Academic Staff
近世中國的政治文化、禮制、外交、族群 近世東亞交流史 香港史 公眾史學(口述歷史、非物質文化遺產)
- HJ623
- +852 3400 8936
- 香港浸會大學哲學博士(2015)
- 香港中文大學比較及公眾史學文學碩士(2011)
- 香港浸會大學文學士(2010)
Academic and Professional Experience
- The Chinese Tributary System during Hongwu era of the Ming Dynasty,1368-1398 《明洪武時期 “朝貢制度 ”之研究(1368-1398)》Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, forthcoming 2023
- The Military Administration of Incorporated Ethnic Minorities in Ming China: A Study of “Shan-Hou People”《明代衛所的歸附軍政研究—以「山後人」為例》Taipei: Wai juan lou, 2020
- “The Function of Xingren (行人) as Ming China’s Diplomats in the Imjin War”〈明代「行人」於外交體制上之作用─以「壬辰倭禍(1592-1598)」兩次宣諭為例〉,Chungguk Hakpo《中國學報》[Journal of Chinese Studies](Seoul, Korea: Society of Chinese Studies), No.70 (Dec., 2014), pp.319-343.
- “The Da Ming Taizu Huangdi Yuzhiji: an Overlooked Collection of the Original Works of Ming Taizu”〈略論《大明太祖皇帝御製集》及其史料價值〉,Journal of Chinese Studies《中國文化研究所學報》(Hong Kong: Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), No.61(Jul.2015),pp.171-189.
- “A Study of Maritime Rescue in Guangdong during the Daoguang period (1821-1839) – with examples of European Fleets and Crews”〈道光前期 (1821-1839) 廣東對於海難救助之研究──以歐洲船隻、船員為例〉,Studies of Maritime History《海洋史研究》(Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe),Vol. 8 (Nov., 2015), pp.149-171; Reprinted Periodicals by Renmin University of Ming-Qing History《人大複印報刊資料(明清史)》 by Information Centre for Social Sciences, Renmin University, China,2016 No.2, pp.57-70.
- “The Controversy of Southern Ming Hongguang Regime’s Ritual - by Studying Guan Shao Ning’s Ci Cheng Tang Wenji”〈南明弘光禮儀與爭端-讀管紹寧《賜誠堂文集》〉,Chinese Culture Quarterly《九州學林》(Hong Kong: Chinese Civilization Centre, City University of Hong Kong), No.37(Sep., 2016) , pp.207-227.
- “The Formation of the Purge of Li Shanzhang and Its Characteristics: an Analysis on the Reconstruction of the Record of Denouncing Treacherous Factions”〈論「李善長案」的形成與性質—從《昭示姦黨錄》的重塑為切入分析〉,Ming Studies《明代研究》(Taipei:The Association for Ming Studies),No.29(Dec.,2017) , pp.47-95.
- “The Conflicts and Spread of Guest Ritual in Ming Dynasty”〈天下通禮:明代賓禮的流傳與域外實踐的紛爭〉,Bulletin of Historical Research, National Taiwan Normal University《臺灣師大歷史學報》(Taipei: Department of History, National Taiwan Normal University),No.59(Jun.,2018) , pp.1-40.
- “Modeling the Ancestors and Discoursing on Learning: The Publication of Ming Taizu's Literary Collection - the Gao huangdi yuzhi wenji - and Its Significance from the Mid to Late Ming”〈法祖講學:明中後期《高皇帝御製文集》刊行及其意義〉,Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies《清華學報》(Hsinchu: National Tsing Hua University Press),Vol.49 No.2(Jun.,2019),pp.293-336.
- “A Study of Sino-Chosen Military Relationship during the Early Phrase of Imjin War (1592-1593) from the Ritual Perspective”〈「接待之禮,事體之重」:萬曆朝鮮戰爭前期(1592-1593)的明鮮禮儀〉,Chindan hakpo《震檀學報》(Seoul: Chindan Hakhoe),No.132(Jun.2019),pp.283-305.
- “The Reformation of Chinese World Order between Yuan and Ming: the Emergence of Guest Ritual in Early Ming and Its Significance”〈元明易代與天下重塑:洪武賓禮的出現及其意義〉,Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies《臺灣東亞文明研究學刊》(Taipei: College of International Studies and Social Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University), Vol.17 No.1(Jun.2020),pp.1-54.
- “The 'Construction' of ‘Tributary System’ as a Concept in Modern Academia —the Constraint and Restriction of John King Fairbank's Theory” 〈近代“朝貢制度”概念的形成—兼論費正清“朝貢制度論”的局限〉,Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition) 《中山大學學報(社會科學版)》(Guangzhou:Sun Yat-sen University),2021,No.1,pp.84-92; Reprinted Periodicals by Renmin University of Modern China History《人大複印報刊資料(中國近代史)》 by Information Centre for Social Sciences, Renmin University, China,2021 No.7.pp.3-11.
- “A Study of the Dapeng Colonel in Kowloon Walled City from Shun Pao”〈寨城香江-從《申報》看晚清大鵬協副將史事拾遺〉,Historical Sources and Issues: the History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties《從明清到近代:史料與課題》(Taipei: Wai juan lou, 2018).,pp.211-222.
- National Social Science Foundation Post-funded Projects, 2019-2021, awarded for a two-year project entitled “The Chinese Tributary System during the Hongwu Era of the Ming Dynasty”(華夷定分:明洪武朝貢制度研究)
- Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project, 2019-2022, awarded for a three-year project entitled “The Regulation and Institutions related to the Foreign Tribute Affairs in Guangdong during the Ming and Qing Dynasties” (明清廣東處理朝貢關係的制度研究)
- “Colonial Rule and Traditional Chinese Society : the Comparasion of Colonial Adminstration between British Hong Kong and Japanese Taiwan,” the Third Young Scholars' Conference on Modern Taiwan and East Asia History, Taipei, 17-18 March 2018
- “Empire's Edge: the Ties between Qing empire and Hong Kong before 1899: the Chinese Communities and Officials,” New Directions in Hong Kong History ‘Work-in-Progress’ Postgraduate Workshop, Bristol, 12-13 January 2017.
- “Review: Liang Zhi Sheng’s the Studies of Military Officer Hereditary System in Ming Wei-so”〈評梁志勝:《明代衛所武官世襲制度研究》〉,Chung Cheng Journal of History《中正歷史學刊》(Chiayi, Taiwan: Department of History National Chung Cheng University),No. 16(Dec., 2013), pp. 149-159.
- (co-author)“ The Former Chairman of Council, Hong Kong Baptist University-Dr. Lau Wah Sum”〈香港浸會大學前校董會主席-劉華森博士〉,Journal of the History of Christianity in Modern China《近代中國基督教史研究集刊》,Vol.10(2014/2015),pp.104-106.
- “A Study of San On County’s Governance in Qing Dynasty Through a Palace Memorial in Taipei Palace Museum”〈從台北故宮的一份《軍機處檔摺件》看清代新安縣與香港新界地區的治理〉,Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter《田野與文獻:華南研究資料中心通訊》(Hong Kong: South China Research Center, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), No.100(Oct. 2020),pp.14-22.