Ir Prof. YUNG, Kai Leung, BBS
DoRCDSE, Sir Sze-yuen Chung Professor in Precision Engineering, Chair Professor of Precision Engineering and Associate Head of ISE
- +852 2766 6592
- kl.yung@polyu.edu.hk
- Precision Engineering, Product Mechatronics, Automatic Control Systems, Logistic Planning and Optimization, Deep Space Explorations, Space Instrument Design, Micro and Nano-fabrication
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science, Council for National Academic Awards
- Master of Science, University of London
- Doctor of Philosophy, Council for National Academic Awards
Professional Qualifications
- Senior Member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
- Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
- Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
- Fellow of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
- Diploma of Membership of the Imperial College in Computing and Control: Control Systems
- Chartered Engineer