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On the road to a brighter future 昂首闊步 美好明天

President’s Overview校長報告

On the road to a brighter future 昂首闊步 美好明天

In 1994, I joined The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and then served it over the next 25 years in a range of roles. Having witnessed and taken part in the development of PolyU over the decades, it was a great privilege for me to take up the presidency of the University on 1 July this year and to carry through the many critical responsibilities ahead.

Over the past 80 years, our education and research efforts have been closely linked to Hong Kong’s social and economic development. The faculties and schools of the University have been instrumental in developing the talent and technologies needed to meet the changing needs of business and industry.

我自1994年加入香港理工大學( 理大)至今已有二十五載,期間在大學不同的崗位服務,見證了理大這些年來的長足發展,並有幸參與其中。今年7月1日,我就任理大校長,深感榮幸之餘,也意識到未來將要肩負許多重任。


Professional knowledge that benefits students and our world

In my new role as president, I pledge to make every effort to fulfil PolyU’s mission and turn our vision into reality. It is our belief that the role of education is to equip the next generation with the professional knowledge and skills needed to change the world for the better and instil positive values in them.

Through the dedicated efforts of our staff members, PolyU is able to offer a world-class professionally-oriented education to tomorrow’s leaders and professionals. We also provide them with a strong sense of social responsibility, skills in critical thinking and effective communication as well as the ability to innovate.



Building on our strengths to create impact

Building on our strengths to create impact 善用優勢以創造影響力 1 Photo source: China National Space Administration

Ranked among the top 100 universities globally, PolyU is already a world leader in a significant number of disciplines. However, we should continue to develop our other strengths. To achieve this goal, we have been recruiting top talent from around the globe and continue to enhance our research capabilities. Furthermore, we should be seeking to expand our research collaborations and industry partnerships, particularly in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics.

An example of how PolyU is making an impact on topnotch research was our important contribution to China’s historic Chang’e-4 landing on the far side of the moon. PolyU’s experts supported this mission by creating the lunar topographic mapping and geomorphological analysis technique that made it possible to select a landing site for Chang’e-4. Our researchers also developed an advanced. Camera Pointing System for capturing images of this mysterious side of the moon.1



Healthcare and sustainable development

photo A - Healthcare and sustainable development 醫療保健與可持續發展
photo B - Healthcare and sustainable development 醫療保健與可持續發展
photo C - Healthcare and sustainable development 醫療保健與可持續發展 Photo source: The Standard
photo D - Healthcare and sustainable development 醫療保健與可持續發展

Beyond these achievements, the University has made healthcare one of its research priorities. Under the 2018/19 Research Impact Fund of the Research Grants Council, 10 PolyU-led projects were awarded a total of HK$65 million, or one-third of all grants in terms of both funding and number of projects. Half of the projects are related to healthcare, such as drug development, scoliosis treatment, myopia control and food safety.2

Meeting pressing societal needs is another focus of PolyU’s research. Over a period of three consecutive years, we have obtained funding under the University Grants Committee’s Theme-based Research Scheme for projects in photochemical air pollution, new non-corrosive materials for marine structures, as well as a fire prevention and urban smart firefighting system. The findings of these research projects will be of great importance for a sustainable future.3



Cutting-edge research in AI

Cutting-edge research in AI 領先的人工智能研究 4

We are not just leveraging our own expertise and resources, but also pooling them with those of other renowned universities and institutions to effect positive change. Our researchers have been forming partnerships to pursue health and AI related research projects that will position Hong Kong as a leading hub for global research collaboration. Examples of these partnerships included the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Royal College of Art in the UK to establish the first-of-its-kind AI design laboratory, and the collaboration with the University of Waterloo to set up a global centre for eye research.

Recognising the enormous potential of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), we established a number of strategic partnerships during the year. Among these was an agreement with Alibaba Cloud to conduct AI research in areas such as smart cities and smart healthcare. The University has also teamed up with top institutions such as Imperial College London to advance research in areas that include robotics technologies associated with ocean exploration.4 In addition, our Faculty of Engineering signed a Statement of Intent with the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association to establish an AI Laboratory and build one of the world’s fastest AI supercomputer platforms.

All of these exciting achievements have been made possible by the concerted efforts of our academics and researchers. I would like to thank all members of the University involved and, in particular, my predecessor Prof. Timothy W. Tong and Interim President Prof. Philip C. H. Chan for their valuable contributions over the years.

I look forward to working with all staff, students and alumni in the year ahead. With their support, I am certain that we can keep up the positive momentum of the past years and continue to make further breakthroughs.


有見第四次工業革命(工業4.0) 潛力無限,我們在年內開展了多項策略夥伴計劃,例如與阿里雲攜手進行與智慧城市和智慧醫療相關的人工智能研究。同時,大學也聯同英國倫敦帝國理工學院等頂尖學府,一同推動包括海洋勘探的機械人技術等領域的研究。4 其他的協作計劃還包括了理大工程學院與香港電子業商會簽署意向聲明,共同籌設人工智能實驗室,以及全球其中一個速度最快的人工智能超級電腦平台。



Prof. Jin-Guang Teng President
校長 滕錦光教授

Prof. Jin-Guang Teng


Senior Management

Prof. Jin-Guang Teng President 校長 滕錦光教授

Prof. Jin-Guang TengPresident


Prof. Philip C. H. Chan Deputy President and Provost 常務及學務副校長 陳正豪教授

Prof. Philip C. H. ChanDeputy President and Provost


Dr Miranda Lou Executive Vice President 行政副校長 盧麗華博士

Dr Miranda LouExecutive Vice President


Mr Andy Tong Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities) 副校長(校園發展及設施管理) 唐仕恒先生

Mr Andy TongVice President
(Campus Development and Facilities)


Ir Prof. Alexander Wai Ping-kong Vice President (Research Development) 副校長(科研發展) 衞炳江教授工程師

Ir Prof. Alexander Wai Ping-kongVice President
(Research Development)


Ir Prof. Ben Young Vice President (Student Affairs) 副校長(學生事務) 楊立偉教授工程師

Ir Prof. Ben YoungVice President
(Student Affairs)
