Details on Human Rainbow
Who can join?
As the event aims to demonstrate
to the public the unity of the PolyU community and our caring
for the community, only PolyU staff, students, alumni and
their family members and close friends are invited to join
the event.
How to form the Human Rainbow?
It is expected that thousands of
PolyU members will participate in the event by forming the largest
human rainbow in the Hong Kong Stadium.
Sections of the Hong Kong Stadium will be
divided into seven main rows consisting of several rows each.
All participants will need to register on 6 October 2002 at
9.45 a.m. at registration counters at Hong Kong Stadium.
T-shirts and caps of seven different colours of rainbow will
be given to participants before the event starts. After registration,
participants will be guided to their seats at the Stadium
by helpers. The participants will then put on the colour T-shirts
and caps. They will dress in accordance with the colour of
the rainbow he or she represents. Human Rainbow with seven
rows of participants of seven colours (red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo, violet) will be formed at the appointed
time, following a short and simple ceremony to be officiated
at by the Guest of Honour (The Honourable Tung Chee-hwa, Chief
Executive of HKSAR and Chancellor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University). The attempt will be completed after
the formation has been maintained for at least 2 minutes.
Charitable Organisations for Donation
The event is aimed to raise funds
for PolyU and selected charitable organisations on a 50/50
basis. Charitable organisations selected are Children's Cancer Foundation 兒童癌病基金 ( and The Hong Kong Society for the Aged 香港耆康老人福利會 (簡稱耆康會) (
Established in 1991, the Children's Cancer Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for all young cancer patients and their families by caring for their physical, psychological and social well-being; to help doctors improve the survival rate of child cancer patients; and to help major public hospitals in Hong Kong upgrade equipment and services in paediatric oncology. Its Patron is Mrs Anson Chan.
The Hong Kong Society for the Aged was established in 1977. It aims to ensure better provision for the senior citizens and that their old age will be passed in dignity and reasonable comfort. Its Patron is Mr Tung Chee-hwa.
Souvenirs for Participants
T-shirts, caps and certificates will be
given to participants.
Entertaining Programmes
Two gymnastics groups from Guangzhou will stage dance performances and a popular girls group, Cookies, will stage singing performances. The Hong Kong Police Pipe Band has also been invited to perform. Famous DJs, Miss Yuen Siu-yee (阮小儀) and Mr Law Kai-sun (羅啟新), who are also our alumni, will be the Master of Ceremonies for this performance session.
Post-event Programme
Friendly Soccer Match - HK Super Stars Soccer Team vs PolyU Invitation Team
After forming the Human Rainbow, an exciting soccer match will be staged at the Hong Kong Stadium. The Hong Kong Super Stars Soccer Team will be invited to have a friendly soccer match with PolyU invitation team. Members of the two teams will be announced soon.
Awards for Participants
Two categories of awards are available,
one is for individual/group who/which raises the highest amount
of donation and the other for groups having the highest proportion
of members participating in the event. There will be altogether
27 awards. They are:
(a) Individual/group who/which raises the
highest amount of donation:
i) Alumnus - 3 awards
ii) Staff - 3 awards
iii) Student - 3 awards
iv) Department - 3 awards
v) Departmental Alumni Association - 3 awards
vi) Departmental Student Society - 3 awards
(b) Group which has the highest proportion
of members participating in the event:
i) Department - 3 awards
ii) Departmental Alumni Association - 3 awards
iii) Departmental Student Society - 3 awards
Trophies and certificates will be given
to the award winners.
PolyUPA, HKPUSU, PUSA and FHKPUAA will also
be given trophies to recognise their support.
Tentative Schedule for 6 October 2002
The tentative schedule for the Human Rainbow
on 6 October 2002 is as follows:
9.45 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. |
- Participants to register and be led to particular section at the Hong Kong Stadium
- Performances
- MC: Miss Yuen Siu-yee (阮小儀小姐), Mr Law Kai-sun (羅啟新先生)
- Dance performances by Guangzhou gymnastics groups
- Singing performances by a popular girls group, Cookies
- Performance by Pipe Band of the Hong Kong Police Force
- Opening Ceremony & Formation of the Human Rainbow
(Guest of Honour: The Honourable Tung Chee-hwa, Chief Executive of HKSAR and Chancellor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- MC: Miss Poon Fong-fong (潘芳芳小姐), Kawaii and Mr Chung Chi-kwong (鍾志光先生)
12.30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. |
- Friendly Soccer Match – HK Super Stars Soccer Team vs PolyU Invitation Team
12.00 p.m. |
- Collection of certificates at registration counters
Contingency Plan
In case of adverse weather (typhoon no.
8 or black rainstorm signal), the organiser will make the
decision to call off the event. If typhoon no. 8 signal is
hoisted or black rainstorm signal is on before start of event,
before 0600 on 6 October 2002 or during course of event, the event will be cancelled. Participants
will be informed of this contingency arrangement by e-mail
beforehand and the relevant details will be put on website.