PolyU 80th Anniversary Launch Ceremony – A Prelude to the Celebrations

Flash mob performance on PolyU campus

Classical Extravaganza Heritage Joint Concert with the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra at St Dominic’s Church

Hong Kong Generation Next Arts Music Festival concert Legends and Legacies!
The Orchestra grew rapidly in recent years under the leadership of Leung Kin-fung, First Associate Concertmaster of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He has been leading the PolyU Orchestra as Artistic Director and Conductor in 2016. The Committee has been working closely with Me Leung to bloom and grow the Orchestra through many precious performance opportunity. In July 2018, it presented its first public concert - The Power of Passion - at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre with guest piano soloist Ms Nancy Loo. The Orchestra also connected with overseas orchestras. In September 2018, the Orchestra presented a joint concert with the University of Stuttgart Academic Orchestra from Germany. Then in June 2019, the two orchestras met again for a reciprocal concert at the University of Stuttgart to conclude the Stuttgart Exchange Programme.

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