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Social Innovation



  • Li, Y., Fan, Y., & Nie, L. (2023). Making governance agile: Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in China’s local governance. Public Policy and Administration.
  • Tenzin, J., & Lee, C. (2024). Rethinking Dependency and Knowledge Production Amid China’s Rise. American Behavioral Scientist, 68(3), 279-289.
  • Han, L., Lee, C., & Song, Q. (2023). From Crowdfunding to Crowd Mobilization: The Impact of Digital Philanthropy on Grassroots Organizations and Local Politics in China. The China Quarterly, 1–19.
  • Song, Q., Lee, C., & Han, L. (2023). The platformization of digital philanthropy in China: State, tech companies, and philanthropy engineering. China Information, 37(1), 123-143.

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