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Language Resources

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有見及此,我們去年申請了香港理工大學「教學發展及語文培訓補助金」(Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for Language Enhancement Activities, LEG16-19/SS/CBS10),開展「『專業文體的錯別字糾正』網站」計劃,旨在探討於特定場合或行業語境下之實用文類的錯別字問題,藉以協助學生準確書寫各類職場文書,以恰當、得體的書面語言與外界接觸,完成傳意任務。


Only Chinese version is available.


為了加強學生對粵語的敏感度,協助學生說出流利的粵語,提升整體的表達能力,我們申請了香港理工大學「教學發展及語文培訓補助金」(Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for Language Enhancement Activities, LEG16-19/SS/CBS9),開展「『粵語懶音測試及糾正』網站」計劃。此計劃的目的是協助學生以標準的粵語作日常的交際溝通,減少懶音,以恰當、得體的粵語與外界接觸,完成傳意任務。




Cantonese is the most commonly spoken language in Hong Kong. By learning Cantonese and understanding its daily expressions, students from around the world coming to Hong Kong can cope with everyday communication situations and integrate into society more successfully. In view of this, we have developed this customised online Cantonese learning platform, namely “A Flipped Classroom for Cantonese Learning”, to provide multi-media self-learning materials in line with our university Cantonese courses to allow students to prepare the content of each unit with learning tools such as the Internet and smartphones before they have interactive Cantonese lessons in real classrooms. It is hoped that the platform can help enhance students’ learning effectiveness. 

Only Chinese version is available.




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