Two PhD theses from CBS Shortlisted for FiCL Thesis of the Year Award 2016
CBS current Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Chen I-Hsuan and PhD graduate Dr Ding Jing have been shortlisted for the first Frontiers in Chinese Linguistics (FiCL) Thesis of the Year in Chinese Linguistics Award. The selection result was announced by Peking University Press and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Peking University Research Centre on Chinese Linguistics (RP2U2).
The selection panel decided not to award a thesis of the year award this year but five PhD theses in total have been shortlisted as finalists. The revised version of all five theses will be published in Frontiers in Chinese Linguistics (《語言學前沿叢書》). Chinese monographs are published by Peking University Press, while English monographs will be published jointly by Springer Nature internationally and by Peking University Press in China.
The finalists and their upcoming monographs are listed below (with their PhD award and their current affiliation) in alphabetical order:
1. Chen I-Hsuan (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; PhD, University of California at Berkeley)
The Diachronic Development and Synchroni Distribution of Minimizers in Mandarin Chinese [The monography is exceptionally recommended to Studies in East Asian Linguistics, book series of Springer Nature due to publication quota of our series.]
2. Ding Jing (South China University of Technology; PhD, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
A Lexical Semantic Study of Chinese Opposites
3. Liu Mingming (Hunan University; PhD, Rutgers University)
Varieties of Alternatives: Focus Particles and Wh-expressions in Mandarin
4. Yan Hanbo (Shanghai International Studies University, PhD, University of Kansas)
The Nature of Variation in Tone Sandhi Patterns of Shanghai and Wuxi Wu
5. Zhang Weiran (Communication University of China, PhD, Peking University)
Xiong Jiajuan, former Postdoctoral Fellow of CBS, will soon have her monograph Chinese Middle Constructions published in FiCL. It is the first book to apply a parametric approach to the study of Chinese middle constructions.
Thesis of the Year in Chinese Linguistics Award 2017 is now open for application. Please contact Li Lynn ( of Peking University Press or Tracy Luo ( of RP2U2 for details.
More information of Frontiers in Chinese Linguistics can be found at: