Electric Vehicles in Hong Kong |
Dr Sung-hoon JANG |
476,364 |
"One Stone Two Birds" - Simultaneous Removal of Nitrogen and Dissolved Methane towards Sustainable Wastewater Management |
Dr Tao LIU |
667,989 |