Ir Dr. H. C. Ho
Deputy Executive Secretary Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch);
CNERC Laboratory for Mechanics and Steel Materials;
Principal Research Fellow
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Ho obtained his first degree in Civil and Structural Engineering in 2000, and his doctoral degree in Structural Engineering in 2005, both at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr. Ho’s research has focused on high performance steel materials, structural fire engineering, computational fluid dynamics, and non-linear structural analysis on building structures. His specialties include steel structures, cold-formed steel structures, bamboo structures, structural engineering, and fire-resistant design.
Since 2012, Dr. Ho has developed expertise in theoretical and numerical modelling on structural behavior of building structures and tunnels under fires. Moreover, he has proposed practical remedial works on structural repairs and strengthening on fire-damaged structures which have been adopted in practice. More recently, Dr. Ho has further diversified his research interests into full deformation range constitutive models of steels and constructional metals under both monotonic and cyclic actions, fracture mechanics, and Artificial Intelligence assisted structural engineering design.
He is also engaged in various scholarly activities in professional bodies of the industry including Hong Kong Constructional Metal Structures Association, The Institute of Cold-Formed Metal Structures, and Committee of Building Structures, Chinese Confederation of Roll Forming Industry.
Dr. Ho has published many conference papers and journal papers, as well as technical reports. He has given lectures and presentations in technical seminars on various research and development topics.