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香港理工大學(理大)秉承校訓「開物成務 勵學利民」的精神,矢志成為一所創新型世界級大學,在人才培育、科學研究和知識轉移方面追求卓越,為香港、國家及世界作出貢獻。理大致力培育擁有家國情懷、具備全球視野和勇於承擔社會責任的專業人才及社會領袖;同時致力於世界領先的研究及創新,以貢獻社會。理大追求卓越,努力不懈,深得國際認可,於2025年QS世界大學排名中位列全球第57位;另有五個學科躋身2024年QS世界大學學科排名全球首20位,其中「酒店與康樂管理」、「土木工程」、「市場營銷」和「藝術及設計」在本港大學中名列首位。理大將繼續提升大學社群的凝聚力,讓所有成員以大學為榮,齊心協力,再創輝煌。 


About The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) aspires to be an innovative world-class university that pursues excellence in education, research and knowledge transfer for the benefit of Hong Kong, the Nation, and the world. Driven by its motto, “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind”, the University nurtures socially responsible professionals and leaders with a strong sense of national pride and a global perspective, and pursues world-leading research and innovation for societal benefits. The University’s unwavering commitment to excellence has garnered international acclaim, with PolyU ranking 57th in the QS World University Rankings 2025. Five subjects were placed within the top 20 in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024. Among these, “Hospitality and Leisure Management”, Civil and Structural Engineering”, “Marketing”, and “Art and Design” achieved the top rank in Hong Kong. PolyU also strives to foster a University community in which all members are united with a strong sense of belonging and pride, empowering the University to scale new heights.


Updated in Jan 2025

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