Positions Available

Three types of research positions are often available in our group: research assistant/associate, PhD student, and postdoctoral fellow. We welcome students and researchers from different backgrounds to apply. Students and researchers with the following backgrounds are particularly welcomed: (1) organic chemistry, (2) ecology and environmental science, (3) management science, (4) engineering mechanics, (5) construction management, (6) pavement engineering.

The positions will be funded by our research projects. In addition, funds from governments and university are also available to support research positions. Some funding opportunities are listed below.

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF) program is supported by Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong. This program aims to recruit outstanding graduates, irrespective of country of origin and ethnic background, to Hong Kong.

For outstanding applicants, we will still offer them the regular PhD positions if they are not awarded the HKPF.