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Nanotechnology changes our way of life


Nanotechnology changes our way of life


The study of nanotechnology began some 40 years ago, and has then been radically changing many aspects of our daily life. It forms a broad and inter-disciplinary area of research and development that can make available new or improved properties in products and engineering processes. By manipulating atoms and molecules, these technologies lead to the creation of a wide range of innovative products, transforming and revolutionizing sectors from textile, energy, environmental improvement to telecommunications and biomedicine.

PolyU has started research in nanotechnology since the late 1990s, with an emphasis on applications of nanotechnology in our areas of expertise including health sciences, textile materials, automotive, material sciences and product development. The focus of our researchers in finding applications that are both groundbreaking and affordable, is set to expedite the development and commercialization of nanotechnology for the betterment of mankind. Good examples are the three PolyU innovations which have recently won awards for making breakthroughs in nanotechnology:

  • Economic Production of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) on a Large Scale
    Gold Medal and Special Prize (International Eureka Contest of Brussels Innova 2009)

    While the discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has led to many useful applications including medical, electronics, materials science and consumer products, the cost of production has hindered its progress and widespread commercial application. Although the multi-walled CNTs are cheaper to produce, its lowest market price still stands at around HK$1 million per tonne. Therefore, scientists have been looking for an alternate approach to cut down the cost of producing multi-walled CNTs. By reducing the production costs by at least 30-50% below current level, it will be possible for commercial applications of CNTs to be realized at consumer level.

  • BioSensor to Safeguard Food Safety
    Gold Medal(International Eureka Contest of Brussels Innova 2009)

    Food contamination is a major issue of community health in the world. However, most inspection works are currently performed in laboratory settings with testing procedures, and its takes overnight to verify the results by skillful personnel. The portable device invented by PolyU researchers works with a disposable testing membrane which thrives on nano-biosensing technology. Users can conduct on-site screening for food samples within 30 minutes with a reasonable level of accuracy. This practical device will bring much convenience to the personnel of government regulation bodies, supermarkets, restaurants and food manufacturing industry.

  • SMAT
    First Class Prize (Natural Science Award of Liao Ning Province)

    The SMAT process brings about a change in surface microstructure through generating an in-situ nanocrystalline layer on the surface of bulk metal. While most surface-modification techniques for solid materials are based on chemical reactions, SMAT seeks to reduce the grains sizes down to nanometer scale on the top surface layer through random mechanical plastic deformation. This advanced technique is applicable to producing advanced composite materials for a wide range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, civil structures, machinery and power generation.

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Economic Production of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes

BioSensor to Safeguard Food Safety

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