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Family Policy



  • Bai, X., Chen, M., He, R., & Xu, T. (2023). Toward an integrative framework of intergenerational coparenting within family systems: A scoping review. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 15(1), 78-117.
  • Liu, C., & Bai, X. (2023). The Influence of Parent- and Adult Child-level Factors on Intergenerational Relationship Quality: A Study of Chinese Families with Multiple Children in Hong Kong. Journal of cross-cultural gerontology, 38(1), 19–37.
  • Liu, C., Hu, J., & Bai, X. (2023). A Systematic Review of Literature on Caregiving Preparation of Adult Children. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(13), 6295.

  • Chen, J.Zhou, X., & Bai, X. (2024). Associations between parents' and grandparents' depressive symptoms, intergenerational coparenting relationships, and (grand)parenting behaviors: An actor–partner interdependence mediation model.Family Process63(3), 14091428
  • Zhuang, J., Ng, C. K., & Wu, Q. (2024). I am better because of your expectation: Examining how left-behind status moderates the mediation effect of perceived parental educational expectation on cognitive ability among Chinese rural students. Child: Care, Health and Development, 50(4), Article e13283.
  • Wang, J. (2023). Mothers’ nonstandard work schedules and children’s behavior problems: Divergent patterns by maternal education. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 84, 100784.
  • Yu, S. W.-K., Lo, I. Y.-P., & Yue, J. W.-C. (2024). Defamilisation, Familisation, Debates on Same Sex Marriage Issues in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan – An Introduction. Social Policy and Society, 1–8.
  • Yu, S. W. K., Chau, R. C. M., & Lo, I. P. Y. (2024). Developing a ‘defamilisation framework’ to examine the strategies for promoting the adult worker model and women’s welfare in eight European countries. International Social Work, 67(2), 321-333.
  • Lo, I. P. Y., Liu, E. H., Lai, D. W. L., & Yan, E. (2024). Intimate networks of care: Perceptions of intergenerational family care and experiences of ageing among Chinese midlife and older lesbians and gay men. Sociology of Health and Illness, 46(4), 762-779.
  • Yu, S., & Lo, I. P. Y. (2023). Defamilisation, Familisation, and LGBTQ+ Studies. Social Policy and Society, 1-14.
  • Lo, I. P. Y. (2023). Dialectical Family Imaginaries: Navigating Relational Selfhood and Becoming a Parent through Assisted Reproduction in China. Sociology, 57(3), 642–658.
  • Yao, H., Yang, J., & Lo, I. P. Y. (2023). Lesbian couples’ childbearing experiences using assisted reproductive technology: A netnography study. Midwifery, 121, Article 103656.

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